Eat humble pie

"Sir, the most expensive ladies' watch we have in our store right now is the Van Cleef Arpels Lover's Bridge series, priced at ninety-three thousand. After the discount, it's eighty-eight thousand. What do you think?"

The female clerk's face was about to burst into a smile.

She had been watching Su Mu and Wang Hao's bet the whole time, knowing that a big sale was coming today.

She felt excited inside and brought out a watch, handing it to Wang Ruonan with great insight.

"Sis, try it on and see if you like it?"Su Mu asked with a smile.

Su Mu had heard of the Van Cleef Arpels Lover's Bridge series.

This watch indeed had a very high aesthetic value, and girls should love it.

Sure enough, as soon as Wang Ruonan saw the watch, she was immediately attracted by its beautiful dial, her eyes lit up with surprise.

But considering the price, she quickly restrained her expression and shook her head, "Su Mu, I don't like this watch. It's too expensive. Let's look at something else."

"It's not expensive. As long as you like it, I won't hesitate, even if it's eight hundred thousand instead of eighty thousand. Let's go with this one. Let's pay with the card."

Su Mu said seriously, handing the card to the female clerk.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Wang Ruonan was deeply moved, and her gaze towards Su Mu softened.

[Wang Ruonan, Favorability +1]

"Alright, sir, thank you for your support of our Hendry Watch Store. With such a caring brother like you, this young lady is truly blessed."

The female clerk complimented with a radiant smile, picked up the POS machine, and processed the payment.

With a beep indicating successful payment, the two onlookers were dumbfounded.

Chen Qianqian couldn't believe that Su Mu could actually afford a watch costing over eighty thousand.

Where did Su Mu get the money? Was he pretending all along? Is his real identity that of a rich second-generation?

For a moment, Chen Qianqian began to doubt life.

Wang Hao's expression was also extremely unpleasant.

He had been waiting to see Su Mu's embarrassment.

Even he couldn't afford a watch costing over eighty thousand.

How could Su Mu, this loser, possibly afford it?

Unexpectedly, the payment was successful, and Su Mu looked relaxed and at ease, as if he had spent eighty bucks instead of eighty thousand.

How was this possible?

Thinking of the bet he made with Su Mu, Wang Hao's face turned pale.

He was doomed.

He didn't have eighty-eight thousand now .

Even if he borrowed it, what would he do if Su Mu continued to buy? Should he still follow suit?

For a moment, Wang Hao felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten shit.

"Mr. Wang, how about it? Your turn now. Come on, choose a watch of the same price. Eighty-eight thousand shouldn't be a problem for the great Mr. Wang."

Su Mu sneered, looking at Wang Hao.

Chen Qianqian looked at Wang Hao hopefully.

Su Mu was her ex-boyfriend, and she had just dumped him. If Su Mu humiliated him in turn, she felt she might have a heart attack.

Especially seeing the dazzling watch on Wang Ruonan's wrist, she felt jealous to the point of madness.

Wang Hao wouldn't even buy a two-hundred-thousand watch, while Su Mu easily bought one for eight hundred thousand.

The contrast was too obvious.

Wang Hao remained silent, with a gloomy expression, struggling with whether to uphold his dignity.

If he really borrowed money to buy it, for the next few months, he, Wang Hao, might have to eat instant ramen as he had said before.

Seeing Wang Hao still not speaking, Chen Qianqian couldn't help but say, "Wang Hao..."

"Shut up, damn it! It's all because of you! Spending hundreds of thousands on a woman, I'm not that stupid. You go play by yourself."

Wang Hao glared fiercely at Chen Qianqian, then black-faced, got up and walked out the door.

"Hey, Mr. Wang, leaving so soon? You can't leave like this, loser !"

Su Mu shouted cheerfully at Wang Hao's retreating figure.

Wang Hao clenched his fists in anger, gritting his teeth fiercely, without turning back, quickening his pace, and leaving the place.

"Wang Hao,wait for me!" Chen Qianqian immediately chased after him.

Although she felt extremely wronged, she had already broken ties with Su Mu. She couldn't let Wang Hao slip away too.

Otherwise, she wouldn't gain anything.

Despite saying that, deep down, she couldn't help but feel a strong sense of regret.

If she hadn't broken up with Su Mu earlier, would the watch worth eighty-eight thousand be on her wrist now?

Thinking of this, tears welled up in Chen Qianqian's eyes uncontrollably, and a bitter feeling surged in her heart, making her extremely uncomfortable.

"Serves her right!"Su Mu watched this scene, snorted disdainfully.

He treated Chen Qianqian like a princess, yet she insisted on chasing after someone else to be a money-making tool.

It's truly despicable, reaping what she sowed.

Shaking his head, Su Mu stopped thinking about these things and looked at Wang Ruonan.

"Sis, let's go. It's time for us to go back!"

As they walked back to school, as Su Mu expected, Wang Ruonan asked about the money.

"Su Mu, where did you get so much money?" Wang Ruonan looked at Su Mu curiously.

After not seeing him for a while, she found that this brother of hers seemed to have become much more mysterious.

"Uh, I made some money by following the stock market online recently, luckily."Su Mu said helplessly, having to come up with another excuse.

After all, he couldn't explain where the money came from.

If he didn't come up with a reason, what could he say? Say it came from the system?

Hearing this, Wang Ruonan rolled her eyes at

Su Mu.

Lying to her face, have you forgotten how we've lived for the past dozen years?

But since Su Mu didn't want to say, Wang Ruonan didn't ask further, but still reminded him with concern:

"Su Mu, I don't care where you got the money from, but remember, no breaking the law or causing trouble. Also, don't spend money so recklessly in the future, got it?"

"Got it, sis, don't worry, you know me, how could I possibly get involved in those things."

Su Mu assured, patting his chest, feeling warm inside.

When others see their friends making money, they always ask how much they earned and try to get some benefits from them.

Only Wang Ruonan is always concerned about him, worried that he might get into trouble.

This is something he couldn't feel from anyone else.

He didn't think much about it before, but after experiencing some things,Su Mu realized who sincerely cared about him.

"Well, as long as you understand. Thank you for this."

Wang Ruonan said with a smile finally appearing on her face, raising her hand and shaking the watch on her wrist.

"Hehe, eighty-eight thousand, I'm feeling a bit sorry now. No, sis, you have to compensate me."

Su Mu joked, laughing.

"I knew you wouldn't be so kind-hearted. Alright, what do you want as compensation?"

Wang Ruonan said unkindly. It was the same when they were kids.

Every time Su Mu wanted to buy something, he would come over with his ass up,massaging her shoulders and legs to please her, and she would fall for it.

She had spent all her New Year's money on Su Mu since childhood.

Well, Su Mu felt a little embarrassed at her words.

He was just joking casually, but he didn't expect Wang Ruonan to take it seriously.

After thinking for a moment, Su Mu's eyes flickered as he tentatively said, "How about it, sister, give me a kiss?"

Su Mu had always remembered the 95-point favorability incident and wanted to take this opportunity to probe and see what Wang Ruonan was really thinking.

A fragrant breeze hit him in the face, and before Su Mu could snap out of it, he felt two moist things pressing against his cheeks, leaving him stunned in place.

"I'm leaving, hurry back to school, study hard, bye!" The voice came as Wang Ruonan had already dashed away at a rapid pace, her footsteps hurried.

It was then that Su Mu reacted.

"Oh damn, did she really kiss me?" Su Mu was shocked.

With this, he could be sure that his sister really had feelings for him.

What should he do now?

The system wants him to charm the goddess, basically asking him to be a player, but if his sister confesses, what should he do?

Su Mu was feeling a headache.

He never had any feelings for Wang Ruonan, and after what happened with Chen Qianqian, to be honest, Su Mu had some shadows regarding love.

Although Wang Ruonan was good to him, if their relationship changed, it would be difficult. Siblings could be together forever, but lovers, could they really last?

Su Mu used to believe in it, but now, he dared not.

With the appearance of the crush system, Su Mu had decided that he would become a player in the future.

Charming the goddess was just for the mission, for the benefits, and he would absolutely not involve emotions.

Plus, Su Mu didn't want to hurt Wang Ruonan.

It's a bit of a headache.

Oh well, let's just go with the flow.

Su Mu shook his head, no longer thinking about it.

For now, he would pretend to be clueless.

After all, as long as he acted dumb, his sister shouldn't bring it up either.