The Unseen Link

Abruptly, Dumbledore stood up from his desk. "That's enough!" Everyone stared at him, except for Ginny who seemed to be oblivious to the entire conversation. Dumbledore then continued in a voice that brooked no opposition or objections. "We will assume that Harry had a purpose in what he did that may have extended beyond convincing us of his supposed innocence."

"All right." Mr. Weasley said agreeably.

Dumbledore sat down and then continued. "Miss Granger's health appears to be normal. However, it is entirely possible that there is something that has gone unnoticed. If Harry was able to alter her mind, or have it altered, he may have established a link with her that would allow him to spy on us."

Mrs. Weasley who had seemingly regained her calm spoke up. "Is there a way to reverse that, Professor?"

"It is very hard to undo magic that has to do with someone's mind if a different wizard or witch did the original magic." Dumbledore responded. "If we frustrate Harry though, he may withdraw from her mind or end whatever curse or spell that Hermione may be subject to. Therefore, I am sending Miss Granger home tomorrow where she'll remain until school resumes. We must keep her out of Order business and away from the wizarding world as long as we can."

"How do we explain to her why we're keeping her at arm's length?" Mr. Weasley asked.

"We'll just tell her that she may still be suffering from side-effects of her kidnapping." Dumbledore answered.

Fred and George simultaneous snorted. "She'll buy that all right."

It was extremely late when the Weasleys returned to Grimmauld Place via special Portkey. They all promptly scattered to their various places in the household. Mrs. Weasley to the kitchen to get a late snack, Mr. Weasley upstairs, and the twins to their lab.

Their departure left Ginny standing in the entrance hall on the point of collapse. After realizing that she was alone and free from involvement with others, she decided to go up to her room. At this thought, a wave of nausea passed over her. It wasn't her room. It wasn't her house. It was Harry's house. They had betrayed him and taken it from him.

As Ginny trudged up the stairs, she contemplated as to whether or not her family members would have similar reactions when they realized that Harry was indeed innocent. This led to thoughts about whether or not they'd ever be convinced which eventually led to Ginny reexamining her own acknowledgment of his innocence.

After all, Dumbledore had explained away Hermione's declaration of Harry's innocence. That wasn't good enough for Ginny though. The instant that Hermione had said that Harry was innocent, Ginny had felt the truth of it in her gut. It was a truth and by some virtue of either her inborn magic or connection to Harry from the Chamber of Secrets, she could not deny it.

All too soon, the open door to her room appeared and Ginny went in and shut the door behind her. Mechanically, she traded her clothes for a nightdress and then stationed herself in front of a mirror to stare at herself in it. What to do now?

Early the next morning, Hermione was roused from her slumber in the Hospital wing and prepared for her late return to her parent's house. Professor McGonagall wasted no time in getting Hermione dressed and cleaned up.

Hermione who was now completely recovered and no longer suffering from lack of sleep had settled into a rut of guilt concerning Harry. As McGonagall handed her a Portkey, instructed her on its use and then reminded Hermione that the ban on underage magic had been lifted for those entering their seventh year in September, a familiar quote ran through Hermione's mind. 'If you want to change the world, start with yourself.'

"Thank you, Professor." Hermione said mechanically. If she expected everyone to realize that Harry was innocent and reconcile themselves with him, she would have to do so first. She had the innocence part pegged, now for reconciliation.

With a nod for McGonagall, she activated the Portkey and found herself standing on her front doorstep. Wards had been erected at some prior point in time that prevented magical transportation in her house. Since the door was locked, she had to knock.

The door was thrown open and Hermione found herself in the warm embrace of her mom and then her dad. "We were so scared when you weren't on the train, honey!" Her mom said quickly. "We got a letter from your professor stating that you had been delayed and would be home shortly though. Welcome home!"


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