
"Hello, everyone. I'm a freshman this year. My name is Liu Yiyi. I'm very happy to be here at Jiang city University. I don't have any special talents either, so I'll sing a song for you, 'Always Quiet.'"

Liu Yiyi appeared to be very confident and composed, showing no signs of nervousness. With a sweet smile, she began to sing.

"The empty streets, looking for someone to talk to, making this decision, loneliness as my companion..."

As soon as Liu Yiyi started singing, the difference was clear. Although her singing wasn't bad, it was obvious that she was an amateur. Her performance was quite ordinary.

"This freshman is really beautiful, but her singing is a bit..."

"Being good-looking is enough. Having too many expectations is unreasonable. At least she's better than the previous two. I wonder if she has a boyfriend."

The audience buzzed with discussions. They were generally more forgiving towards a beautiful girl and paid more attention, though many still critiqued her singing skills. 

But in the next moment, those critics were stunned, as Liu Yiyi switched to Spanish for the second line!

In the next segment, she switched to Japanese, followed by Russian, French, and German. She sang the entire song in six different languages, switching effortlessly and naturally.




The audience was in shock, with exclamations of surprise and amazement.

This was truly stunning! Although her singing wasn't great, how many people could sing a song in six different languages?

Lin Feier couldn't do it, Su Mu couldn't do it, and neither could Liu Tao.

In fact, no one in Jiang city University could.

At that moment, Liu Yiyi used her extraordinary language talent to amaze everyone, making an otherwise mediocre song unforgettable.

When she finished, the audience was already in awe, causing a commotion that was on par with Lin Feier's performance.

"Hehe, I'm done singing. Thank you, everyone." Liu Yiyi bowed, waved, and walked off the stage.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

The audience erupted into enthusiastic applause.

Even Su Mu couldn't help but clap vigorously. The atmosphere was once again electrifying, and at that moment, everyone remembered the new freshman, Liu Yiyi. 

It wouldn't be long before she became a famous figure at Jiang city University.

Following Liu Yiyi was Liu Tao's turn.

Known as the musical talent of Jiang city University and a Tiktok influencer with millions of followers, Liu Tao was quite popular, especially with many female admirers.

As soon as he stepped on stage, some fangirls started cheering. Liu Tao was obviously pleased and shot a provocative glance at Su Mu.

"Hello, everyone. Many of you might already know me, but I'll introduce myself anyway. My name is Liu Tao, a senior in the computer science department. 

I have many hobbies, but I'm best at singing. Fortunately, I have a good voice and have achieved some success in music. I'll be singing 'Sunny Day' for you."

His somewhat arrogant introduction caused some people to frown.

People generally prefer humble and courteous individuals. Such arrogance doesn't make a good first impression.

Liu Tao's first words on stage immediately caused some freshmen, seeing him for the first time, to feel dissatisfied and think, "What's he showing off for? It's just singing. He's acting like a big shot."

Su Mu also shook his head. Aside from his attitude, Liu Tao's song choice was a problem.

Choosing to cover a song by a music legend is risky. Classics are classics because they can't be surpassed. Even if you sing it well, you'll only get decent praise since you can't outshine the original. 

If you sing it poorly, you'll get bashed, especially since fans of the original artist are everywhere. In a university setting, this reverence is even stronger. 

Daring to butcher their idol's song would invite scorn, and singing poorly with such confidence is laughable. 

Moreover, Liu Yiyi's performance had already amazed the audience. If Liu Tao couldn't outperform her, he'd face the same lukewarm reception as the previous performers.

As the music started, Liu Tao began to sing steadily, showcasing decent skill at a proficient level.

But as Su Mu expected, the reaction was lukewarm, failing to create any significant excitement.

Seeing the indifferent response from the audience, Liu Tao felt embarrassed. He hadn't expected this, having always received applause before.

He assumed the same would happen today but found the audience unresponsive.

Finishing the song, the audience gave polite but unenthusiastic applause, which felt harsh to Liu Tao, making his face darken.

"What's going on today? Why is it completely different from what I imagined?" Liu Tao wondered, his expression fluctuating.

Although dissatisfied, he had no reason to stay on stage. 

At that moment, he caught a glimpse of Su Mu in the audience, and a scheme formed in his mind.

"Haha, I'm done singing. It seems I was too confident. This 'Sunny Day' didn't impress everyone. But the next performer is a top talent at Jiang city University. His singing skills are at superstar level. 

Compared to him, I'm nothing. Even the original singer would bow down to him. I'm sure he'll amaze everyone. Let's look forward to it."

Liu Tao smiled as he spoke, setting a trap for Su Mu. The higher he praised Su Mu, the harder Su Mu would fall if he failed.

Such arrogance also annoyed the audience. If misinterpreted, it could spark controversy online. 

Saying even the original artist would bow down was asking for trouble, especially from the fans. His words quickly sparked discussions.

"WTF, who is he talking about? Is there such a talent at our university?"

"Whoever it is, they're dead meat for making such a claim. Competing with a superstar? What a joke."

"Liu Tao is known as a musical genius, so this person must be really good. Let's wait and see."

"Whatever, if this guy's performance isn't great, I'm gonna tear him apart."

The audience was abuzz with chatter, mostly dismissive and mocking, with some people already poised to heckle.

Hearing these comments, Su Mu's face darkened. "Liu Tao, I've got your number. Just wait until I get my chance," he cursed inwardly. Composing himself, Su Mu walked onto the stage.

Seeing Su Mu, many in the audience were taken aback.

Those who knew him were baffled. "Isn't that Su Mu? Since when could he sing, let alone rival a superstar?" they wondered.

Qin Shuman frowned, her dislike for Su Mu intensifying as Liu Tao's words replayed in her mind, further lowering her impression of him.

Chen Qianqian's eyes widened in disbelief. She had been speculating about the final performer, but never expected it to be Su Mu. She knew he couldn't sing.

"This time, the bragging might be too much," Li Mingyu and his friends were equally nervous, sweating in anticipation.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Su Mu, a senior in the computer science department. First, I'd like to welcome all the new students to Jiang city University. This is my first time performing on stage and my first time singing, so please forgive me if it's not great."

Su Mu's humble and honest introduction drew some scoffs from the crowd. "He was bragging so much earlier, and now he's chickening out?" they thought.

"A song called 'Say Goodbye' for everyone," Su Mu continued, ignoring the audience's attitude and not bothering to argue.

Preconceived notions couldn't be changed with words. The only way to win them over was with his performance.

If his singing was good enough, moving enough, and if he could truly surpass the original, then Liu Tao's previous words wouldn't seem arrogant or boastful—they would be proof of genuine talent.

Su Mu believed he could achieve this, thanks to his divine voice and masterful singing skills.

Closing his eyes, Su Mu started to get into the right mindset, recalling the lyrics and blending them with his personal experiences.

"Say Goodbye" is a song about regret, something Su Mu and many in the audience could relate to.

Memories flashed through his mind: the innocent crushes of middle school, the unspoken affections of high school, and the unfulfilled romances of his three years in college—all fading into air, lost in the crowd.

After several seconds, Su Mu's eyes snapped open, his demeanor transforming from a spirited youth to someone who had weathered many storms.

He signaled for the music to start and began to sing.