Welcome party

"I went on behalf of my roommate. She was supposed to perform at the bar, but she hasn't been feeling well these days, so she went to the hospital. Since I found it quite interesting, I filled in for her for a few days. I didn't expect something like this to happen. I won't go again in the future. Thank you all for tonight."

Lin Feier said, feeling extremely relieved.

If it weren't for Su Mu tonight, who knows what terrible things might have happened.

"Roommate? Is it Xu Yuyu? No wonder I didn't see her. You two used to be inseparable," Li Mingyu seemed quite interested in Lin Feier and knew her well.

"Yes, it's Yuyu. She had a minor surgery and needs to rest for a few days. I won't be able to see her this week, and I'm really worried. Tomorrow is the freshman welcome party, and I have to perform on her behalf. But I also have my own performance, and I can't go on stage twice. Besides, I'm the host, and I'm already overwhelmed," Lin Feier sighed, looking troubled.

"The freshman welcome party? Is this year's freshman welcome party happening?"

Li Mingyu asked, and Su Mu and the others were also surprised.

The freshman welcome party was a tradition at Jiang city University, usually a grand event where all students participated.

Seniors would perform on stage to welcome the freshmen and give them blessings.

Freshmen would also select representatives to perform and showcase their dreams and aspirations for the future.

However, in recent years, due to various factors, Jiang city University hadn't held such large-scale events for several years, so it was unexpected that they would do it this year.

"Yes, the school leaders said that the atmosphere has been too dull in recent years, so they decided to hold a grand freshman welcome party this year. The auditorium has been prepared for it, and announcements have been made on campus forums. Didn't you guys know?"

Lin Feier nodded, puzzled.

Um, everyone felt a bit embarrassed at the words.

They were all homebodies, either holed up in their dorm rooms every day or playing games at internet cafes.

Who cared about these things?

As for Su Mu, he was even more detached.

He had been busy arguing with Chen Qianqian for the past month, so he hadn't been in the mood to pay attention to anything else.

However, hearing Lin Feier's words, this seemed like an opportunity.

The bar wasn't very popular, but there were plenty of girls at Jiang city University.

If he could perform on stage, with his excellent singing skills, he could definitely gather a lot of popularity.

Thinking of this, Su Mu spoke up, 'Feier, why don't you let me try? Since Xu Yuyu can't make it, I can take her place. I can sing.'"

"Give it up, dude, with your limited skills, you'd embarrass yourself on stage."

"Yeah, Su Mu, other people sing for money, but you sing for our lives. Don't joke about it."

"Exactly,Bro, you're good at fighting, but singing...!"

Before Lin Feier could speak, the three of them started criticizing him.

Su Mu's face darkened. His singing skills in the past were indeed a bit embarrassing, so it wasn't surprising that they would say such things.

But in front of Lin Feier, he couldn't lose face, especially considering his recent changes.

"You guys don't understand. I used to pretend. I didn't want to stand out. Did you really think I couldn't sing? After breaking up with Chen Qianqian, I realized that a man should live freely and confidently. Just wait and see, you'll be surprised in the future."

Su Mu said confidently, also giving the three of them a heads up.

With the system, his future changes would only be greater.

He planted a seed now to prevent them from doubting him later.

Hearing Su Mu's words, Li Mingyu and the others were a bit uncertain.

Su Mu was indeed acting unusually today, especially in that fight just now, which they had never seen before.

"Su Mu, can you really sing?" Lin Feier asked curiously.

She didn't know Su Mu well, unlike Li Mingyu and the others, who were more suspicious.

In addition, she herself loved music and now had a good impression of Su Mu.

He was handsome, good at fighting, and if he could sing, it would be great, perfectly fitting her ideal boyfriend image.

"Of course, I'm serious. You can trust me. Just let me go on stage, and I'll definitely amaze you tomorrow," Su Mu smiled confidently, his lips curling up slightly, full of confidence.

They say confident men are the most attractive.

At this moment, Lin Feier looked at Su Mu and felt like he was radiating light.

She inexplicably believed him and nodded.

"Okay, then I'll put your name down. I'm really looking forward to it. Don't disappoint me," Lin Feier smiled, looking at Su Mu with admiration.

Regardless of whether Su Mu could sing or not, this confidence was rare.

In the past, when she saw those boys, they were too nervous to speak.

Whenever she showed interest in a boy and took the initiative to talk to him, he would stutter with excitement, lacking any masculinity, which immediately turned her off.

Just standing by the basketball court at school, those boys were so nervous that they didn't know how to play basketball, let alone perform.

It made her speechless.

She wasn't some ferocious beast; she had never seen herself as a goddess.

Was this necessary?

Normal interaction was fine.

She really couldn't understand these men.

But Su Mu was different.

He was calm and relaxed in front of her, making it very easy to get along with him.

This made her unconsciously feel close to Su Mu, and her fondness for him grew stronger and stronger.

[Lin Feier, Favorability +5, Current Favorability 65 points.]

Actually, Su Mu wasn't much different from the others.

It's just that growing up with a beautiful sister made him more immune to beauty.

And now, with the system, money, and abilities, he was rapidly improving, naturally gaining more confidence.

Most importantly, he didn't have any feelings for Lin Feier at all; everything was just for the mission, which allowed him to appear more natural in front of her.

Who knew that it would work out perfectly and make Lin Feier even more fond of him, even he didn't expect it.

Back at school, the group split up, and Su Mu's group returned to the dorm.

"Damn, Su Mu, you did great today, hit the jackpot! You even got Lin Feier's number . I feel like the belle Feier has a strong liking for you. Seize the opportunity!"

As soon as they entered the room, Li Mingyu shouted loudly, relieved that they could finally speak loudly.

"Yeah, yeah, it's like they say, a blessing in disguise. How can Chen Qianqian compare to Lin Feier? Put in more effort and quickly win over Feier. When the time comes, you must treat us to a good meal."

Yang Wei also patted Su Mu's shoulder and said, "Damn it! Why didn't I rush up there? Just a little bit more, and Feier would have been mine. Su Mu, you better treat my girl well in the future."

Wu Rui was filled with regret, pounding his chest and stamping his feet.

He had liked Lin Feier for three years but hadn't mustered the courage to say a word.

On the way back just now, he stood aside, wanting to speak several times but lacked the courage.

Now, thinking about it, even if he couldn't win her over romantically, it would have been nice to make a friend.

Just being able to silently watch her would have been enough for him.

At this moment, Wu Rui was killing himself with regret. Why was he so cowardly?

"Alright, alright, Campus Belle is just as a friend, isn't that normal? What are you guys thinking? Today was the first time I met her."

Su Mu interrupted as the others became more and more exaggerated.

These guys acted like they'd never seen a beautiful woman before.

No matter how pretty Lin Feier was, she was still just a person.

Could she become a fairy or something? There were plenty of beautiful girls in the world.

If you blossom, butterflies will come on their own. As long as you become strong yourself, can you really have too few beautiful women?

Then, I'll have seven a week, changing them every day.

After the fun and games, Su Mu took a shower and lay on his bed, lost in thought.

Today's experiences were indeed quite miraculous: a breakup, gaining a system, slapping Wang Hao, saving a beauty and becoming friends with the campus belle, having over ten million in his bank account, and even performing on stage tomorrow.

These were all things Su Mu had never imagined before, experiencing them all in one day made him feel incredulous, as if he were in a dream.

So, unsurprisingly, Su Mu couldn't sleep, and he wasn't the only one.