Navigating Betrayal and Allegiance

Yesterday, in a move that shocked witches and wizards worldwide, Harry James Potter violently lashed out and led his deadly forces in the decimation of a defenseless Muggle village on the north coast of Britain. Officials from the Department of Magical Law-Enforcement estimate that 'Lord Potter' as he has been dubbed, successfully massacred at least sixty percent of the village's population. An additional thirty percent sustained minor injuries.

As of yet, the Ministry is unsure of Lord Potter's motivation. A top aide from the Minister Fudge's office stated that Potter was very likely trying to establish his presence. "This is only the beginning." the aide said.

When Ministry forces led by Kinglsey Shacklebolt and assisted by Albus Dumbledore arrived at the location of the attack, they found Lord Potter's followers gathered in the central square. "He adamantly denied his involvement," said one eye-witness, "but it was painfully obvious that he was behind the attack. Everyone could basically see the blood dripping from his hands."

"The Ministry will not let Potter get away with this!" Cornelius Fudge stated in an emergency press conference. "We've begun an investigation and found that Potter owns shares in the Daily Prophet and other key companies. Steps have been taken to freeze his assets, thus the closure of the Daily Prophet. His resources must be cut off!"

The world can only hope that the Ministry will be able to successfully wage a two sided war against You-Know-Who and Lord Potter.


Yesterday afternoon, Lord Gold- the head of Gringotts Bank, announced the closing of Gringotts. He stated that the bank will remain closed until further notice. However, arrangements were made for a small amount of every patrons account to be withdrawn and distributed.

Experts caution the public not to panic in any way. Minister Fudge in his press conference concerning 'Lord Potter' stated that he hoped that everyone could calmly adjust to the immediate decrease in the money supply. It is estimated that the economy will be able to function if everyone co-operates.

While some worry about the future of our economy, others have wondered why the goblins decided to shut down the bank. "It's a rebellion, pure and simple." stated Percival Weasley. "The Ministry suspects that Harry Potter may be responsible for the problem. As I speak, we are striving to iron out these problems.


Harry chucked his copy of the 'Ministry Chronicle' into a nearby fireplace and laughed. "Those blokes certainly have lying through their teeth down to a science. Pretty soon they'll be blaming me for indigestion."

"I don't think that it's very funny." Bellatrix scowled as she viciously speared a sausage link with her fork. "Rotten jerks."

"Maybe it's my turn to be a rotten jerk." Harry snickered.

"They already think you are."

"True." Harry said thoughtfully. "That means I won't have to try very hard then."

Bellatrix rolled her eyes with a smile. Harry's jests had managed to cheer her up. "Whatever. I'll leave you to your own amusement. There is some research I'd like to do today."

Harry stood up. "I'd better get to my study. Snape, Moody, Tonks and Neville should be arriving soon. Forcing them to wait won't be a good idea."

"Tell Neville that the doctors are hopeful." Bellatrix told Harry as he made his way from the dining room. "They haven't had a chance to work on him, but he can visit them at least."

"Will do." Harry called back to her as he exited and made his way to the study. When he arrived, he found that the group of expected visitors waiting him in his office. "Thank you for coming. I apologize for making you wait so long." Harry said, waving toward chairs that had magically appeared.

"Wotcher Harry!" Tonks said in greeting. "Nothing to apologize for, we were only here for a few seconds."

"That's good to hear." Harry said as he took his seat. "I take it that everyone swears by the 'Ministry Chronicle.'"

Snape wrinkled his nose in disgust. "I always thought that the Daily Prophet was a filthy rag. That 'Chronicle' exonerates it though."

Moody barked a laugh. "They're both filthy rags. No offense Harry, I'm sure you would have redeemed the Prophet if you had controlled it longer. Everyone believes the Chronicle though. What are you going to do now?"

"I'm going to wage war against both the Ministry and Voldemort." Harry announced. "A war of words to win the popular opinion of the population, and a war of blood to destroy Voldemort. I need you all to double your efforts to convince people that I'm not the creep I've been painted out to be. Find people who don't particularly like Fudge and work from there."

"Fudge is turning into a hero." Snape muttered.

Harry nodded. "True. Is there anyone in the Order that might be open to an approach from you guys?"

"I don't know." Moody said thoughtfully. "I'm mostly close to Dumbledore, and he isn't open."

"You could try the Weasley twins." Neville suggested mildly. "From what I've heard about the Order from you folks, they haven't been as involved as other members and they certainly haven't done any Harry-bashing."


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