A Trail of Clues

'The OWLs are over.' Ginny thought blissfully, as she woke up and rolled over in her four-poster. Now she faced an important decision. Get out of bed and eat, or sleep in for another hour. Her appetite won out - especially when she reminded herself that breakfast wasn't served forever.

A few minute later, she was making her way down the girls' staircase. She was met in the Common Room by Ron who began to interrogate her.

"Where's Hermione? Why isn't she out of bed yet? Is she sick?" This was all spoken by him breathlessly.

Ginny was surprised that Ron had beat Hermione out of bed, nevertheless, she wasn't worried. Yet. "I'll go up and find out." she said before turning around and dashing up the stairs to the sixth year girl dormitory.

When she arrived and entered the room, she was shocked to find that Hermione's bed had not been slept in and her normally organized school supplies and bag were laying on the floor next to the bed. "Hermione?" she called out pointlessly. There was no answer.

Since none of the other girls were still in bed, Ginny did not opt to remain. She quickly made her way down the stairs. "She's not up there and her bed doesn't look like it's been slept in. Are you sure you don't know where she is?"

"I'm sure." Ron said shortly, his voice etched with a hint of worry.

"Let's ask Lavender or Parvati then." Ginny suggested, already moving for the portrait hole. "They might have seen her last night or this morning, or at least some sign of her presence."

Ron quickly followed Ginny out the portrait hole and down the hall. "I passed them on my way back up here. They were going to breakfast."

With that, the siblings made their way through the castle to the Great Hall, wasting no time but keeping an eye peeled for Hermione at all times. Within record time, they were walking through the doors to the Gryffindor table where Hermione's dorm-mates were sitting with Neville Longbottom.

"When was the last time you saw Hermione?" Ron demanded, getting right into the faces of the girls.

They regarded him cooly, slightly offended at his brusk demand. Finally, Parvati answered. "The History of Magic test. We assumed that she was . . . elsewhere last night." she said, a faint blush blooming on her cheeks as she avoided eye contact with Ron.

Ron's mouth opened angrily, but his response was overridden by Ginny. "We haven't seen her anywhere since about the time you did. We think that she may be missing or something.

"Go to Dumbledore." Neville advised, jumping into the conversation. "I'll organize some students into search parties. We can have the castle canvassed in a half-hour."

"All right then." Ron said, slightly surprised at Neville's calm, collected, and firm instructions. So surprised in fact, that he didn't even think to question the fellow student's leadership. He and Ginny quickly made their way out of the Great Hall.

Parvati and Lavender looked at Neville with worried glances. "She's gone." Lavender said. "I can feel it in my bones. Who do you think did it?"

"I'm not sure what happened or specifically who," Neville stated grimly, "but I know who will be blamed for it."


Neville Longbottom and Cornelius Fudge arrived in Professor Dumbledore's office at the same time to find a calm, but concerned, headmaster and two dejected teenagers. Neville spoke up before the Minister had a chance to say anything. "The castle and grounds have been searched twice by separate people each time. There is no sign of Hermione anywhere."

"Excellent work, Mr. Longbottom!" Fudge said, almost gleefully. "Your parents were crack Aurors and it seems like you're well on your way. If you'll excuse us though, I need to discuss the events with your headmaster."

"I'd be glad to." Neville said, a tinge of sarcasm veiled in his voice. He turned around and left.

As soon as the door closed behind Neville, Dumbledore spoke up. "I assume that the special Portkey issued to Miss Granger had a device to track its use, Cornelius. It would probably be also safe to assume that it was used last night."

"Yes, indeed." Fudge replied, helping himself to a chair. "The Portkey was used last night and I've already had our Aurors and hit-wizards on the scene to which the Portkey took young Miss Granger. Coincidentally, it was the same location that Potter struck last night."

Ron leapt up from his own chair, all signs of his depression replaced with fervor. "Did you find her? Is she in St. Mungo's yet? What was she doing there and what is this special Portkey you're talking about?

Feeling guilty about keeping the details from Ron, Ginny interrupted and quickly explained Hermione's plan to talk to Harry by tracking down what villages he was likely to attack next. When she was finished with what she knew, Dumbledore explained about the Portkey, since he had earlier assumed that Ron had been told.

When Ron was filled in, Dumbledore looked to Fudge who had made himself comfortable with a spot of tea. "What did the Ministry find at the village?"

"Wreckage, fire damage, casualties, and everything Potter usually seems fond of doing," Fudge commented with a yawn.

"What about Hermione?" Ron asked, seething with frustration.

The Minister of Magic sat back in the chair. "Not a trace of her!" he declared, somewhat excitedly. "The Muggles on site talked about a strange girl who had come to visit the village just before the attack began. As soon as Potter's forces showed up, she ran into the street."

"Then what?" Ginny inquired, trying to press Fudge before she lost her patience at the man. He seemed to be drawing out the description for as long as he possibly could.

"Witnesses claim that they saw the leader of the attackers have a short conversation with her." Fudge informed them smugly.

Dumbledore turned his piercing blue eyes to Fudge. "And then?"

"Potter then used some sort of curse on her which immediately rendered her unconscious. Then they were gone without a trace! Knowing Potter, he'll want to gloat, which is good for us. As soon as we have her body in custody, I can get the Wizengamot to issue a warrant for his arrest on the charge of murdering a British citizen. Nobody, and I mean nobody, will dare support someone who would murder their former best friend!" Fudge declared smugly.


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