The Truth Revealed

This didn't seem to do much in the way of consoling Moody however. He seemed rather disappointed at the lack of results. Before he could reply, Mrs. Weasley cut into the conversation. "Potter obviously did it! We need to worry about Hermione now. He's tampered with her mind! She thinks he's innocent."

"He is innocent!" Hermione yelled. She looked at them all. The twins seemed sympathetic while Ginny was too deep in shock to respond to anything. Realizing that she would just get the same reactions from them all, Hermione looked to the newcomers. Mad-Eye Moody's face was expressionless as he studied Minister Fudge and Snape was merely looking at her, his eyes locked on hers.

Suddenly Hermione got an overwhelming sensation that Snape believed her. However, when she attempted to speak to him, she found that her mouth would not open. What was going on? Dumbledore began to speak and as Snape looked away, Hermione felt her ability to speak return.

"Arguing will get us nowhere." Dumbledore announced. "Would you allow me to perform some tests on your mind, Miss Granger?"

"Go ahead." Hermione responded, too mystified at Snape's actions to really care about anything else. He must have done 'something' to her. Was it possible that he used Legillimency on her?

Professor Dumbledore pulled out his wand and muttered some complicated incantations. Hermione felt an array of strange sensations in her mind as he performed the spells. Hopefully, his tests would prove that Harry was indeed innocent.

However, when he finished the last spell, the professor's face was grave. "I fear that you have been somehow deceived, Miss Granger."

Hermione's mouth dropped open and she was ready to protest, but Dumbledore held up his hand to silence her and continued explaining his findings. "The memories you now have in your brain have been planted somehow. Based on the results of the spell, I'd say that your mind was wiped at some point and then the memories of Voldemort, Draco, and Harry's innocence were later put into your head."

For some irrational reason, Hermione's eyes clouded up and she felt a tear make its way down her face. "But he's innocent, Professor! You have to believe me!"

"I wish I could, Miss Granger." Dumbledore said.

She then looked to the other members of the room for some support. She first looked to Snape who she was sure believed her, but he looked away. Next, she looked at Ron. He seemed to be torn between hatred of Harry and supporting his girlfriend in her apparent insanity. She skipped over Ginny who obviously believed Hermione too much. Hermione wasn't sure if Ginny was even listening anymore. The rest of the occupants of the room either looked away or gave glances that supported Dumbledore.

"But you have to believe me!" Hermione cried out wretchedly.

"Calm down, Miss Granger." Bones instructed in a rather neutral voice. "We don't have to solve this right now. I would appreciate it if you would give me a statement concerning how you got to the village from where you were kidnapped though." Bones said as she gave Fudge a sideways glance.

Hermione spent the next few minutes explaining how she had gotten to the village with the help of the special Portkey that Minister Fudge had provided upon hearing of her proposal to track Harry down and talk some sense into him. Her account was met with more than one raised eyebrow.

For some reason that was unfathomable to Hermione, Fudge seemed rather flustered at her account. This confused her. Why would he be flustered? It was the truth! She finished up her account rather curtly. "I hope you'll believe that at least."

"Professor Dumbledore is a witness." Madame Bones said rather emotionlessly. "This matter bears looking into. I thank you for the information that you've provided." The Ministry official turned her attention to the others present in the room. "If you'll excuse me, I have some pressing business to attend to." Bones then left the Hospital wing, followed several minutes later by Fudge.

After that, no one really said anything until Professor Dumbledore spoke up. "There's nothing to be done at this point. Since you seem to be in good health, Miss Granger, I'll arrange for you to be transported to your home tomorrow. For now, why don't you get some more rest?"

"I will, Professor." Hermione yawned, surprised that she was still tired.

With that, everyone began to file out of the room each bidding her good night until Professor Snape was the only remaining person in the room. He stopped and looked at Hermione with calculating eyes.


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