
In the girls' dormitory 401 of the Literature Department, Chen Qianqian was sprawled on her desk, staring at her phone in a daze, feeling troubled.

The chat window on her phone was open, and the other party's name was Su Mu.

Chen Qianqian's eyes flickered with indecision as she typed out lines of text, only to delete them before sending, repeating the process over and over.

"Qianqian, what's wrong with you? You've been out of it for an hour, what are you doing?" her roommate Lili asked curiously, glancing at her phone.

"Huh? Su Mu? Didn't you two break up? Why haven't you deleted his contact?" Lili exclaimed in surprise.

The argument between Su Mu and Chen Qianqian that morning had already spread throughout the dormitory building, and everyone, including Lili, had heard about it.

"Lili, I think I regret it a little. Today, I went shopping with Wang Hao and ran into Su Mu. He bought a watch for a girl, costing 880,000 dollars ," Chen Qianqian said, feeling down.

"How much? 880,000 dollars ?!!!" Lili's voice suddenly rose a pitch, almost breaking.

It wasn't her fault for being so shocked; the number was staggering.

For ordinary girls like them, 880,000 dollars was an unimaginable sum.

It could buy a house or a car, but definitely not a watch.

Moreover, Su Mu was just a college student.

How could he afford such an expensive watch?

Lili, immediately interested, pulled up a chair and sat next to Chen Qianqian.

"Tell me, what happened? How did Su Mu become so rich? Did he win the lottery?"

"I don't know either, but he did buy a watch for 880,000 dollars . I saw it with my own eyes. Wang Hao even bet with him on it. Su Mu bought it, and Wang Hao refused to spend the money, which was embarrassing. And then Wang Hao scolded me, which pissed me off," Chen Qianqian said, feeling increasingly aggrieved.

Remembering how well Su Mu had treated her and how Wang Hao had yelled at her today, she felt worse.

"So, what are you going to do now? Break up with Wang Hao? Get back with Su Mu?" Lili asked.

"I don't know. I just feel uncomfortable. Besides, I think Wang Hao doesn't treat me well at all, completely different from what I expected," Chen Qianqian shook her head, feeling confused.

"I get it. You're jealous. Seeing Su Mu treat another girl so well makes you feel bad. That's normal, especially since you just broke up with Su Mu, and now he's being attentive to someone else. But that Wang Hao is definitely not good for you. He's notorious and, being a rich playboy, he's not going to settle down. He's just playing with you. He might switch girls tomorrow. It's impossible for him to love only you," Lili analyzed, sounding like a relationship expert.

"So what should I do now?" Chen Qianqian asked, looking helplessly at Lili.

She had thought being with Wang Hao would bring her a good life, with pretty dresses and bags, and the chance to show off to her friends.

But now, everything seemed messed up.

"It's simple. Choose Su Mu. He treats you well. You'll definitely be happy," Lili said casually, unwrapping a lollipop and popping it into her mouth while scrolling through her phone.


"Oh, come on. I know you don't want to give up on Wang Hao. So just keep him on the hook. If he can play around, so can you. Men always want what they can't have. Don't give yourself up too easily. Keep him interested and reap the benefits.

When you've had enough, break it off. As for Su Mu, tell him you can still be friends even after breaking up.

Start as friends again, show you care but keep a distance. Appear in his life occasionally, doing things that remind him of your past together. Don't overdo it.

After a few months, when you've gotten what you want from Wang Hao, get back with Su Mu. If you show remorse, Su Mu will forgive you. If you seduce him, given his honest nature, he'll be devoted to you. Then you'll have Wang Hao's money and Su Mu's devotion. Isn't that perfect?"

Lili explained, gesturing with her lollipop.

Chen Qianqian was stunned by Lili's speech, her eyes reflecting her surprise.

"Hey, don't look at me like that. I'm helping you," Lili said.

"Lili, I can't do something like that," Chen Qianqian said, showing a troubled expression.

"Whatever. I've given you my advice. Do what you want," Lili said dismissively, turning away in annoyance.

Chen Qianqian remained silent, sitting in contemplation.

After a while, she picked up her phone and typed a message.

"Su Mu, are you asleep? I heard you fainted today. Are you feeling better? Actually, I felt really bad after we broke up today. I know we can't go back to how we were, but can we still be friends?"

Satisfied with her message, Chen Qianqian nodded and hit send.


In the boys' dormitory of the Computer Science Department, Su Mu was lying on his bed, browsing his phone.

Several pages were open on his screen, including "The Self-Cultivation of a Scumbag," "Advanced Guide for Scumbags," "How to Become a play boy ," and "Woman Identification Methods."

Firstly, Su Mu couldn't sleep, and secondly, the system required him to conquer the goddess, which basically meant chasing girls.

Su Mu wasn't skilled at this, and modern girls had many tricks.

If he wasn't careful, he could end up as a backup or a sycophant.

So, Su Mu decided to study how to flirt with girls, improve their affection, and avoid pitfalls.

The online articles were quite enlightening, and Su Mu almost felt like bowing to the authors.

The first rule of a scumbag: Don't initiate, don't refuse, don't take responsibility.

The second rule: Be handsome, confident, wealthy, and warm-hearted.

Being handsome is innate, but as long as you don't look ugly, spruce yourself up to be clean and neat, and you'll leave a good first impression on girls.

As for confidence, browse mysterious and rare topics, professions, or items.

When chatting, boast about them.

As long as the girl doesn't understand, she'll think you're knowledgeable and learned, making her feel inferior and easier to approach.

The third rule: Be generous.

Even if you're not rich, act as if you are.

When you first meet, be generous but not overtly flashy. Show your financial strength and gentlemanly demeanor subtly.

For example, in a café or restaurant, order without asking the girl's preference but choose something expensive.

Apologize for not asking her taste but assure her the food is good, creating an impression of wealth.

The fourth rule: Be warm-hearted.

Appear when needed and disappear when not. Don't initiate conversations but respond promptly when she messages.

Never chat for too long, even if the conversation is pleasant.

Leave her wanting more, creating an impression of lingering interest.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Su Mu thought, feeling enlightened. The author was truly incredible.

Just as Su Mu was about to give the scumbag guide a thumbs up, his phone beeped.

"Huh? Who's messaging me this late?"