Into the Unknown

A wave of both exhilaration and disappointment shot through Hermione as she answered the last question on the History of Magic final. The final exams were now all over and within a few days, the Hogwarts students would be journeying home to their families . . . assuming that they were still alive of course.

Ironically, the test had covered goblin rebellions. As the weeks wore on and the sting of a closed bank began to be felt widely, Minister Fudge seemed unable to do anything. The attacks up north had continued and Fudge had tried to rescue his falling popularity by spouting off fierce promises to stay Lord Polairix's hand and bring him to justice, though he was unable to really do anything against Harry.

Hermione's little project of attempting to catch Harry in the act had been put on hold due to the exams and other events. Though Fudge had wasted no time in having a special Portkey sent to her, Hermione had not had the time to make good use of it.

That's why she was both exhilarated and disappointed about the end of exams. Normally she loved to take the exams and display her studied knowledge to receive the instructor's approval, but that normal feeling had been countered by her plans to visit a potential village to be attacked the night of the last exam.

The feeling was further magnified by the fact that every village attacked between the time she had drawn up her list and now had been on her list of predicted village. All she had to do was depend on a little luck. And as callous as it was to admit, the attacked villages which had been crossed of the list left a much higher chance of getting the right village sooner.


"What?" Hermione responded automatically, as she pulled herself from the reverie she had sunk into. Apparently Ron had been trying to get her attention for a few moments.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the lake for some rest and relaxation." Ron impatiently explained to her.

Hermione glanced at her watched and sighed. "I'm sorry Ron, but I'm committed to do something else tonight and there's not enough time to go to the lake. Maybe tomorrow?"

"All right." Ron sighed. "See you later then?"

"Maybe." Hermione said, avoiding her true intentions. "See you later then." Then, in order to prevent Ron from asking more questions, she sped up quickly made her way to Gryffindor Tower where she stashed the notes that she had studied while they waited for the test began.

She quickly changed her robes to clothing that would blend in better with the inhabitants of her chosen village, and promptly pulled the wooden cube that served as her special portkey from its hiding place in her trunk.

Without wasting another moment, she uttered an activation code and a short jerk later, found herself standing in a discreet alley in one of the random villages. She wasn't sure which, because it didn't matter the first time.

Responding to the rumble of her stomach, Hermione made her way out of the alley and down the street and into the first pub that she came upon. The patrons all gave her strange looks, being that she was not from around the area, but generally ignored her.

Would an attack happen here? Hermione wondered. Tonight? The very thoughts caused her to shiver. When the gruff man behind the counter asked what she wanted, she unconsciously replied. "An order of Fish and Chips, and then a Butterbeer please."

"A what?" The man retorted.

Hermione wanted to smack herself. How could she expect to deal with a possible attack if she couldn't order normal food in a Muggle pub? Apparently the exams had worn her down more than she had realized. Recovering her senses, she quickly amended her order. "Just water, please."

The man glanced at her suspiciously, but nevertheless, filled her order. A few moments later, she was at an empty table mechanically chewing on her food. She could have been eating the worst tasting food imaginable, and not have noticed.

She glanced at her watch. 6:07. The attacks usually began between six and ten. The last one had been at around nine with the one before at eight-thirty. Logic would dictate that the next would be at nine-thirty to ten. But Harry would be clever enough to realize that predictability was bad. Therefore, he would attack early. Maybe. Six had already passed.

Hermione pulled herself form her thoughts and was startled to discover that the food was all gone. Even the water had be drank, though she had not noticed. Before she could sink into her musings again, an explosion rocked the village. Apparently, she was not to be disappointed.


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