Breaking Barriers

"It's good to be home." Hermione said, doing her best to put on a good face for her parents.

"We tried to get the day off," Mr. Granger said, "but we have too many appointments to cancel today and we weren't sure if you would be here yet. Can you look after yourself for the day?"

"Of course." Hermione said quietly, inwardly relieved that she would not have to deal with her parents as she thought about her issue concerning Harry.

Her parents who were already prepared to leave for the day bid her a quick good-bye and soon left her alone in the house. Hermione aimlessly wandered around the house. When she passed through her bedroom, she found that her trunk had been sent ahead. In the kitchen she found some leftover breakfast. It tasted like ashes.

Eventually, she settled down on a chair in the room that contained her family's collection of literature. The books surrounding her normally gave her comfort, but no longer. Thoughts of Harry immediately arose and Hermione found herself considering ways in which she could possibly reconcile herself with Harry.

She had turned her back on him and he was undoubtedly hurt and betrayed. Any ties of friendship that she had shared with him were now severed. Hermione was suddenly overwhelmed with desperation to bring back that friendship. How could she do it though? How could she win back what she had carelessly thrown away?

Something dug into Hermione's thigh and she shifted uncomfortably. Finding that it was no good, Hermione squirmed a bit and dug the uncomfortable object from her pocket. It was the Portkey that Fudge had given her. As Hermione stared at it, an idea formed in her head. She could go to Harry.

Adrenaline coursed through Hermione's veins as she leapt up. She would go to Harry and do whatever it took to win back their friendship. Not wasting a single second, Hermione found her wand, which she could use legally, and a book that she had bought that addressed magical transportation.

She already had a Ministry Portkey, the only thing that she would have to do would be to alter the destination of the Portkey a little. The next hour or so was spent by Hermione reading and rereading through the chapter of the book that dealt with setting a Portkey's destination.

There did not appear to be any standard way to alter a destination, but Hermione was fairly sure that she could pull it off, considering the fact that the Portkey was programmed to go to multiple destinations at the user's will. Adding another destination would probably not be much of a problem.

Once she felt ready to perform the necessary magic and had decided what she was going to do with the Portkey, Hermione placed it on her kitchen table and then proceeded to make the alterations that she hoped would lead her to where Harry was.

The Order believed him to be residing on an island somewhat north of Azkaban. If she set the Portkey for land only, and then if she got the general area correct, she would land on Harry's island or whatever he was living in or on.

Within a very short few minutes, the Portkey was complete. Even for Hermione's known skill and ability to learn magic quickly that was remarkable. Too remarkable. Unfortunately, there was only one way to test its reliability and that was to simply use it.

Hermione awkwardly pocketed her wand and then left a note for her parents explaining that she had decided to go on a rather important outing and that she would most likely be back soon. She left the note where it would be immediately found when her parents returned home and returned to the table on which the altered Portkey lay.

Apprehensively, Hermione stepped closer to the table and reached out her hand toward the Portkey. Thinking about going to Harry and begging for forgiveness was one thing; actually doing it was another. How would he react?

Realizing that she was asking questions that could not be answered, Hermione sighed and grabbed up the Portkey quickly. It activated immediately and Hermione felt a very familiar jerk around her navel as it carried her away.

A moment later when Hermione expected to feel the jerky landing that Portkeys provided, she instead felt what resembled a magical collision with something. Wards! To say the least, Hermione was shocked. How was it that Harry had protected his location with wards powerful enough to repel Portkeys? Not even Hogwarts could really do that!

The next thought that came through Hermione's mind was concerning the reaction of Anti-Portkey wards to an invader. What did they do? No one knew since no one was powerful enough to try it out.

Her question was answered when a heartbeat after the crash, she felt herself bouncing backwards, if you could call it that. There was no real sense of direction while in limbo between one Portkey destination and another.


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