Seeking Redemption

Narcissa was laying on the cold, stone floor next to the bed in her room when Bellatrix knocked on the door and then entered the room. She turned her attention from the plain ceiling to Bellatrix when the door closed behind her sister. "I see that you've survived your fight." she observed.

"Yes." Bellatrix said awkwardly as her face turned red as a cherry. She took a seat on the plain bed and motioned for Narcissa to get off the floor and join her. "Just a few scratches."

"You were always the calm and cool one." Narcissa said as she slowly sat up and then joined Bellatrix. "I never pictured you getting into a cat fight with a girl half your age. Then again, I never pictured you marrying Harry Potter either."

Bellatrix blushed even more, if that was possible. "That girl made me furious. I've committed some unspeakable atrocities in my life, and Harry has done nothing but good. When I heard her accuse him like that, I guess I just lost control."

"I'd say you did." Narcissa laughed for a moment before growing a bit more serious. "When I first found out about you and Harry, I vaguely considered the possibility that you were up to some scheme designed to undermine him, despite your claims to the contrary. You proved me wrong tonight."


"Well," Narcissa began, "you are a very skilled and fairly powerful witch. You could have probably beat the snot out of that teenager without even resorting to physical means. I didn't see a conniving witch trying to prove her loyalty to Harry Potter tonight. I saw a woman reacting with a primal instinct to an insult against her mate's honor."

This embarrassed Bellatrix to no end, though she was pleased to know that Narcissa now acknowledged that her feelings for Harry were sincere. She changed the subject, to avoid further discomfort. "I came here to see if you were okay after seeing what you did in the village."

Narcissa sighed and slumped. "No, I'm not okay. My pureblood status and former connection with the Death Eaters makes me feel about this tall." She held out her hand and gestured with her thumb and index finger. "Your husband could probably make the world a better place by putting my head on a pike or something."

"My husband does not put heads on pikes!" Bellatrix said indignantly.

"Indeed." Narcissa said, smiling at a private joke.

"He doesn't."

"I know." Narcissa grinned momentarily, before becoming slightly more somber. "I've decided that I should probably talk to him soon, however. I'll confess to him every bad thing I ever did and ask him to help me come to terms with it all and change my ways. Do you think that he would be willing to help me?"

Bellatrix smiled happily. "Of course he will."

"After that, maybe I can help you and Harry by doing something other than scrubbing your floors and walls. I have connections in the wizarding world. Not all of them are necessarily trustworthy, but they can still be useful to us."

"That sounds wonderful." Bellatrix said with a smile. "It's late, so I'll leave you in peace."

The two sisters said good night to each other and Bellatrix left Narcissa's room and made her way through the dark fortress to the master suite where she found Harry just climbing into their large bed. "Any ingenious ideas?" Bellatrix asked.

Harry smiled. "I'm not sure as to how 'ingenious' they are, but I do have some plans that should prove beneficial to me in the long run at the very least. Thanks for uh . . . sticking up for me back at that village, by the way."

Bellatrix beamed at him as she changed into some nightwear. "I love you, Harry."


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