A Wolf's Fury

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Sparks flew off the blade of the sword as Rotan twisted it around to shield himself from Fenrir Greyback's claws then brought it around in a swing that would have split the werewolf's torso open. The werewolf was faster than that and ducked, springing forward in a headbutt that caught the aging general in the chest. Rotan flew back, skidding a few feet across the ground, mostly unscathed thanks to his enchanted armor. Greyback stood still for a moment, before rising onto two feet and walking over almost casually.

Rotan leaned on his sword as he stood back up, then brought it up in a vicious slash that caught the werewolf in the hip. Greyback's reflexes saved him from taking any more damage as he spun to the side to avoid the sword. The werewolf growled angrily and leapt up into the air, coming down hard on the general. Rotan raised his blade, only to find it batted aside by sharp claws, and barely managed to wedge his sword in between himself and Greyback's heavy body as the werewolf landed on top of them, bringing both of them crashing to the ground.

Greyback snapped at his neck angrily, held at bay only by the sword Rotan was struggling to hold in between them. The old general heaved, trying to toss Greyback off his chest, but the wolf was too heavy. The strain of trying to hold off the werewolf's weight with his arms slowly forced the sword down, bringing Greyback's fangs ever closer to his neck. Rotan couldn't spare a hand to reach for the dagger in his belt, nor could he use his legs, pinned under Greyback's as they were. Blood began seeping out from his fist where he was clutching the blade of his sword, mixing with the blood that was dripping down from Greyback's mouth.

" Telum Argentis !" the conjured silver arrow slammed into Greyback's side, causing him to roll over and howl in pain as the silver burned its way through his fur and skin. Rotan used the diversion to pull his arms - now freed from the burden of his opponent's weight - back and punch the werewolf in the snout with his armored gauntlet.

Greyback howled in frustration and dove to the side to avoid the barrage of spells that followed, allowing Rotan to regain his footing. The general gave a quick nod to Remus Lupin as the former teacher reached him from where he'd fired at Greyback. The werewolf was getting back to his feet, as well, his left side smoking and burnt. Lupin shuddered at the look of intense hatred in Greyback's eyes - he had seen such a look before, but never combined with such a thirst for blood as in Fenrir Greyback. At that point, Remus realized that no matter how much he tried to rally the werewolf community to oppose Voldemort, Greyback was far beyond any redemption. He would shed blood and continue shedding blood until he was either killed, or everyone on the planet was dead. Fenrir Greyback wasn't really allied with Voldemort, he just ran along a parallel track, killing the people in the dark lord's way first. But once the war was over and Voldemort had won, the werewolf would turn against him, as well.

"You take him on the left," Rotan muttered quietly. Remus nodded and the two spread out, slowly circling around Greyback until the werewolf had trouble tracking both of them at the same time.

Greyback made his move, knowing that once he could no longer see both of his opponents at the same time, he would be vulnerable. Lowering himself down to all fours, he took advantage of the leg strength of his werewolf form and rushed towards Lupin, knowing that the wizard, with his ability to conjure up silver arrows and fire spells, was by far the more dangerous opponent. Remus saw the charge, but the sheer speed of it caught him off-guard, forcing him to dive to the side to avoid being eviscerated by Greyback's claws. The werewolf skidded to a halt and turned around, lining up for another dash at the wizard, only to find himself caught in an explosion of smoke and debris. Ignoring the visual hindrance and relying on his sense of smell to guide him, Greyback charged again.

Remus allowed himself an almost Snape-like smirk as he heard Greyback dashing forward through the smoke. He'd cast an explosive hex into the ground as he dove to the side, knowing that it would visually impair him, but he had wanted Greyback to think he was desperate. He knew that the werewolf didn't have to rely on sight to find him, and stood perfectly still, waiting for Greyback to emerge from the smoke. When he did, Remus hauled back and tossed the dagger he held in his left hand, before conjuring up a barrier in front of him.

Greyback howled as the dagger struck and he ran right into an invisible, solid wall, more from the shock of running into a barrier than the pain. Soon, though, he began curling in on himself as the Wolfsbane poison the dagger had been coated with took effect, setting his blood on fire as the poison fought with his werewolf blood for dominance. The long snout shortened and the fur all over his body slowly receeded, and Greyback continued screaming in agony. Lupin and Rotan carefully approached him as he lay on the ground. Rotan began reaching for his silver-coated dagger.

"Wait." Remus glanced down at the twisting, shivering man on the ground. "We need to know what Voldemort's plan is."

"What do you mean?" Rotan had the dagger at the ready, and was kneeling next to Greyback, ready to slit his throat.

"No one's seen Voldemort on the battlefield. It's as if he's not even here. Every time he's fought in an open battle, he was all the way up front, tearing through our troops, but not this time. He's nowhere around. It's like he's somewhere else."

Rotan looked at the other man, a grim set to his jaw. "You think he's gone to Azkaban."

"I don't know for sure, but we should find out." Remus knelt down and reached out to secure Greyback's arms. "Greyback, listen to me. Greyback!"

"G-g-go t-to h-h-hell, Lupin!" the werewolf hissed. "W-what have y-y-you d-done to me?"

"It's a derivative of the Wolfsbane potion, Greyback. It's fighting with your werewolf blood to try and reverse the transformation." Remus left unsaid that because it was a combat poison, Snape had deliberately added to the mixture in order to cause pain and slow down the transformation to incapacitate its target.

"S-s-snape, that f-filthy l-little… w-when I get m-m-my hands on h-him…"

"Greyback, listen to me," Lupin began, only to be cut off as the downed werewolf reached out with a shaky hand and wrapped it around Lupin's neck.

"N-no listening, n-n-no s-surrender."