
"Chen Qianqian, tell me, who is it? Is it Wang Hao? Is it?"

Su Mu's eyes were red, veins bulging on his forehead, glaring at his girlfriend in front of him, roaring in anger.

His fists were clenched tightly, trembling with fury.

Facing him was a girl in a sky-blue long dress, with a beautiful face, appearing extremely pure.

Faced with Su Mu's questioning, her complexion turned ugly, her eyes avoiding his gaze unnaturally, glancing away.

"Say it!"

Another roar erupted, attracting a large crowd of onlookers near the girls' dormitory building.

With Su Mu's pressing questions, Chen Qianqian finally couldn't bear it.

Her eyes widened, staring at Su Mu angrily.

"Yes, what about it? I admit I cheated. I just like Wang Hao, okay?"


As if thunder had struck in his mind, Su Mu's body shook, taking a few steps back unconsciously, looking at Chen Qianqian in disbelief.

Although he had suspected it for a while, when Chen Qianqian admitted it herself, Su Mu still found it hard to believe.

He couldn't believe that his girlfriend of three years would cheat on him with another man.

Chen Qianqian was his girlfriend, from freshman year to senior year, they had been through three years of a long relationship.

During these three years, Su Mu had devoted himself wholeheartedly, treating Chen Qianqian like a princess .

He would bring breakfast to the girls' dormitory building every morning and work part-time on weekends.

He even stayed up late at night to do temporary moving jobs for her, buying her clothes, shoes, bags, and jewelry just to make her happy.

Su Mu never felt that doing these things was a burden, nor was he influenced by the negative sentiments online.

He believed that loving someone meant giving your all for them.

And he firmly believed that Chen Qianqian was the right person for him; they had even discussed getting married after graduation.

He envisioned a beautiful, romantic life together after graduation, with three meals a day and four seasons of happiness.

Their relationship had always been good, with vows of eternal love and a promise of a lifetime together.

But now, how could Chen Qianqian become like this?

Su Mu couldn't understand it.

When he returned from summer vacation, Su Mu noticed that something was wrong with Chen Qianqian, but he never imagined it would come to this.

"Why? We agreed to get married after graduation, and everything was fine before summer vacation. Why did this happen?"

Su Mu asked with difficulty, his eyes fixed on Chen Qianqian, seeking an answer.

"Why? Oh please, Su Mu, can't you see reality? We're seniors now, do you know that?"

"Do you think we have a future together? Do you think I have a future with you? With your family background, no power, no influence? With your lack of money and talent? With your major in computer science, after graduation, working as a programmer, barely making fifteen thousand a month, can you afford a house and a car? Do you want me to follow you in the future, struggle to pay off the mortgage and car loan, and end up becoming an old woman before my time?"

"You, except for being handsome, have no merits. I admit I used to like handsome guys, but can looks feed me?"

"Only Wang Hao can give me happiness. With his family assets worth over a hundred million, I'll live a comfortable life once I marry him. If you really love me and care about me, please agree to break up and don't bother me anymore."

Chen Qianqian seemed to have completely let go, her arms crossed, her face indifferent, looking at Su Mu with disdain in her eyes.


Su Mu's face turned pale, his heart aching, looking at Chen Qianqian in front of him, suddenly feeling like she was a stranger.

The innocent and lively girl in his memory, the girl who always said she was willing to endure hardships with him, had become so practical and indifferent that Su Mu felt like he didn't know her anymore.

House, car, money, huh, so the three years of love ultimately couldn't compare to these worldly possessions.

So were the vows and the happiness of the past all lies?

Will love ultimately be defeated by money?

Su Mu clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and gritted his teeth, "Fine... I promise you, we'll break up."

With words spoken to this extent, not breaking up would be useless, and Su Mu didn't want to entangle further, so he turned around and left, feeling lost and bewildered.

"Poor Su Mu, Chen Qianqian's words were too harsh, really practical. They've been in a relationship for three years, you know?"

"Although the words were harsh, they're also the truth. Nowadays, you can't get married without a car and a house. If your family doesn't have money, how many people in their early twenties can afford to get married? Besides,Chen Qianqian is the most beautiful girl in the Literature Department. She should marry someone wealthy."

"Tsk, in plain terms, it's about disliking the poor and loving the rich. According to you, poor people don't need to get married anymore."

"Poor people are just living together, it's the rich who have love. Wang Hao's family assets are worth over a hundred million, he's also the vice president of the Student Union, and he can drive a Ferrari with one hand. What does Su Mu have to compare with?"

"Sigh, I no longer believe in love!"

The crowd discussed fervently, shaking their heads and sighing as they watched Su Mu's figure, feeling that even college students no longer believed in love these days.

Hearing these words, Chen Qianqian's expression turned ugly, looking at Su Mu's back, feeling complicated inside.

In fact, she wasn't like this originally, but people change.

During the summer vacation, Wang Hao organized a party on a luxurious cruise ship for seven days and nights, reveling in extravagance and revelry.

Many beautiful girls from various schools were invited, and naturally, Chen Qianqian, as the department's most beautiful girl in the Literature Department, was among them.

It was during this trip at sea that she experienced the world of the wealthy and felt the happiness of the rich.

From then on, she was deeply immersed and unable to extricate herself.

Going from frugal to extravagant is easy, but going from extravagant to frugal is difficult.

After experiencing the luxurious life, how could she bear the simplicity of ordinary life?

After returning from the trip, the stark contrast between the luxurious life and the mundane life made it impossible for her to adapt, stimulating Chen Qianqian deeply.

So, she changed, beginning to despise Su Mu, despise the boyfriend she had been with for three years.

After a month of school, they had already had several arguments, each time Chen Qianqian picking faults for no reason, belittling and insulting Su Mu in various ways.

In fact, Su Mu's conditions were not bad.

He was handsome, hardworking, and had a promising future.

But compared to wealthy young men like Wang Hao, who could inherit assets worth over a hundred million upon graduation and come from families with mines, the gap was more than a little bit.

In addition, under Wang Hao's relentless pursuit and intense financial assault, Chen Qianqian couldn't resist and quickly succumbed.

However, she had always been mindful of their three years of relationship, so Chen Qianqian felt conflicted inside and didn't know how to handle it.

Just today, Su Mu came to her, giving her an opportunity.

At this moment, watching Su Mu leave, Chen Qianqian felt no regret in her heart.

Instead, she felt a sense of relief.

Ding dong, her phone rang, Chen Qianqian looked down and saw a message from Wang Hao.

Her lips curled up, a bright smile blooming on her face.

As she typed a reply, she glanced at Su Mu's back.

"Su Mu, don't blame me. I, Chen Qianqian, am naturally a woman who seeks shortcuts. I've accompanied you for three years, you should be content."

With a cold tone in her heart, Chen Qianqian turned and went upstairs without looking back.