The Debate on Dark Arts

"Harry is innocent, isn't he?" Hermione asked in a voice that bordered on desperate pleading.

Snape nodded. "He is, Miss Granger."

Although Snape was the last person in the world whom Hermione would suspect of believing Harry innocent in some situation, she was vastly relieved to hear that he believed in Harry's innocence. "Is there anyone else who believes?"


"Who?" Hermione inquired eagerly, her near state of exhaustion nearly forgotten.

Unfortunately for Hermione, the Potions master was not forthcoming. "I'm not really sure that I should say, Miss Granger. Mr. Potter does not want those loyal to him to be compromised."

"But I already know about you." Hermione pointed out sulkily.

"Yes, you do," Snape whispered eerily, "and if you tell anyone else, you'll curse the day that you received your Hogwarts letter. I don't take betrayal as lightly as others might. Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Hermione said, feeling quite frightened but also realizing that Snape was in a dangerous position. Betrayal of his loyalties to an Order member, Death Eater, or both could prove disastrous for him.

Snape turned from Hermione and made his way to the door and exited, saying only one word. "Good."

The Weasleys and Professor Dumbledore adjoined to the latter's office to discuss Hermione's situation. No one spoke until they were all seated in the office and enjoying some tea and biscuits that had been graciously conjured up by Dumbledore.

"Will there be any permanent damage to her mind?" Ron inquired.

Dumbledore shook his head negatively. "No, there will not be. As of now, her mind is functioning in a normal manner. The only problem stems from that fact that someone has planted some false memories into her mind. Other than that, she's just fine, though perhaps a little distraught over being locked in a coffin for a day."

"What I want to know," Mrs. Weasley stated, "is where Potter learned how to alter memories and mess with people's mind like that. I also want to know how vulnerable we are to attacks of that nature from him."

"He must have picked up some Dark magic." Mr. Weasley mused uncomfortably.

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, whoever planted those memories did so with skill and finesse. Harry has not had time to refine his skills with something that is so new to him and so very delicate. You're forgetting his wife, Bellatrix."

"She must have done it!" Ron exclaimed.

"I forgot about her." Arthur Weasley said slowly. "I imagine that she is very skilled in that area. Perhaps Harry hasn't learned Dark magic. Fred, George? What do you think?"

Both of the twins shrugged and Fred spoke up. "I'm not entirely sure that Hermione's mind 'was' altered. Is it possible that you're mistaken, Professor?"

"No, I'm not mistaken." Dumbledore said firmly but kindly. "It is very clear that information was planted in her memory."

"Perhaps too clear." George interjected.

Mrs. Weasley rolled her eyes and sighed all at the same time, making an impressive, if not pathetic display of emotions. "Let's not get into conspiracy theories."

Fred and George were silenced, but they both shot reproachful glances at their mother who was seemingly oblivious to them. There was an uncomfortable pause in the conversation as no one wanted to interfere with a disagreement between a mother and children.

Arthur Weasley took it upon himself to move things along a bit. "All right, let us assume that Hermione was kidnapped by Harry who then arranged for her memory to be altered. What was the purpose?"

"To fool us into believing in his innocence of course." Ron blurted out angrily as he violently chewed on a biscuit.

"Well it sure worked." Fred declared sarcastically.

"He underestimated us then!" Ron retorted.

"Oh please!" George muttered.

"Show some respect for your brother!" Mrs. Weasley snarled at George and slightly to Fred.


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