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Count Hiscophney didn't need to see the swarm of vampires and werewolves and other kinds of dark creatures sweeping past on his right side to know that they were in trouble. Ever since the wards had failed and given the Dementors free reign, many of the witches and wizards from the Ministry's Auror department had panicked; the few that remained were mostly veterans of the Order, or of the first war with Voldemort, like Mad-Eye Moody. The crazy old auror was one of the few that remained with Hiscophney's section, and right now he was one of the few holding up a Patronus charm to keep away the Dementors. Hiscophney's men could do it, as well, but not many sorcerers that studied black magic could create something as pure as a Patronus, leaving him almost entirely dependent on wizards.
As it was, the only thing that was allowing them to hold their position right now was the constant barrage of artillery that came from their left side, from the northern flank's heavy gun emplacements that were still intact. The Ice people's heavy weapons, with their mixed ammunition of high explosives, incendiary rounds, and silver bullets were proving highly effective in halting the assault, but they were nearly useless at close range. Thanks to the ground they had lost before the Patronii went up, they had been forced to fall back almost to the center emplacement; with the guns in the center and on the south flank silent, the northern cannons were the only thing that stood between them and being overrun and pushed all the way back to the inner defenses.
Hiscophney was glad that whoever was in charge over at the northern section knew that, and had put every effort into maintaining a perimeter around the cannons and their operators to allow them to continue shooting. However, neither section had enough troops to make up for lost ground, which left their formation cockeyed and the southern flank completely cut off. The Count was very surprised when, right after he hurled a spray of acid at a werewolf, he heard the heavy report of the Ice people's anti-personnel cannon start up on the south side.
Glancing over, he could vaguely make out one of his sorcerers and a troop of ice soldiers trying to make their way over to them, only to be halted by the stream of dark creatures that separated the two groups. Taking a quick look around, Hiscophney realized that sooner or later, they would have to fall back, anyway, because with their front line split, the enemy had a clear path to come around and hit their backs. He made his choice.
"Fall back!" he shouted over the din of combat, casting a quick spell and throwing a specific set of colored sparks into the air. Around him, his troops immediately replied as the ones in the back took several steps backwards, found themselves new cover, and opened fire to cover the retreat of the front line. This stretched the connection between the center section and the northern flank even more. Knowing that they had to keep those guns firing, Hiscophney found his second-in-command.
"Get those weapons the Ice people have set up, and move them all the way back to the inner sanctum!" he ordered. "I want them aimed right at the doors! Be ready to shoot anything that's not a friendly after we fall back!"
"Understood! What about the north flank?"
Hiscophney glanced over. "I'll take care of it. Make sure you send a company to try and reconnect with Rotan's side, we can't afford to let them outflank us!"
"Yes, sir!"
The Count spared a few seconds to watch as the other sorcerer took off, before returning his attention to the raging battle. "You!" he pointed at an ice soldier. "Grab your battalion, and follow me!"
Without waiting for a reply, the Count turned around and started heading north, his own squadron of sorcerers around him. The ice soldier took a moment to collect his people and followed. He couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, despite the five hundred sorcerers and fellow soldiers, at the sight of the looming opposition between them and the northern side. Hiscophney and his sorcerers didn't seem to notice as they blasted their way through with ruthless efficiency.
The sorcerers, with Hiscophney at the head, carved a bloody path through the enemy formation, leaving very little for the battalion of ice soldiers trailing behind to deal with.
"Well, well, well… if it isn't the sorcerer who took Lucius's head." The cruel voice was accompanied by a scream of pain as a bludgeoning hex killed one of the ice soldiers.
Hiscophney arched an eyebrow as he eyed the two men standing in front of him coolly. "Lestrange, I suppose. Though which of you is which keeps eluding me."
Rabastan laughed, amused by the sorcerer's mocking. "Rabastan Lestrange, at your service. You killed my brother."
"If by keeping them you mean slitting their throats after you're done with them," Draco Malfoy muttered from next to him. Then, louder, the blonde snarled at the Count. "You killed my father, you bastard!"
"It appears we are at an impasse," Hiscophney commented as he took note of the scores of creatures and Death Eaters surrounding the Lestrange brothers. "I've been looking forward to meeting you, and sending you to meet Malfoy." He smirked at Draco. "Both of you."
Rudolphus sneered in return. "After we're done with England, your island is next, sorcerer. The Dark Lord will never stop."
"That's what I expected. Therefore… Ignis Abyssus !"
The hellfire spell roared from the Count's outstretched hands towards the two Death Eaters, who both dove out of the way. The giant who stood behind them wasn't so fortunate, and toppled over, screaming in agony as his flesh was scorched and his bones reduced to ash in an instant. Rabastan managed to rise to his feet gracefully, throwing up a shield spell in the process. Draco wasn't quite able to match his performance, and rolled around on the ground, trying to put out his burning cloak.
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