
Su Mu didn't expect to encounter these two while shopping, what a coincidence.

Chen Qianqian had her back to Su Mu, so she didn't notice their arrival.

At this moment, her mind was all on Wang Hao.

Watching Wang Hao trying on a watch with a price tag of two hundred thousand made her eyes light up.

This was a two hundred thousand watch, and Chen Qianqian, coming from an ordinary background, had never spent so much money in her life, let alone on a watch.

At this moment, she felt extremely fortunate to have broken up with Su Mu.

With him, she probably would never experience something like this in her lifetime.

Only by following Wang Hao could she see a bigger world.

Especially this watch, it seemed to be a couple's style.

Wang Hao seemed to really like this watch. If he decided to buy it, would he also...

For a moment, Chen Qianqian was lost in her own thoughts, her heartbeat quickening, and her gaze towards Wang Hao becoming more admiring.

Wang Hao had been secretly observing Chen Qianqian's change in expression.

Seeing her reaction, he felt immensely satisfied.

Today, he deliberately took Chen Qianqian out for shopping to show off in front of a beauty and impress her deeply, while also seeing if there was a chance to get Chen Qianqian.

Now it seemed very promising.

Just as he was thinking this, the female clerk suddenly spoke.

"Mr. Wang, this watch suits you very well, and it's a couple's style. I can see that your girlfriend also likes it. We have a promotion going on right now, so if you purchase it, you can get a 5% discount. What do you think?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Hao's expression changed immediately.

He hadn't noticed earlier, but now he realized it was a couple's watch.

Although he could afford it, he felt it wasn't worth it to give it to Chen Qianqian.

Spending eight or nine thousand on a whim was one thing, but giving something worth hundreds of thousands, honestly, Chen Qianqian wasn't worth that much to him.

Moreover, he hadn't gained full control over the family's finances yet.

His old man only gave him two hundred thousand pocket money each month.

Spending it on himself was one thing, but spending it on a woman, he didn't think it was worth it.

"Wang Hao, I also think this watch suits your style. Why not buy this one?"

Chen Qianqian stared at the Rolex on Wang Hao's wrist, liking it more and more.

Thinking that she could also wear a watch worth hundreds of thousands, she felt extremely happy.

"No, this watch is too flashy. Although I really like it, my dad has always taught me to be low-key. If I bring this watch home, I'll definitely be scolded by my old man. Besides, my family has strict principles. My parents don't like materialistic girls. Qianqian, do you understand what I mean?"

Wang Hao's mind quickly came up with a perfect excuse and he said solemnly.

"I understand, Wang Hao, actually, I'm not really fond of this watch either. Items worth tens of thousands are just too intimidating!"

Chen Qianqian hurriedly said, although disappointed in her heart, she didn't show it on her face.

She even stuck out her tongue, pretending to be innocent and ignorant.

Su Mu sneered inwardly, witnessing the scene all along. Both of them were masters of deception.

Being low-key? How come you didn't think of being low-key when you were driving your sports car and showing off at school?

Too intimidating? When I was asked to buy a necklace worth tens of thousands, why didn't you say it was intimidating then?

Really good at pretending, Su Mu cursed silently in his heart.

He didn't bother with them and led Wang Ruonan straight to the counter.

"Welcome to Hendry Watch Store, how may I assist you?"

Another female clerk greeted Su Mu and Wang Ruonan as they approached, her eyes subtly scanning the shopping bags in Su Mu's hands.

A bright smile immediately appeared on her face.

For those in their line of work, having sharp eyes was crucial.

Although Su Mu and Wang Ruonan were dressed plainly, she could tell at a glance that the items in Su Mu's shopping bags were worth tens of thousands at least.

This commotion also caught the attention of Chen Qianqian and Wang Hao.

Upon seeing Su Mu, Chen Qianqian immediately furrowed her brows.

"Su Mu, what are you doing here? Haven't I made it clear enough? We have nothing to do with each other anymore, so stop bothering me."

Chen Qianqian said coldly, looking at Su Mu with a disdainful and hostile gaze.

Su Mu clearly saw that her favorability towards him was actually negative.

After three years of dedication and intimacy, now that she had found someone new, her favorability towards him had dropped to negative.

These three years felt like a waste of time.

Even strangers on the street usually had a favorability rating from zero to five.

At this moment,Su Mu felt truly disheartened.

Thinking this,Su Mu didn't even have the desire to speak to her.

With a cold glance at Chen Qianqian,Su Mu didn't say a word, then turned to the female clerk and said, "Could you please recommend a ladies' watch that suits this young lady's style?"

He gestured to Wang Ruonan beside him, indicating that the watch was for her.

Wang Ruonan was surprised for a moment, not expecting Su Mu to actually buy something here.

She wanted to stop him, but after looking at Chen Qianqian and Wang Hao, she swallowed her words.

"Never mind, I'll pay for it instead. Can't let Su Mu lose face."

Wang Ruonan secretly decided.

Seeing Su Mu's indifferent attitude, coupled with the fact that Wang Ruonan was far more beautiful than herself, Chen Qianqian couldn't help but feel a surge of unnamed anger.

She mocked loudly:

"Su Mu, who do you think you're fooling? Others may not know you, but I do. Can you afford anything here? Don't break their things. You won't be able to afford the consequences."

"Whether I can afford it or not is none of your damn business. Why are you poking your nose into it? If a sewage truck passes by the door, are you going to taste it too?"

Su Mu retorted without hesitation, enraged by the successive mockery.


Chen Qianqian was so angry she couldn't speak, pointing at Su Mu for a long time.

"Su Mu, isn't it? You're Qianqian's ex-boyfriend? Qianqian has mentioned you to me before. This isn't the place for you to be. If I'm not mistaken, this encounter was deliberately planned by you, bringing a pretty girl here to show off. But you're in the wrong place. Even the cheapest watch in this store costs over thirty thousand. Even if you can afford it, you'll have to eat instant ramen for half a year afterwards. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Wang Hao spoke up, sneering, arms crossed, looking as if he had already seen through Su Mu.

Upon hearing Wang Hao's words, Chen Qianqian suddenly realized, and her gaze towards Su Mu became even more disdainful.

"Su Mu, I didn't expect you to be like this, pretending to be rich. Do you think I'll change my mind because of what you're doing? I'll tell you, it's impossible. Your actions will only make me look down on you even more."

Heh, these two,Su Mu laughed out of anger.

Are they blaming me for this? Thinking I deliberately planned it? Are they even worthy?

"Mr. Wang,huh? Since you're so confident, how about we make a bet? I'll buy one item from this store today, and you buy the same item. Whoever can't afford it will be the loser. Are you up for it?"

Su Mu didn't mince his words, ready to take action.

"Su Mu, are you crazy? You, comparing yourself to Wang Hao? Wang Hao can casually buy a watch worth two hundred thousand. What do you have to compare with him? Wang Hao, let's not go crazy with him. This kind of person makes me sick just looking at him."

Chen Qianqian immediately jumped out, even more agitated than Wang Hao.

"Dare not, then admit you're a loser directly. Don't babble nonsense here. Are you afraid of others not hearing your loud voice? Or are you afraid of not showing your shrewish side?"

Su Mu glanced sideways at Chen Qianqian, disdainful.

In one sentence, he infuriated Chen Qianqian, but when it came to being sharp-tongued, he had never been afraid of anyone.

Chen Qianqian was so frustrated she wanted to punch Su Mu, but was stopped by Wang Hao.

Looking at Su Mu, Wang Hao sneered and pretended to be arrogant, saying.

"Fine, since you want to play, I'll play with you. But let's make it clear, anything below a hundred thousand is off limits. I won't buy anything that's not up to my standards."

"Hundred thousand? Are you even qualified to say that?"

Wang Hao was arrogant, but Su Mu was even more so, sneering.

He turned to the female clerk and said, "Please bring out the most expensive ladies' watch in your store."