Thirteen million

System text appears——

Name: Wang Ruonan

Age: 24 years old

Height: 175cm

Weight: 55kg

Appearance: 9.2 points

Talent: 8.5 points

Wealth: 7.0 points

Personal assets: Thirteen million.

Mastered skills: Proficient in combat, proficient in firearms, proficient in driving, special tactics, wilderness survival, counter-reconnaissance.

Goddess rating: A+

[Ding! Detected a qualified female, goddess character binding successful! If the favorability of this goddess character is raised to over ninety points, the host will receive a monetary reward equal to the personal assets of the other party and randomly obtain one of the other party's skills.]

[The favorability of this girl towards the host: 95 points.]

[Ding! Detected that the favorability of the number one goddess character Wang Ruonan towards the host has exceeded ninety points, successfully captivated, rewarded with thirteen million in cash, and rewarded with proficiency in combat skills.]

[First successful captivation, extra reward of three chances to draw, the host can use them at any time for drawing.]

"Damn, did I just captivate her directly?"

Su Mu was stunned.

He hadn't done anything yet, and the system directly judged the captivation as successful.

Is it that easy to captivate a goddess?

And my sister is so rich, she directly rewarded me with thirteen million!

This is too awesome!

If he captivates a rich woman worth billions, wouldn't he achieve financial freedom directly?

However, what's up with the favorability of ninety-five points?

He doesn't even have such a high favorability with his mother.

Wait a minute, could my sister actually like me?

This thought suddenly flashed through Su Mu's mind, leaving him stunned.

Reflecting on the past, it seems there is indeed such a possibility.

When we were kids, she always forbade me from dating.

When she found out that Su Mu was dating Chen Qianqian, she ignored me for a whole month, not even answering my calls.

Damn, I treat you as my sister, and you actually want to sleep with me?

Su Mu's gaze towards Wang Ruonan suddenly became strange, and he couldn't help but ponder, if my sister were to confess, should I accept it? Or should I accept it?

While contemplating, he was already being pulled out of the medical room by Wang Ruonan, heading towards the school's exit, without even getting a chance to look at the lottery.

It was already afternoon, nearing dinnertime, and the students of Jiang city University had already finished their classes and come out.

With many students coming and going on the road, the two immediately caused a sensation walking through the campus.

Wang Ruonan's appearance, especially those dazzling long legs, made her stand out on the road, attracting a hundred percent of the attention.

Many people on the road stared without blinking, unwilling to take their eyes off her for even a second.

Several even tripped over their own feet, stumbling and falling.

Even some girls couldn't help but look a few more times, envy and jealousy written all over their faces.

"Wow, come quickly, look at the beauty!"

"Wow, who is this sister? She's so beautiful!"

"Don't know, definitely not from our school, but with looks like that, she's even more beautiful than our university's number one beauty."

"Can such a beauty really appear in reality? And who's that boy next to her, he looks like a toy boy, just looking at him makes me want to punch him."

"Alas, why do these beauties all like toy boy? So superficial, can't they look at us honest folks? Although I'm ugly, I have substance!"

The crowd discussed one after another, full of praise for Wang Ruonan's appearance and annoyance towards Su Mu.

Seeing the two walking hand in hand next to the beauty, they wished they could tear Su Mu apart.

Unfortunately, they could only think about it, no one dared to act on it.

Su Mu, seeing the envious looks of the crowd, felt a great sense of satisfaction in his vanity, couldn't help but extend his hand and wrap it around Wang Ruonan's waist.

This action immediately elicited cries of lamentation, with a group of male creatures grieving and cursing Su Mu eight hundred times in their hearts.

Wang Ruonan was also stunned by Su Mu's sudden move, giving him an annoyed look, but didn't stop him.

Instead, her face inexplicably blushed a little.

In this way, amidst the murderous gazes of the crowd, Su Mu boldly led the beautiful woman out of the school gate.

"Let go!"

Leaving the school, Wang Ruonan gave Su Mu a glare and swatted away the hand that was misbehaving on her waist.

"Uh, isn't it because my sister's charm is too great? Can't help it, can't help it!"

Su Mu scratched his head with a wry smile, explaining.

He sighed inwardly, my sister's waist is really soft, the feeling is really good, why didn't I notice it before?


In September, the weather is always clear and bright, even at five in the afternoon, the sky remains bright, and the sun is scorching hot.

After discussing for a while, Su Mu and Wang Ruonan decided to go to Qianda Square.

Jiang city University is not far from Qianda Square.

After taking a taxi, they arrived at Qianda Square.

They went upstairs to have a meal first, and then Wang Ruonan dragged Su Mu to start shopping.

Shopping is a woman's nature, even for Wang Ruonan, who comes from a military background.

After a long stroll, Su Mu's legs were weak, and he was carrying seven or eight shopping bags.

Looking at the bags filled with men's clothing that Wang Ruonan picked out for him, Su Mu couldn't help but sigh that being a stay-at-home spouse was also physically demanding.

Inside these shopping bags were all men's clothing, all picked out by Wang Ruonan, from top to bottom, inside and out, several sets were selected, totaling 120,000 dollars , and he didn't choose a single piece himself.

This kind of expenditure made Su Mu secretly amazed.

Although Wang Ruonan had bought clothes for Su Mu before, they were directly bought by Wang Ruonan, and they were not famous brands, so Su Mu never knew that those clothes were so expensive.

However, Su Mu did not refuse.

With his relationship with Wang Ruonan, there was no need to be polite about these things, which would only create distance and harm their relationship.

However, Su Mu had also made up his mind to give Wang Ruonan a gift.

In the past, he might not have been able to afford anything good, but now with the 13 million system rewards, as long as he wasn't buying a car or a house, what was there to fear?

However, what gift should he give?

His sister was different from others and didn't like things like bags and jewelry.

Moreover, due to her profession, she hardly ever used them.

Su Mu had never seen her carry a bag or wear any jewelry.

While he was thinking, his attention suddenly drifted to a watch specialty store ahead, and Su Mu's eyes lit up.

He immediately pulled Wang Ruonan and walked over.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

Wang Ruonan was startled, not yet reacting, and was pulled into the store by Sumu.

"I'm buying you a gift," Su Mu said with a smile.

Since his sister didn't like jewelry or brand-name bags, buying a watch should be fine.

Compared to jewelry and gold, although luxury watches were also considered luxury items, they were much more low-key in comparison, and his sister shouldn't refuse.

Hearing this, Wang Ruonan was stunned for a moment.

He was buying her a gift?

Today, the sun had risen from the west, and this ungrateful little brother Su Mu actually remembered to give her a gift.

But you also have to pick the right place to give a gift.

This is Hendry Watch Store!

Hendry Watch is a wristwatch brand under the Hendry Group, mainly engaged in watch retail.

The watches in this store start at tens of thousands of dollars, and Su Mu, a college student, can't possibly afford anything here.

It would be embarrassing if he picked one but couldn't afford to pay for it.

Losing face is one thing, but just now Little Su Mu was just dumped by his girlfriend because of money issues.

If he loses face again because of money, it will be even more painful for him.

Wang Ruonan thought about it and subconsciously wanted to stop Su Mu, but before she could act,Su Mu by her side had already stopped.

His eyes staring straight ahead, his face becoming extremely gloomy.

Wang Ruonan felt curious and followed Su Mu's gaze, and immediately she was also stunned.

In front of them, a man and a woman were sitting on chairs in front of the counter, talking to the female clerk behind the counter.

The woman was wearing a sky blue dress, her long black hair cascading down her back, looking pure and lovely, she was none other than Chen Qianqian, and as for the man, of course, it was Wang Hao.