The crush system

The two turned away from each other.

Chen Qianqian busied herself trying to please Wang Hao, while Su Mu, walking away, suddenly heard a cold mechanical sound in his mind.

[Ding! Crush System detected a suitable host, system binding in progress... Binding successful.]

[This system is dedicated to developing the host into an all-around male god, transforming the host in various aspects. Upon the initial activation of the system, the host receives a novice reward, all attributes +10.]

[Ding! Main mission initiated: Goddess Seduction. Each time the host successfully seduces a female character judged by the system as a goddess, raising her favorability to above ninety points, the host will receive system rewards. Reaching one hundred points will grant the ultimate reward.]

[Ultimate mission: Become the dream of billions girls! The host must utilize their talent, wealth, personality charm, skills, and all other means to establish a male god image and increase female favorability. The more female characters who develop feelings for the host, the higher the favorability. Upon reaching certain thresholds, such as ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or even a million women, and achieving certain favorability levels, such as fifty or sixty points, the host will receive system rewards.]

[Attribute point fusion initiated, body strengthening and transformation in progress...]


A series of system prompt tones exploded in his mind, and a massive surge of bioelectricity suddenly appeared, spreading across Su Mu's entire body, beginning to enhance and transform him.

The simultaneous strengthening of his mind and body was overwhelming, and Su Mu, unable to bear it for a moment, rolled his eyes and immediately fainted.

The system transformation came too suddenly for Su Mu to react.

By the time he woke up, it was already several hours later.

Feeling a bit dizzy, he lay on the bed and looked around.

He realized he was in the school infirmary, likely brought here by classmates after he fainted.

Rubbing his head, Su Mu immediately sensed the changes in himself.

First was his body; he felt much stronger.

Clenching his fists, he could feel the explosive strength coursing through his body, as if he could punch a cow to death.

Lifting his shirt, Su Mu widened his eyes, "What's going on?"

He looked at his abdomen in disbelief.

His original abs had turned into eight-pack muscles, clear and powerful.

Thinking about the voice he heard before fainting, Su Mu couldn't believe it.

A system? Could it be real?

He tried calling out in his mind, and sure enough, the next moment, an illusionary screen appeared before him.

[Host: Su Mu]

[Strength: 19] (Average for an adult is 10 points)

[Constitution: 19]

[Spirit: 17]

[Agility: 18]

[Skills: Driving (Basic), Computer (Intermediate), Basketball (Basic), Drawing (Basic), Cooking (Intermediate).]

[Main Mission: Goddess Seduction, Become the Dream of billions Girls.]

"Holy crap, there really is a system!"

Su Mu was stunned.

He never thought something so magical would happen to him.

After a few seconds of shock, excitement followed.

The rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutations.

Now that he had obtained the legendary system, wouldn't he soar to new heights in the future?

With his current physical condition, he could break world records and win gold medals as an athlete.

And this was just the beginning, according to the system, completing system tasks would bring even more benefits.

With comprehensive improvements in all areas, Su Mu would completely counterattack and become an all-around man.

Chen Qianqian, that woman, abandoned him for Wang Hao, but little did she know he would soon gain such a great opportunity.

With the system, his achievements in the future would definitely surpass those of Wang Hao, a mere rich second-generation.

Isn't this like picking sesame seeds while losing watermelons?

If Chen Qianqian knew, she would probably regret it deeply.

"Wang Hao, Chen Qianqian, just wait, I will make you regret it soon."

Su Mu clenched his fist, determined.

Wang Hao is the vice president of the student union, with assets exceeding 100 million dollars at home, and he also has a group of lackeys by his side.

In the past, Su Mu naturally wouldn't stand a chance against someone like him.

But now it's different. He has awakened the system.

As long as he uses the system well, Su Mu believes that one day, he will be able to crush Wang Hao to the ground.

By then, Chen Qianqian will also regret her choice.

Creak! As Su Mu was thinking about these things, the door of the sickroom suddenly opened.

Looking up, a stunning figure came into view.

The newcomer had a cold and ethereal appearance, with a unique temperament.

She wore a simple sportswear outfit, a white T-shirt, and athletic shorts, perfectly showcasing her excellent figure.

She was tall and slender, standing at 1.75 meters, with a pair of long legs that were extremely eye-catching, tied up in a ponytail.

Due to the hot weather, tiny beads of sweat appeared on her stunning face, with strands of hair sticking to her face, giving her a unique allure that was breathtakingly beautiful.

Chen Qianqian, as a campus beauty, was already considered very attractive, but compared to the woman in front of him, she paled in comparison.

Any man seeing such a beauty would surely be amazed.

But Su Mu, upon seeing this beauty, inwardly exclaimed, "Oh no, why did sister come?"

Su Mu's heart was in a panic.

This woman's name was Wang Ruonan, his sister who grew up with him since childhood.

Their families were neighbors separated by a wall, and their relationship was closer than that of relatives.

Wang Ruonan belonged to the athletic type of beauty, with a stunning figure and exceptionally long legs, not to mention her outstanding facial features.

They were three years apart in age, but Su Mu never had any thoughts of being with her.

There was no other reason than his sister being too fierce.

For nearly the first decade and a half of Su Mu's life before he went to college, he was almost entirely overshadowed by Wang Ruonan.

Wang Ruonan deeply believed in the idea of "strike early when hitting younger siblings," and when she started, she was really ruthless.

When they were young, the scariest thing for Su Mu to hear was, "Su Mu, watch out!"

As soon as that phrase was uttered, Wang Ruonan would mount him and start punching, leaving Su Mu disoriented.

It was real beating!

That year, Su Mu had his hands in his pockets and was beaten without knowing how to fight back.

It dealt a massive blow to Su Mu's young heart.

Even as he grew older, he couldn't win because Wang Ruonan had been practicing martial arts since she was young, and her skills were extremely formidable.

Both of their parents were military personnel, and after high school, she even joined the army.

So even now, whenever Su Mu saw Wang Ruonan, he felt like a mouse seeing a cat.

He wouldn't approach her unless it was necessary.

Of course, that being said, Wang Ruonan was really good to Su Mu.

From childhood to adulthood, there were almost no secrets between them, and they even knew each other's bank card passwords.

After Wang Ruonan retired from the military, she found a job as a private bodyguard, serving as a bodyguard for a wealthy woman in Jiang city, reportedly earning an annual salary of over a million dollars .

She was usually very busy, so her sudden appearance here was undoubtedly due to Su Mu's roommates betraying him and informing Wang Ruonan about his fainting incident.

"Su Mu, you're awake. How do you feel? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Wang Ruonan immediately walked over to Su Mu, who had sat up, and asked with concern.

As Su Mu guessed, she had indeed received a call from Su Mu's roommates and rushed over in a hurry after learning about Su Mu's fainting spell.

"It's okay, I just got a little heatstroke," Su Mu casually made up an excuse and forced out a smile in return.

At the same time, he unconsciously moved back a little, extremely vigilant in his heart, always on guard against Wang Ruonan's moves.

Sure enough, the next moment, a slender jade hand reached out and accurately pinched Su Mu's ear.

"It's okay, right? Alright, let's talk about today's matter. What's the deal with Chen Qianqian?"

Wang Ruonan looked Su Mu up and down, making sure he was okay, then immediately raised her eyebrows and started questioning him.

"Ouch, sis, my bad, my bad, go easy, it hurts, my ear is going to break, let go, let go!"

Su Mu hurriedly exclaimed, reflexively starting to apologize.

This was a habit he had developed since childhood.

"You know what pain feels like, it's just a little twist. You fainted from anger over such a small matter? Is that all the backbone my brother Su Mu has? What kind of girl can't you find with me, Wang Ruonan, as your sister? Are you kidding me?!"

Wang Ruonan continued to hold onto Su Mu's ear without any relaxation, getting angrier as she spoke, and her other hand landed a few slaps on Su Mu's head.

Su Mu: ...

Did I faint from anger? I clearly fainted from the system enhancing my body.

Is this fair or not?

I'm in my twenties, and she's still beating me like when I was a kid.

This annoying woman, I curse you to never get married.

Su Mu gritted his teeth in his heart, but unfortunately, he couldn't explain this matter.

Under Wang Ruonan's pressure, Su Mu could only continue to plead for mercy, begging several times before Wang Ruonan finally let go of him.

"Does it hurt?"

After the anger subsided, Wang Ruonan asked, her tone still icy, but the concern was evident.

"It hurts!" Su Mu pitifully replied.

His experience from childhood told him that he had to act pitiful in such situations to gain benefits.

"Humph, serves you right!" Wang Ruonan said coldly, while gently massaging Su Mu's head with one hand.

"Later, I'll take you out to eat and buy you a couple of clothes. This matter will be over once it's over. If she looks down on you, we'll find someone better. Let's make her regret it."

Wang Ruonan's voice softened, speaking to Su Mu in a tone as if coaxing a child.

Su Mu felt warmth in his heart, but he was still somewhat speechless.

After all these years, she was still the same.

Wang Ruonan was a bit silly; she didn't know how to cheer Su Mu up, so from childhood to adulthood, whenever Su Mu was upset, she would buy him delicious food, toys, and do everything to make him happy until his mood improved.

When he was bullied as a child, right or wrong, she would help him fight back.

In this world, besides his parents, Wang Ruonan was definitely the best person to Su Mu, even better than his parents to some extent.

Now that Su Mu had broken up, Wang Ruonan clearly still wanted to make Su Mu happy in the same way as before.

Actually, the breakup didn't affect Su Mu much except for a little discomfort at the beginning.

Now he had recovered, mainly because of the surprise of getting the system, which diluted that sadness.

Thinking of the system, Su Mu suddenly remembered that after awakening the system, he seemed to be able to see the favorability of female characters.

He couldn't help but look at Wang Ruonan.