
Su Mu returned to school with the unique worries of a handsome guy, pondering over the system tasks.

After experiencing the benefits brought by the system,Su Mu had already set his mind on the tasks.

Just by charming Wang Ruonan, he gained a whopping 13 million in wealth and was rewarded with a mastery in combat skills.

If he charmed other people, wouldn't the benefits be even greater?

But it seemed that encountering goddess-like figures wasn't so easy.

On the way today, Su Mu observed that not all beautiful girls were considered goddesses.

For example, Chen Qianqian wasn't considered a goddess.

The system's selection of goddess-like individuals combined looks, talent, and wealth.

The looks had to be above 8.5 points, talent above 8 points, and wealth over 10 million to be designated as a goddess-like figure.

If one of these aspects was particularly outstanding, they could still be chosen as a goddess, but they would need to score at least 9 points.

This standard was indeed high, and at Jiang city University, there were no more than ten people who met these criteria.

These girls, because of their outstanding qualities, were usually very aloof, and ordinary guys couldn't catch their attention.

There were also plenty of followers around them, including some wealthy second-generation individuals and outstanding figures from various departments.

It wasn't easy to charm them. Su Mu's sister was just lucky.

Their childhood friendship made Su Mu successful directly, but it wasn't so simple for others.

To charm others, one must have attractive traits such as wealth, talent, and good looks.

Su Mu's own conditions weren't outstanding, except for his good looks, he didn't have any remarkable talents.

Thinking of this, Su Mu suddenly remembered that he still had three chances left for the lucky draw.

If he could get some outstanding skills from it, maybe he would have a chance to succeed.

His eyes lit up, and without hesitation, Su Mu summoned the system's roulette.

The colorful lights and various rewards made Su Mu's eyes shine.

There were rewards like god-level singing skills, piano mastery, hacking skills, professional racing driver, core technology of lithography machine, gene enhancement capsules, and actor-level acting skills,etc .

So many amazing rewards made Su Mu excited, wishing he could just get them all.

But considering his luck, it seemed like he had never had a good draw since he was young, and he couldn't help feeling a bit apprehensive.

After a moment of prayer, Su Mu nervously rubbed his hands and clicked on the draw button.

[Ding! The draw is complete. Congratulations, host, you have won a thank you for your patronage.]

Su Mu: ... "Sure enough, the name 'Su Mu the Unlucky' wasn't given for nothing, sigh!"

Letting out a sigh,Su Mu clicked the draw button for the second and third times in a row, not holding much hope.

[Ding! Congratulations, host, you have received an S-level reward, god-level singing skills!]

[Ding! Congratulations, host, you have received an S-level reward, celestial voice!]

"Holy cow, I won, I won, and it's even an S-level reward!!!"

Su Mu's excited face turned red, the surprise came too suddenly.

There was nothing at first, and then there was a huge turnaround.

The difference was too big.

Damn system, messing with his mentality.

Swearing under his breath, Su Mu took a deep breath and calmed himself down before checking the rewards.

Two consecutive S-level rewards, both related to singing.

Could it be pushing him towards a career as a singer?

Trying to integrate the skills, a cool sensation immediately appeared in his throat, indicating a transformation.

Su Mu opened his mouth and noticed a subtle change in his voice, becoming magnetic and charming.

Although it was still his original voice, it gave a more pleasant feeling to listeners, courtesy of the celestial voice.

At the same time, a massive influx of information flooded his mind, with abundant details about songs, music, singing techniques, emotional expression, and vocal modulation.

In an instant, Su Mu seemed like a superstar who had dominated the music industry for decades, reaching the pinnacle of mastery in singing and music.

The acquisition of these two skills instantly transformed Su Mu from a music novice to a music master.

Coincidentally, the system had an ultimate task: to become the dream of billions girls.

Su Mu needed to use his charm to attract the opposite sex, making a large number of them develop favorable impressions of him, similar to the admiration and love fans feel towards their idols.

This task was quite demanding. The basic requirement was to have at least ten thousand people develop favorable impressions, with a favorability rating of over fifty points each.

Fifty points of favorability are not easy to achieve.

Since awakening the system,Su Mu can see the favorability of the opposite sex.

Walking on the street, the favorability of most strangers ranges from zero to five points, and even classmates at school don't exceed twenty points.

It's difficult to raise it to fifty points, let alone with ten thousand people!

But now, with divine singing skills and celestial voice, Su Mu only needs one opportunity to sing in front of a crowd to attract a large number of fans.

Then, completing the task will be a piece of cake.

Thinking about this, Su Mu's mood improved, and he had already arrived at the dormitory door.

Opening the door, he was startled to see the three roommates, Li Mingyu, Yang Wei, and Wu Rui, all dressed up like they were going on blind dates.

Their hair was slicked back, wearing suits and ties, looking like they were about to meet wealthy women, which surprised Su Mu.

"Wow, what are you guys up to at this hour? It's already dark outside. Are you looking for rich women?"

Su Mu asked with a smile.

"Damn, you're back. Hurry up, we're going to see the campus belle at the bar!"

Li Mingyu said eagerly, pulling Su Mu out the door.

"Hey, wait, let me put my stuff down first. What belle? What does it have to do with the bar?"

Su Mu was puzzled as he tossed the shopping bag onto the bed and was already being dragged out.

"It's Lin Feier, the campus belle. Yang Wei got some information that she's singing at the Qingfeng Bar behind the school, and a lot of people are going to see her."Li Mingyu exclaimed.

"Yeah, hurry up, or we'll miss out on seats," Yang Wei urged.

As for Wu Rui, that disloyal guy had already left ahead of them.

"Lin Feier?"

Su Mu was momentarily stunned but quickly understood.

Lin Feier was the number one campus belle at Jiang city University, in the same year as Su Mu and very famous at the university, practically known by everyone.

She was considered the dream girl of male students at Jiang city University, a crush in many people's hearts.

She was extremely beautiful, and Su Mu had seen her a few times, captivated by her beauty.

To be honest, she was no less stunning than Wang Ruonan, perhaps even more so.

Wang Ruonan, although beautiful, had a somewhat violent tendency, coupled with her height of 175 cm, which gave off an oppressive aura, making it nearly impossible for ordinary people to win her over.

Su Mu and his roommates had encountered Wang Ruonan several times, but in her presence, they dared not say much, feeling immense pressure.

But Lin Feier was different.

She belonged to the sweet type, appearing gentle and delicate, with a height of less than 160 cm, giving off a delicate and charming vibe.

She could easily evoke the protective instincts of men, making them instinctively want to protect her, which made her extremely popular at Jiang city University.

Most importantly, Lin Feier was not only beautiful but also very talented.

She was a top student and had been on stage several times as a student representative, as well as hosting campus events.

Especially her singing skills, which were very pleasant to listen to, like the sweet voice of a nightingale, had conquered countless people.

During her time at school, several talent scouts had approached her door, wanting to sign her.

If everything went smoothly, this campus belle would soon enter the entertainment industry and, as long as the resources kept up, soar to become a big star.

Such a person naturally enjoyed widespread popularity and was the object of everyone's admiration.

It's no wonder Li Mingyu and the others were so excited.

But why would Lin Feier suddenly go to sing at a bar?