Prince Charming

The crowd thought that this would scare off blond-haired and his few companions.

However, they didn't buy into it at all.

Facing the accusations from the crowd, they didn't take it seriously at all, especially the leader with blonde hair, who burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, did you guys hear that? These bunch of student eggs actually dare to tell us to get lost? What should we do?"

"Screw them, boss. They're just a bunch of kids who haven't even grown their hair. Let's make them see some blood, and they'll behave."

"You're right!"the leader nodded in agreement, then swaggered towards the tall young man who had spoken up.

Approaching the tall young man, blond- haired tilted his head and pretended to clean his ears.

"What did you say just now? I didn't catch that. Say it again."

The tall young man was a bit flustered.

He hadn't expected that so many people couldn't intimidate these hooligans.

Seeing the blonde standing in front of him, the courage he had just mustered vanished instantly.

His legs went weak, and he nervously said, "What you're doing is illegal. I advise you to leave now, or else..."

"Fuck! You've poked your nose into my business."

The leader shouted, cutting off the tall young man's words.

He grabbed a beer bottle and viciously smashed it onto the tall young man's head.

With a crack, the beer bottle shattered, blood gushing out, and the tall young man let out a miserable scream as he fell to the ground.

The scene fell silent for a moment, then screams erupted immediately.

No one expected these thugs to be so brutal.

Fear surged in their hearts, and no one dared to speak anymore.

Some timid ones had already slipped away quietly.

After all, they were just a group of students who had never encountered such a situation before.

Seeing blood made them extremely fearful.

Su Mu was also stunned.

He never expected that with over two hundred people present, these thugs would still dare to resort to violence.

It was outrageous, as if there were no laws or rules.

He had never encountered such a situation before, so he couldn't react in time.

"Stop it, I've already called the police, they'll be here soon," Lin Feier shouted loudly as she rushed over and pushed the leader aside.

"Damn, how dare you push me? Get someone to grab this bitch for me, I'm going to teach her a lesson right now."

The leader roared angrily, then slapped Lin Feier hard across the face.

He thought that everyone was intimidated and that no one would dare to step up again.

He was ready to establish his authority and collect some protection fees in the future.

But unexpectedly, things took a different turn.

Just as his slap was about to land Lin Feier, terrified, closed her eyes in despair.

But at that moment, a fair hand suddenly reached out, seemingly frail but firmly grabbing the leader's arm, rendering him immobile.

The hand stopped in front of Lin Feier, and no matter how hard the leader struggled, he couldn't move an inch.

"Damn it, still someone not afraid of death? You're asking for it, punk."

The leader was furious. With his other hand, he swung a punch towards Su Mu.

"Watch your mouth." Su Mu's face turned cold, and he kicked the Lea away with force.

He didn't hold back with this kick.

With twice the physical abilities, he exploded with power.

With a bang, the leader flew out four or five meters, crashing into a table, shattering glass everywhere.

The leader writhed in pain on the ground, his body covered in bloody scratches.

"Ah, it hurts so much. Damn it... Get him, get him killed," the leader yelled loudly, and several of his lackeys immediately rushed towards Su Mu.

Su Mu wasn't afraid at all.

With twice the physical abilities and the combat proficiency skill rewarded by the Game Wang Ruonan, Su Mu's combat power skyrocketed.

Facing these brutal thugs, he didn't retreat but instead rushed forward to meet them.

One of them, a muscular bald man with a buzz cut, grabbed a chair and swung it at Su Mu viciously.

Su Mu remained calm, various combat scenes flashing through his mind.

As the chair came down, Su Mu immediately dodged to the left and simultaneously bent his body, delivering a powerful punch to the man's stomach.

With one punch, he distorted the man's face, who fell to the ground clutching his stomach, his face turning pale.

Su Mu then swiftly rose and kicked away two more assailants.

One against eight, Su Mu unexpectedly displayed the aura of a tiger among wolves.

The group of thugs was quickly subdued by him, all lying on the ground wailing in pain.

By the time Li Mingyu, Yang Wei, and the others rushed over to help, Su Mu had already resolved the conflict.

The whole process took less than three minutes!

The onlookers were collectively dumbfounded, each one completely stunned.

The brutal thugs from just now were resolved just like that?

One against eight, are you sure this isn't a movie?

Is this guy Jackie Chan or something?

Or are these thugs all fakes?

Some people began to doubt life, especially when they looked at the thugs lying on the ground regretfully.

If they had known it would be this easy, they could have taken them on too.

"Damn, you can fight like that? That's too badass, it's like you're possessed by a war god," Li Mingyu exclaimed exaggeratedly, excited beyond belief, even more so than Su Mu.

"Yeah, you were so cool just now, awesome, really awesome. I've decided, from now on, you're the boss of the dorm, we'll all call you bro," Yang Wei chimed in.

"Have you practiced before? Did Sister Ruonan teach you? You're not loyal enough, you didn't even invite us to learn a few moves together. This time, you really stole the show," Wu Rui said sarcastically, glancing at Su Mu with envy.

Su Mu turned his head and met Lin Feier's admiring gaze.

[Lin Feier, Favorability +20]

[Lin Feier, Favorability +20]

Su Mu was stunned.

He hadn't expected to gain a whopping 40 points of favorability from this, raising Lin Feier's favorability to fifty points.

Indeed, being a hero to the rescue was the fastest way to increase favorability.

Although it's unlikely to win someone over romantically just like that, as long as you're not ugly, it's easy to gain favorability.

"Hi, you're amazing, thank you for earlier. What's your name?"

Lin Feier said gratefully, her eyes shining as she looked at Su Mu.

This guy was too amazing.

So many people couldn't handle those thugs, but he solved it in just a few moves.

And he's handsome too, tall at 1.8 meters, with well-defined features, short clean hair, and a refreshing appearance, even though he was just wearing a plain T-shirt and jeans.

He exuded a unique aura, making him even more handsome when contrasted with his three roommates who dressed like bodyguards.

Most importantly, Su Mu saved her at a critical moment, perfectly fitting the image of her prince charming in her mind. He was amazing!

[Lin Feier, Favorability +10]

"Um, my name is Su Mu," Su Mu scratched his head, somewhat unable to handle Lin Feier's intense gaze.

He had never been stared at like this by a girl before, and he was a bit nervous .

"Su Mu? I know you, you're from the computer science department, right? I'm Lin Feier, let's exchange the phone number , okay?"

Lin Feier actually knew him, which surprised Su Mu.

The two exchanged contact information and saved each other as friends.

This scene made many boys envy to the extreme.

After all, Lin Feier was the number one beauty of Jiang city University, and she took the initiative to ask a guy's contact information.

Damn, why didn't they have this kind of treatment?

The tall young man who had just climbed up after being hit by a bottle was even more black-faced.

Clearly, he had taken the lead, but instead of showing off, he got beaten up.

Not only did he get beaten up, but he also didn't get any benefits.

Instead, Su Mu's heroism was highlighted, and the tall young man felt incredibly frustrated, almost wanting to spit blood.

On the side, Su Mu's three roommates also stared at Su Mu's phone.

The contact information of the belle, they wanted it too.

Why did Su Mu get all the good stuff?

Everyone inside was going crazy and frustrated.

The events that happened here were quickly reported to the bar owner, who hurried over.

He thanked Su Mu profusely and waived the expenses for everyone tonight, showing that he knew how to do business.

With such an incident, the bar wouldn't be able to operate tonight, so everyone left and returned to the school.

As for the matter between blond-haired group and the bar owner, it was no longer something Su Mu could control, nor did he want to.

On the way back, Su Mu and Lin Feier walked together, and Su Mu couldn't help but ask, "Feier, why did you go to sing in the bar?"

"Yeah, Feier, that place is too chaotic. It's best not to go there in the future," several roommates chimed in, all looking at Lin Feier with concern.