End of the welcome party

Su Mu didn't notice Chen Qianqian; at this moment, his mind was filled with the system's notification sounds.

The favorability levels from Qin Shuman, Lin Feier, and Liu Yiyi were skyrocketing, and their gazes towards Su Mu had completely changed.

Lin Feier favorability increased again, reaching 75 points, nearing a successful conquest.

Even the usually difficult Qin Shuman's favorability rose significantly, adding 40 points, bringing her favorability to a positive 5 points for the first time.

As for Liu Yiyi, her favorability increased the most, soaring directly to 80 points, surpassing Lin Feier . Even Su Mu was surprised.

What's going on? I haven't really done anything, just said hello and sang a song, and now I'm almost successful in my conquest? This is our first meeting today, and it's happening so quickly!

But it wasn't really Liu Yiyi's fault; Su Mu's song was simply too amazing. Combined with the good impression he had already made, in this special environment and under these unique circumstances, her favorability naturally rose easily. 

However, this kind of impulsive increase can also fade quickly. Because Su Mu had left such a great impression on Liu Yiyi today, any future imperfections or flaws could easily cause her favorability to drop.

People are like this: if someone starts off seeming unimpressive but gradually shows their strengths and talents over time, you'll naturally feel surprised and delighted, and your favorability towards them will increase. 

On the other hand, if someone starts off appearing almost perfect, like the man or woman of your dreams, but gradually reveals many flaws over time, you'll feel a sense of disappointment.

You'll realize that this so-called perfect person is just like everyone else, with their own quirks and shortcomings, and your rating of them will naturally decline.

In Liu Yiyi's case, it would be best to capitalize on her current high favorability before it drops.

Su Mu should find a way to further increase her favorability, aiming to push it directly to 90 points and achieve a successful conquest.

That way, even if it decreases later, Su Mu will have already received the task reward, making it less important.

Su Mu pondered what to do next and glanced at Liu Yiyi in the audience.

At that moment, Liu Yiyi was sobbing uncontrollably in her seat, while Liu Tao sat beside her with a grim expression.

Liu Tao was likely the only person present who wasn't impressed by Su Mu's singing.

He hadn't paid attention to the performance, waiting instead for Su Mu to make a fool of himself.

To his dismay, Su Mu truly could sing, and his performance was leagues ahead of Liu Tao's.

Comparing his earlier mockery to the current situation, Liu Tao felt a burning humiliation, as if he had been slapped in the face.

He had strutted in front of Su Mu like a show-off, but now, he seemed like a clown. Liu Tao seethed with rage, feeling as if Su Mu had deliberately set him up to be humiliated.

"Damn it, Su Mu, just wait," Liu Tao muttered venomously.

He shot a murderous glare at Su Mu before standing to leave. He noticed that Liu Yiyi remained seated, still crying.

Impatiently, he snapped, "Stop crying already! It's just a song. What's there to cry about?"

Liu Yiyi, eyes filled with tears, retorted angrily, "You don't understand. Su Mu's song was incredible. I've never been so moved by a song before. Aren't you supposed to be studying music? Can't you hear the emotions in his singing? Such a beautiful song, and you have no reaction at all. Liu Tao, have you never experienced a profound love?"

Liu Tao exploded, "What the hell…" Furious, he glared at Liu Yiyi. "Who's your boyfriend here, me or Su Mu? You're lecturing me using another man as an example right in front of me? Is this how a girlfriend should behave? First, Chen Qianqian thought I wasn't as good as Su Mu, and now you too. What the hell do I lack compared to him?"

Liu Tao was livid, his rage boiling over. He clenched his fists, his face twisted in anger. He pointed at Liu Yiyi and shouted, "Say that again if you dare."

"You… what are you going to do?" Liu Yiyi was startled, stepping back instinctively to distance herself from Liu Tao.

Liu Tao didn't respond, glaring at her with a vicious look before storming off. Liu Yiyi sighed in relief. Liu Tao had looked like he was ready to hit her. If not for the crowd, she believed he would have. 

Feeling the danger, Liu Yiyi decided she needed to break up with him.

They hadn't been together long and lacked deep feelings.

Now, seeing his violent tendencies, her first thought was to end the relationship.

"Everyone, the song performed by Su Mu just now was incredibly moving," Lin Feier announced. "I was brought to tears, and I'm sure many of you were too. I never expected to hear such a heart-wrenching song at our welcoming party. I declare this the most successful welcome party in Jiang city University's history."

Lin Feier's eyes shone with admiration as she looked at Su Mu. She had never imagined he could sing so well. If not for the setting, she would have asked him to sing another song.

Unfortunately, the welcome party was drawing to a close, and as the host, she had to follow the schedule.

Composing herself, Lin Feier continued, "With that, our performances for the welcome party conclude here. Now, let's welcome our school leadership to give a speech."

Unlike other schools, Jiang city University's event schedule was simple. The vice-principal took the stage and gave a brief motivational speech, bringing the welcome party to a successful close.

Su Mu was surprised when the vice-principal specially praised him, making him feel flattered.

As the event ended, everyone began to leave.

Su Mu and his friends walked back to their dorms. On the way, Su Mu opened his attribute panel to check his task progress.

Host: Su Mu

Strength: 19 (average for a normal adult is 10)

Physique: 19

Spirit: 17

Agility: 18

Skills: Driving (Beginner), Computing (Intermediate), Basketball (Beginner), Painting (Beginner), Cooking (Intermediate), Fighting (Advanced), Singing (Master), Angelic Voice (Special).

Main Task: Goddess Conquest. Bound Characters: Wang Ruonan ( Favorability 96), Lin Fei'er (Favorability 75), Qin Shuman (Favorability 5), Liu Yiyi (Favorability 80).

Ultimate Task: Become the dream of billions girls.

Task Progress: Number of people with affection: 1866 (female). Highest affection: 56 points (non-goddess character), Number of people with Favorability above fifty: 64.

The attribute panel had undergone significant changes. There were now four bound goddess characters, with three of them having high Favorability levels, close to being successfully conquered. But today's highlight was the ultimate task.

As Su Mu expected, today's performance had significantly boosted his popularity, with the number of people having affection for him reaching 1866, making substantial progress toward the 10,000 goal. Some even had Favorability levels over fifty, indicating they liked him, meeting the system's minimum requirement.

However, reaching this point made further increases more challenging, both in terms of numbers and Favorability levels. After all, opportunities like the welcome party weren't frequent.

While Su Mu pondered how to increase his popularity and gain more affection, he didn't realize that someone had already uploaded a video of his performance online, complete with eye-catching titles.