Chapter 264:Clones [4]

In unison, Principal Seraphina once again took out her wand before pointing it at the griffin.


Almost immediately, the griffin seemed to wake up as its gigantic eyes flicked open.

Not knowing... or perhaps not caring about the three humans on it, the griffin stood up without any sudden movements.

Then, like a dog drenched in the water, the griffin began furiously shaking itself without any sign of stopping.

As the griffin shook left and right, the blonde student at the tail of the griffin desperately clung to its fur.

However, the tail, being the smallest part of the griffin, easily threw the blonde-haired and yellow-eyed student off.

Fortunately, the student managed to snatch and cling to the fur at the bottom of the griffin's tail at the last second.

With his legs dangling, the student desperately grasped the fur of the griffin.

On the other hand, the black-haired ponytail student... was quite comfortable.