The Fall of Illusions

Draco laughed as he watched the Muggles who had only moments ago been going about their day in a peaceful fashion. Now however, now they were running and screaming as they were unsure as to who their attackers were, or what they were being bombarded by.

"Concentrate your attacks on the Muggle houses and shops." Voldemort hissed loudly to the Death Eaters who were clothed in gray instead of their normal black garb. "Count Trazkaban's forces will be counter-attacking within fifteen minutes at the most. The Ministry in twenty. We must be gone before any Aurors appear."

Draco followed Voldemort through the quaint streets as Death Eaters began to cast loud and explosive curses at houses, and sometimes people. Though Voldemort always enjoyed torturing anybody, pure-blood, half-blood, Death Eater, not Death Eater, or Muggle at any time of the day, he was now refraining as it was more necessary for him to direct the Death Eaters in their own attacks.

Though he was also a Death Eater, Draco was refraining from casting actual curses. Voldemort had ordered him not to cast any magic whatsoever. Malfoy thought that it must be because the Dark Lord suspected that Dumbledore had secretly put tracers on student wands after Potter had been arrested for some reason. Though Draco thought it unlikely, Voldemort was in charge.

However, as they rounded a corner, the opportunity to do more than watch presented itself. An evil grin appeared on the blonde haired Slytherin's face as he cast his eyes on none other than Hermione Granger. "My Lord, I do believe there is someone I should introduce you to."

Hermione pulled her wand from her clothes and made her way out into the street. Hopefully, she could get to Harry before he and his followers disappeared or before she got hurt seriously. As soon as she exited the building, she spotted the gray-cloaked men casting curses everywhere.

They all wore cloaks the same exact color as those Harry and his followers had been wearing during the confrontation after his first attack. Doubts of Harry's guilt immediately fled from her mind. Here was proof.

She summoned her resolve and began to do her best to contain the damage that was being inflicted and to prevent it by fighting the attackers. Her stunners didn't seem to be doing much good though. As soon as one went down, they were immediately revived. It was as if preventing casualties and or captures was their paramount goal rather than to destroy.

Suddenly she heard a voice that chilled her blood and bones. "Hello, Mudblood."

Hermione turned around and came face to face with a smirking Draco Malfoy and the wizard everyone feared. . . Lord Voldemort. "Draco. . . what are you doing here?" she gasped, absolutely horrified.

"Why, ruining Potter's reputation." Draco sneered.

"What do you mean?" Hermione whispered, the truth of Harry's innocence slowly beginning to dawn in her mind.

Voldemort addressed the young man, ignoring Hermione's presence for the most part. "This is the most brilliant witch of your age Draco?" Voldemort asked in disgust. He didn't even wait for a response. "We have no time for this. We shall have to deal with her later."

"L-l-later?" Hermione stuttered?

"Do you honestly think that I can allow you to tell everyone who 'really' attacked this village?" Voldemort asked, a hint of disdain in his voice.

Hermione just shook her head, unable to think clearly as scrambled thoughts swam in her mind. Harry, Azkaban, Hogwarts, the Order, the Weasleys, her parents, and Ron. She was so muddled that she didn't even raise her wand in self-defense as Voldemort hissed a Dark incantation. Her muddled thoughts were completely obliterated as blackness swallowed her whole.


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