The Countdown Begins

Harry grinned. "I reckon that the goblins could though. Gringotts currently holds all of British wizardom by their throats, via their purses. People will come if Gringotts has something to say to them, especially if there's a possibility that the bank will open."

"All right then." Bert nodded. "If your influence is as widespread as you claim, it shouldn't be a problem for you to convince the goblins in charge at the bank to call some sort of conference. The Chronicle won't ignore that kind of an announcement and even if it did, letters could be sent to all of Gringott's patrons."

"Next question: When do we have the goblins hold this conference?" Harry said slowly. "Would it be wise to announce that you're beginning negotiations, or to simply announce that you've 'negotiated' a bank re-opening the day before Gringotts re-opens?"

Mockridge shrugged. "Somewhere in between I think. If the event is something that they've expected, then my 'achievement' won't be as appreciated and Fudge would have time to claim that it was his idea and that he's working hard to back me up. On the other hand, if it is announced the day before, they'll get their money and not give me a second thought."

"How about announcing that an agreement has been made and that the bank will re-open about a week before it actually does?" Harry suggested. "That way, they'll still be hungry for their money, and will eagerly look forward to the day it opens and keep in mind who saved the day."

"Assuming of course that they don't go out and splurge with their last saved up funds, all the while forgetting about the current situation and then going to the bank to re-fill their purses as if nothing happened in between." Bert grinned. "That's what my wife would do anyway I would too, if I were more into shopping."

Harry nibbled on one of the biscuits thoughtfully as he considered the valid point that Mockridge had made. "That's where timing comes in. We have to wait until there's no money to splurge with. Everyone needs to be within millimeters of the end of the line."

"And where is the end of the line?"

"If we cross it, then we'll find out." Harry said, smiling at his fatalistic humor. "You're involved with the Ministry and more qualified to make judgements as to the condition of society than I am, since I'm somewhat removed from everything. I, on the other hand, am more connected with the goblins who are economic experts. We'll both need to keep our ears open."

"What about turning public opinion away from Fudge?" Mockridge asked.

Harry stood up, communicating that their conversation was nearly over. "I'll handle that. When it looks as if things are about to get to the point at which we can announce the re-opening of Gringotts, I'll start making use of some . . . information my wife acquired and her sister's connections."

"What about an actual agreement with the goblins? It would look best if some sort of document is produced with me signature on it, and the Ministry technically does need to renegotiate some points of . . . procedure with the goblins anyway."

"I'll let you know when I can arrange a favorable meeting for everyone. It would be best if I didn't spring you on the goblins without their prior knowledge." Harry stated.

Bert winced as he too stood up. "Yes, they don't appreciate surprises. What about communication between us? Will you visit me to find out what I've learned about the situation?"

"No," Harry said, shaking his head, "too many meetings could lead to discovery of our connections. We'll measure the social-economic state of society on a scale of one to ten. Ten being as it is now, zero indicating that the time is ripe to re-open the bank. When you feel that things have gotten slightly worse, owl me a piece of parchment with a nine written on it."

"That's a good idea. What happens when I send you a zero?"

A grim smile spread across Harry's face. "The final blow will be struck against Fudge. I or my followers will coordinate things with you at that point. I'll contact you before then about a meeting with the goblins."

"All right." Mockridge said, betraying his unease at the whole plan for the first time. "I'll just wait for you to contact me then and keep an eye on the situation."

"You do that." Harry said as he pulled his Black Ash wand from his cloak. "Have a nice night."

He then left Cuthbert Mockridge to his thoughts with a faint pop. In an instant, Harry was standing outside Nair'icaix's master-suite. It was quite late, therefore when he entered the room as he sheathed his wand, he saw that his wife had already gone to bed.

A peaceful smile crossed his face as he quickly changed into a pair of muggle shorts and a t-shirt. It felt nice to be able to come home to a loving wife and soon to be family. He climbed into bed as softly as he could, so as not to disturb Bellatrix, but discovered upon settling down that his efforts had been pointless.

She had waited up for him, though she lay in the bed as if asleep. Without saying anything, she turned toward him and buried her face in his shoulder as she snuggled up tightly against him with a peaceful sigh.


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