
"Shocking: A super singer appears at the campus welcome party, bringing thousands to tears with one song."

"Hidden talents among us: What is a master? This is a master!"

"A voice like heaven, performance like a concert hall, soul-stirring emotional resonance. Our campus singing god challenges the entertainment industry—who dares to compete?"

During the prime time for scrolling through TikTok, these videos sparked an immediate sensation upon being uploaded.

Within ten minutes, the view count surpassed ten thousand, with comments exceeding a thousand, quickly topping Tiktok 's trending. 

The comments were unanimously awestruck, with many expressing they had never heard such a moving song before.

Even through the screen, the poignant and sorrowful emotions conveyed were palpable, causing viewers' eyes to involuntarily well up. 

Everyone understood that the impact of watching a video could never match the intensity of a live performance, yet Su Mu's song had such a magical effect. It crossed the digital divide, resonating deeply with listeners and drawing out their own emotions. 

Despite the sadness, viewers were also filled with admiration, feeling a rare emotional connection they hadn't experienced in years.

Consequently, everyone who saw the video instinctively shared it—sending it to friends, colleagues, and chat groups. Su Mu's singing video spread rapidly, like a virus, reaching an ever-expanding audience.

The video's popularity soared at an unprecedented rate, hitting tens of thousands, then millions, and eventually tens of millions in just two hours. It garnered millions of likes and over 300,000 comments.

This explosive growth shattered TikTok 's records, and this was only the first day. One could only imagine how much more viral it would become in the following days.

Unaware of this burgeoning fame, Su Mu was already in a deep sleep in his dorm room.

The day had been exhausting with setting up the venue, performing, and dealing with the nerves of a first-time performance.

Mentally and physically drained, he had gone to bed early.

In his sleep, he vaguely heard the system's notifications, but he was too tired to care—nothing could interrupt his sleep.

The night passed uneventfully. The next morning, Su Mu was awakened by Li Mingyu's loud voice.

"Wow, Su Mu, you're famous! Come on, wake up, stop sleeping!" Li Mingyu's shouting caused a commotion in the entire dorm room.

"What are you talking about?" Yang Wei asked curiously, toothbrush still in his mouth.

"Seriously, it's Saturday. Can't a guy sleep in?" Wu Rui grumbled, rolling over and covering his head with the blanket to continue sleeping.

Su Mu, still groggy, rubbed his eyes and reluctantly sat up. "What's going on? Famous for what?"

"Your singing video from yesterday! Someone posted it on TikTok, and it's gone viral. I've seen multiple videos of you. The most popular one has over a billion views, five million favorites , and fifty thousand comments. Check it out yourself—everyone online is talking about you." Li Mingyu said excitedly, his face flushed with enthusiasm.

"Five million favorites? Fifty thousand comments? Really? Let me see." Yang Wei, skeptical, snatched the phone, toothpaste still in his mouth. One look, and his eyes widened. "Wow, it's true!"

Hearing this, Wu Rui couldn't stay in bed. He jumped up and looked at the phone, showing the same shocked expression as Yang Wei.

Su Mu was stunned. Could his singing really cause such a stir?

Curious, Su Mu quickly grabbed his phone and opened TikTok. The first video recommended by the algorithm was his performance, no searching required. One glance showed 6.5 million favorites and over 700,000 comments. Just moments ago, Li Mingyu mentioned five million favorites ; now, it had increased significantly.

He opened the comment section and saw the top comment, which was from the original singer. 

"You sang very well. I thought I had interpreted this song perfectly, but you proved there's always someone better. I'm humbled."

This comment had over a million likes and left many people stunned.

Her version had been unmatched, embodying heart-wrenching regret. Yet, she publicly admitted Su Mu sang it better, humbling herself. How could that not shock everyone?

In addition to the original singer, many other singers also left comments praising Su Mu's performance. There were over a dozen compliments from various artists.

Finally, Su Mu realized: "Wow, I'm famous!"

Jumping up, he rushed to the bathroom and immediately opened his attribute panel to check, not wanting Li Mingyu and the others to see his reaction.

Taking a deep breath, Su Mu nervously pulled up the attribute panel and scrolled to the task section.

Ultimate Task: Become the dream of 900 million girls. Task Progress: 1,798,766 people have developed affection (female). Highest affection: 69 points (non-goddess character). Number of people with affection over 50 points: 134,545.

"Wow, that's… 1.79 million people?!" Su Mu was stunned, wondering if he was dreaming.

In just one night, the number of people with affection for him skyrocketed from over a thousand to over a million! He completed the task in one big leap.

If it weren't for the fact that not only women but also men watched the video, the number could have been even higher.

Moreover, the number of people with affection above fifty points also surpassed 100,000, jumping two stages directly.

All of this was unbelievable; the surprise came too suddenly, making Su Mu feel a bit dizzy.

Just yesterday, he was worrying about how to complete his tasks and increase his favorability. Who would have thought that after a night's sleep, everything would be resolved? 

It felt like someone who had been buying lottery tickets for years suddenly won tens of millions—utterly bewildering and shocking.

The world seemed so crazy that it took Su Mu several seconds to process it all before he checked the system rewards.

[Host has achieved a phase of the task: Dream of billions girls. Reached 10,000 people with affection: +2 free attribute points. Reached 100,000 people: +10 free attribute points. Reached 1,000,000 people: +10 all attributes, +20 free attribute points. Consecutive task completion: +5 free attribute points.]

[Host has achieved a phase of the task: Dream of billions girls. Reached 10,000 people with affection above 50 points: one lottery chance. Reached 100,000 people: one lottery chance.]

With this wave of task completions, Su Mu gained a substantial number of attribute points and two lottery chances. Seeing these rewards, a thoughtful glint appeared in Su Mu's eyes. It seemed the system valued the latter part of the task more.

After all, making someone develop affection was relatively easy—any slight affection counted.

Hence, the requirement was broad, and the rewards were not as high.

However, having an affection level above 50 points was much harder. Out of millions of people, only less than one-tenth met this requirement.

Even so, this wave of accomplishments brought Su Mu substantial gains. He opened the attribute panel to review his progress.

[Host: Su Mu]

[Strength: 29]

[Constitution: 29]

[Spirit: 27]

[Agility: 28]

[Free attribute points: 37]

[Lottery chances: 2]

[Skills: Driving (Beginner), Computer (Intermediate), Basketball (Beginner), Painting (Beginner), Cooking (Intermediate), Fighting (Advanced), Singing (God-level), Angelic Voice (Special).]

[Main task: Goddess Conquest. Bound characters: Wang Ruonan (Favorability 96 points), Lin Feier (Favorability 75 points), Qin Shuman (Favorability 5 points), Liu Yiyi (Favorability 80 points).]

[Ultimate task: Become the dream of billions girls. Task progress: Number of people with Favorability : 1,798,766 (female), Highest Favorability : 69 points (non-goddess characters), Number of people with Favorability above 50 points: 134,545.]