The entire audience cried

"Hold me close, let's pretend we were never together. Is it okay? It's too late to explain," Su Mu's magnetic voice resonated through the silent auditorium.

The first line of lyrics gripped the audience's hearts, drawing them into a shared sense of resonance.

A wave of intense sorrow swept over the crowd, inescapable and overwhelming. Among the 2,000 people present, each person's mind conjured a shadowy figure—someone from their past, a buried regret brought to the surface by Su Mu's voice.

"Let it go, it doesn't matter what I gave. I ignored myself because I met you. It's hopeless, so frightening. That version of me was unreasonable, always recklessly devoted. I was too foolish," the song continued.

Many listeners had tears in their eyes. Everyone had a first love; everyone had loved passionately.

For that special person, we gave everything unreservedly.

In hopes of a lasting future together, we tolerated, compromised, and humbled ourselves into the dust, even losing our sense of self.

But what was the outcome? We were abandoned, discarded. We chose them with unwavering determination, but they never included us in their plans for the future.

Reflecting on it now, what happened to us? What started as a mere crush turned into something so profound.

Our love became an obsession, causing us pain and heartache. We pursued it relentlessly, getting hurt over and over, yet refusing to let go. Was it worth it?

"Let's just forget it. No matter how much I give, it's never enough. I've finally found my salvation. I don't want to embarrass myself any further. There's no way out, isn't it better this way? If we all leave, forcing ourselves to stay together will only wear us out."

As the song reached its climax, the audience began to shed tears.

After countless disappointments and heartaches, we finally let go. We finally accepted that some things cannot be forced, and some loves have no future.

In that moment, our hearts were filled with a bitter smile, feeling both liberated and as if we had lost everything, moving like soulless bodies with empty eyes.

The pain of letting go of someone you love deeply is excruciating, like having your heart squeezed by an invisible hand, making you choke on your tears, struggling to breathe, almost suffocating.

This feeling haunts you, persistent and relentless.

Throughout your life, countless memories and fleeting thoughts will bring you back to this moment.

You never quite understand why things couldn't work out, what went wrong, and despite endless pondering, you find no answers.

The song provided the answer.

"Understand everything, forgive everything. I tried to find the answer, but the answer is simple. Simple and regretful, because of growth, we are forced to get used to it. Because of growth, we suddenly say goodbye."

Yes, the answer is simple. This world is like that; there's no explanation needed.

You love her, but she may not love you back. Some people are just passing through your life, and trying to hold onto them is futile.

In the vast sea of humanity, we will all eventually lose and say goodbye, often unexpectedly.

One moment everything seems fine, and the next, it's over. It might hurt at first, but eventually, the things you can't let go of will pass.

You can't change it, so you have to accept it. Even if you can't accept it, you have to, because growth forces us to adapt, to forgive the world, others, and ourselves.

When the song ended, it was filled with regret. Su Mu's voice had brought out the suppressed emotions of the audience.

A profound sadness enveloped the hall; 2,000 people were crying, releasing their pent-up feelings in silence. No one spoke, each person lost in their own tears and emotions.

Although they were students, they deeply felt the song's message. Whether they were freshmen just starting their college journey or seniors about to graduate, they had all experienced or were experiencing regret.

For the freshmen, from the moment they received their college acceptance letters, their lives had already diverged from those of their high school friends, the boys and girls they liked.

Some friends didn't get into college, some chose to repeat a year, and others were accepted to different schools in different cities.

Their lives had been divided, and they had just experienced a "sudden goodbye."

For the seniors about to graduate, this feeling was even more intense. Graduation season often coincides with breakup season; countless college relationships end as students leave campus.

The story of Chen Qianqian and Su Mu was just one of many. They, too, were about to experience a "sudden goodbye."

Time forces us to grow and lose continuously. We don't want to accept it, but we have no choice. The heartache is indescribable, and we can only slowly heal after each breakdown.

After a while, the audience gradually recovered from the intense sadness.

With red eyes, they stood up and looked at Su Mu on stage, clapping endlessly.

They didn't know how to express their excitement or how to praise Su Mu's song, so they just kept clapping, their palms turning red from the applause they didn't want to stop.

One song had conquered the entire audience!

"It's so beautiful, incredibly beautiful. I felt like I wasn't just listening to a song; I was reflecting on my life. In that moment, I didn't even know what was happening. I couldn't stop my tears, and my heart felt like it was being torn apart."

"Amazing, absolutely amazing. How can someone sing a song to such an extent? The intense resonance made my scalp tingle."

"I admit, I was wrong. Senior Su Mu truly has talent. This song really surpassed the original. The intense emotions he conveyed are something even some seasoned stars can't express so perfectly."

"So it turns out Senior Liu Tao wasn't lying. Senior Su Mu is truly amazing. Is he one of those hidden geniuses among us?"

The crowd didn't hide their admiration. Everyone was convinced.

From initial disbelief, doubt, and disdain, they now respected him wholeheartedly. They all felt that attending this welcome party was worthwhile.

They might only experience such a god-level live performance once in a lifetime, and it was worth it.

Compared to the crowd, those who knew Su Mu were even more shocked.

Li Mingyu and his two friends stared at Su Mu on stage in disbelief. "How is this possible? Su Mu can actually sing, and he sings so well. This is incredible."

"Su Mu..." Chen Qianqian covered her mouth, her eyes red as she looked at Su Mu on stage, her vision blurred by tears. 

As Su Mu's ex-girlfriend, no one felt more complex emotions than she did. She heard more in this song than anyone else, making her even more heartbroken. 

At this moment, looking at Su Mu, an indescribable pain surged in her heart, almost suffocating her.

Thinking about the events of the past few days, about what she said to Su Mu—"You have no money, no talent. What future can I have with you?"—now, Su Mu had proven his talent and his future. He stood on stage, shining brightly with limitless potential. 

But he no longer belonged to her.

Chen Qianqian broke down, suddenly pushing through the crowd and running towards the exit of the hall, ignoring even Wang Hao.