Chapter 265:Clones [5]

Smirking, Kevin ran past the clone and followed Liam while the other girls simply ignored it.

Except Ruby, who was at the very back of the group.

Stopping for a second, Ruby helped the clone up before staring at it for a couple of seconds.

"You haven't made a replica of me ever... have you?"


Almost immediately, the clone of Liam began furiously shaking its head, oddly resembling the griffin from earlier.

Chuckling at the clone's antics, Ruby gave it one last wave before pointing to its smartphone.

"Contact me if you need anything! But there will be a price...paid in snowballs!"

Then, Ruby turned around and dashed towards Irene, who hadn't noticed her absence yet.

As Ruby's figure disappeared and moved closer to the courtyard, the clone simply stared at its hands for a second, seemingly pondering something.