Liu Yiyi

Name: Liu Yiyi  

Age: 19 years old  

Height: 168 cm  

Weight: 48 kg  

Appearance: 9.0 points

Talent: 8.5 points

Wealth: 5.0 points

Personal Assets: Below ten million, negligible.

Skills: Proficient in cooking, painting, English, Japanese, Russian, French, German, and ancient scripts.  

Goddess Rating: A+

[Ding! A female matching the criteria has been detected. Goddess character successfully bound! Increase the favorability of this goddess character to over 90 points to receive a monetary reward equivalent to her personal assets, and randomly acquire one of her skills.]

[This girl's favorability towards the host: 10 points.]

Hmm? It actually succeeded? Su Mu was stunned for a moment, not expecting the system to bind Liu Tao's girlfriend.

Liu Yiyi, this girl's wealth rating is extremely low, not meeting the standard for a goddess character.

However, her appearance rating is nine points, which is an exceptional case. 

Moreover, she is proficient in six languages and has studied ancient scripts. This is quite impressive, clearly demonstrating her talent in languages and scripts.

The initial favorability is quite normal, just like a stranger's, unlike Qin Shuman's special case.

After thinking for a moment, Su Mu decided this was fine. Even though he didn't intend to steal Liu Tao's girlfriend, a beauty like her shouldn't be wasted on someone like Liu Tao.

If he could win her over, it would be a good deed. With this in mind, Su Mu was about to greet the beauty when he noticed that Liu Yiyi's gaze was already fixed on him, her pupils slightly dilated.

Just as men like to look at beautiful women, women like to look at handsome men.

Seeing Su Mu for the first time, Liu Yiyi was amazed. This man was too handsome! She considered her standards high; Liu Tao, by her side, a bona fide handsome guy.

But compared to Su Mu, Liu Tao was completely overshadowed.

The man before her had an appearance rating of at least nine, a presence that would undoubtedly turn heads on the street.

[Liu Yiyi, favorability +10]  

[Liu Yiyi, favorability +10]

What? What's going on? Su Mu was shocked. He hadn't done anything, and her favorability was skyrocketing.

It seemed this girl liked handsome faces, which was convenient. Su Mu was confident in his looks.

Stepping forward, Su Mu greeted them with a smile, "Liu Tao, good evening. Is this girl a new student? Is she going to perform on stage too?"

Su Mu acted as if nothing had happened between him and Liu Tao, his warm smile giving off a friendly impression.

"Su Mu, what are you up to? I warn you, Yiyi is my girlfriend. You better stay away from her."

Liu Tao stepped forward, blocking Liu Yiyi, and said. He didn't understand what Su Mu was doing.

Just this morning, they had been at odds, and now he was acting all familiar. Had he lost his mind?

"Liu Tao, what are you talking about? I'm currently pursuing Lin Feier. Why would I be interested in your girlfriend? I was just saying hello. You're too Insecurity" Su Mu replied casually.

This statement was enough to dispel Liu Tao's suspicion. Although Liu Yiyi was pretty, she couldn't compare to Lin Feier. It was unlikely Su Mu would give up Lin Feier for Liu Yiyi. Saying this in front of Liu Yiyi would also lower her guard.

"Hmph, it better be that way. But you, going after Feier, What nonsense." Liu Tao sneered, habitually mocking Su Mu.

"Liu Tao, what are you doing? How can you talk like that? I'm sorry, senior. Liu Tao is in a bad mood today. Don't mind him. I'm Liu Yiyi, Liu Tao's girlfriend. Nice to meet you." Liu Yiyi quickly apologized, showing she was considerate.

It seemed she wasn't aware of the conflict between the two, just thinking Liu Tao's attitude was off and his words harsh. 

Their conflict had arisen because of Chen Qianqian, competing over another woman. Naturally, Liu Tao wouldn't tell Liu Yiyi about this.

"It's fine, I understand. Everyone has bad days. I'm Su Mu. Nice to meet you too, Yiyi. If you're performing on stage, good luck. You too, Liu Tao." Su Mu replied calmly, unfazed by Liu Tao's mockery.

His smile was warm and pleasant. After greeting them, he turned and left.

This gracious attitude further increased Liu Yiyi's favorability.

She felt that Su Mu was a genuinely good person, elegant and handsome. Such a guy, who could dislike him? Even if they couldn't be a couple, being friends would be enjoyable.

[Liu Yiyi, favorability +10]

Beside them, Liu Tao was fuming, feeling utterly stifled.

Su Mu, this scoundrel, was actually flirting with his girlfriend right in front of him, and he couldn't even react. It was infuriating.

He silently vowed to himself to make Su Mu the biggest joke at Jiang city University during the upcoming performance.

Both of them, lost in their thoughts, didn't notice Su Mu turning away with a sly smile.

Pretending to be nice? Anyone could do that. Su Mu was just acting, taking a page from the handbook of scoundrels.

This move not only angered Liu Tao but also increased Liu Yiyi's favorability, a win-win.

Hearing the notification of increased favorability in his mind, Su Mu felt great. In a short time, he had raised Liu Yiyi's favorability to 40 points.

This level of favorability was already quite high, indicating that Su Mu had made a deep impression on Liu Yiyi, especially since this was their first meeting.

"Students, teachers, good evening, everyone. It's now 8 PM, and the Jiang city University 2022 Welcome Party has officially begun. I am your host, Lin Feier. 

First, on behalf of the teachers, the students, and the entire Jiang city University faculty and staff, I welcome the freshmen and wish you success in your studies and dreams over the next four years."

Lin Feier's sweet voice spread through the microphone across the venue, officially kicking off the welcome party.

The atmosphere instantly heated up, and the audience erupted in applause. Both new and returning students were eager to give face to the university's most popular girl.

The venue was packed, and the lights were dazzling, creating a lively scene. Looking at the crowd, Su Mu felt a bit nervous.

Performing in front of thousands of people was a first for him, and it was natural to feel a bit apprehensive.

However, Su Mu's psychological resilience was strong; after a few deep breaths, he quickly composed himself.

"Students, this welcome party is not only to greet the newcomers but also an opportunity for you to showcase yourselves and get to know each other. Next, we have three freshman representatives who will perform on stage, followed by three seniors who will extend their welcome to the freshmen. I'm honored to be one of them, so I'll set an example for the freshmen. I don't have any particular talent, so I'll sing a song for everyone. Please bear with me."

Lin Feier smiled as she spoke. This wasn't her first time hosting a campus event, and she was very skilled, speaking casually yet gracefully. 

Everyone was already familiar with Lin Feier's singing talent, even some freshmen had heard about her.

They all seemed very excited. As anticipated, when Lin Feier began to sing, her performance was stunning.

Over two thousand people in the audience were deeply immersed in her song, savoring every note even after it ended.

"Alright, I'm done singing. Why isn't anyone applauding? It seems everyone isn't very satisfied with my singing. Sigh, it looks like we should give the stage to our main performers today. Let's welcome our first freshman on stage, Zhao Feiyun."

Standing on the stage, Lin Feier joked playfully, pretending to be disappointed.

Only then did the audience react, bursting into applause. Lin Feier signaled for them to stop before inviting Zhao Feiyun on stage.

Zhao Feiyun was a fairly handsome young man. He performed a hiphop dance, which didn't particularly capture the audience's interest and felt a bit dull. 

Among the three freshmen, there were two boys and one girl. Besides Liu Yiyi, one boy performed street dance and the other performed kung fu. Compared to Lin Feier's stellar performance, theirs were somewhat lackluster, and the applause from the audience was sparse.

Some people even started scrolling on their phones out of boredom, and many were chatting among themselves, lacking the focused immersion they had during Lin Feier's song.

This situation changed only when Liu Yiyi took the stage.

With her stunning nine-point beauty, she immediately captivated the attention of all the males in the audience just by standing there.