Special item

The massive increase in attributes boosted Su Mu's physical abilities to three times that of an average person, making him significantly stronger than before.

Su Mu felt that if he were to fight those thugs now, he could probably knock them out with a single punch. 

Moreover, Su Mu noticed that this time, the attribute boost did not make him faint as it did before.

It seemed that the initial transformation had been thorough, and his body had now adapted to the enhancements, preventing any adverse reactions. 

Looking at his somewhat mismatched attributes, Su Mu's slight obsessive-compulsive tendencies kicked in.

He had exactly seven spare attribute points, so he distributed them evenly across his four main attributes. Now, his attributes looked like this:

[Strength: 30. Constitution: 30. Spirit: 30. Agility: 30. Free attribute points: 30.]

This arrangement looked much more pleasing to the eye. As for the thirty free attribute points, Su Mu decided to keep them in reserve for unexpected situations. 

Having dealt with his attributes, Su Mu eagerly looked forward to the two lottery chances he had earned. Last time, he had drawn two S-level skills, so he hoped for something equally good this time.

Without hesitation, Su Mu initiated the lottery.

The familiar dazzling wheel appeared, spinning rapidly before gradually slowing down.

The pointer moved past the "Hacker Skill" and "God-level Acting," eventually landing on a black-and-white icon of a female figure with a question mark in the center. 

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special reward: Goddess Conquest Assistance Item! Using this item reveals key information for conquering a specific goddess character.]

"Key information for conquest?" Su Mu scratched his head in confusion before realizing what it meant. This item would provide crucial hints about a goddess character when the conquest difficulty was too high, revealing private information like special habits or weaknesses to simplify the conquest.

Among the bound goddess characters, who had the highest conquest difficulty?

Undoubtedly, it was Qin Shuman, the mentally unstable woman who was entirely different from ordinary women, leaving Su Mu clueless about how to approach her.

Finally seeing some hope, Su Mu immediately chose to use the item on Qin Shuman. The system prompt appeared right away.

[Target character: Qin Shuman. Key information for conquest: Qin Shuman is afraid of thunderstorms, extremely fearful, with an intense inner terror!]

"Afraid of thunderstorms?" Su Mu raised an eyebrow. He hadn't expected that the strong-willed Qin Shuman would be afraid of thunderstorms.

It's common for girls to be afraid of thunderstorms since many girls have timid dispositions.

However, the system specifically highlighted her extreme fear, indicating a deep-seated issue.

Su Mu speculated that Qin Shuman might have experienced a traumatic event related to thunderstorms, leaving a significant psychological shadow.

Resolving this issue could greatly increase her affection. Su Mu decided to investigate Qin Shuman's past further.

For now, Su Mu set this matter aside, not planning to address it immediately. He wasn't that eager.

After all, conquering Qin Shuman would only yield a twenty million reward, and she didn't possess any particularly special skills. 

In the past, Su Mu would have been ecstatic and would have done everything possible to get the money.

But now, with over ten million in his pocket, he wasn't in a hurry. Moreover, with her terrible temper, Su Mu wouldn't bother if it weren't for the high conquest difficulty presenting a challenge.

"Whoa, I seem to be getting a bit arrogant. Not even caring about twenty million?" Su Mu keenly noticed the shift in his mindset and immediately proceeded with the second lottery draw.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an S-level reward: Antique Appraisal (Master Level)!]

"Wow? Antique Appraisal!" This reward took Su Mu by surprise as it was related to antiques—a field he had never ventured into before. 

From childhood to now, Su Mu had never really encountered any antiques, except for what he had seen on TV.

His understanding of antiques was limited to knowing they were valuable, often highlighted in treasure appraisal shows where people would find hidden gems and sell them for millions. It was incredibly thrilling.

Now that he had acquired the skill of antique appraisal, Su Mu wondered if he could try his luck too. Maybe he could make a substantial profit.

Pondering this, Su Mu felt a surge of excitement but knew today wasn't the day for it. Lin Feier had already made plans with him for dinner.

The incident at the bar the day before yesterday, where Su Mu saved Lin Feier, naturally couldn't go without acknowledgment. It was normal for Lin Feier to treat him to a meal in return. If it hadn't been for the busy welcome party yesterday, they would have already gone out.

Now that the welcome party was over, they had arranged to have dinner today.

Su Mu couldn't break his promise, so he had to postpone the antique appraisal plans.

After all, there was no rush for that, and finding a valuable antique wasn't easy. Even with his exceptional skills, if there was nothing good to find, it wouldn't help much.

Treating the antique appraisal as a fun hobby without high expectations, Su Mu integrated the skill, and a vast amount of knowledge about antiques flooded his mind.

Images of porcelain, paintings, jade, and other artifacts flashed through his head, complete with details on their era, origin, cultural history, characteristics, and even methods of forgery.

Su Mu couldn't help but marvel at the system's miraculous capabilities. It was incredibly impressive.

After closing the system, Su Mu exited the bathroom to find that Li Mingyu and the others were gone. They had been making a lot of noise outside earlier, but Su Mu had ignored them.

The buzz about his viral fame was only a temporary excitement for them, and the novelty would soon wear off.

Su Mu, on the other hand, needed to think about maintaining his newfound popularity. It would be ideal to keep the momentum going and see if he could make further progress on his tasks. The goal of becoming the dream of billion girls was still far off, with only one million fans so far.

He had noticed many comments requesting a flawless version of his performance.

The video from the welcome party had poor sound quality due to the noise from the crowd. So, he decided to record a better version and upload several songs. Since people liked his singing, they would probably be thrilled to hear more.

Lin Feier was experienced in recording music, so Su Mu planned to ask her for advice later.

With this plan in mind, he freshened up, dressed, and headed downstairs. They had agreed to meet at 11:30, and it was already late in the morning.

Su Mu wasn't in a rush, knowing that girls often arrived late for dates, sometimes by ten minutes, sometimes by half an hour. There was no need to be punctual and wait around.

As he descended the stairs, he called Lin Feier.

"Hello, Feier, are you up yet? Let's meet at the east gate of the school."

"Yes, I've been up for a while. We can meet at the east gate. Then we can take a cab to the city center. I'll treat you to a big meal," Lin Feier replied cheerfully.

Her casual remark reminded Su Mu that it might be time to buy a car.

He had gotten his driver's license during his freshman year, but hadn't driven much since then. With over ten million in his account, buying a car should be feasible.

Moreover, he thought it might be a good time to send some money to his parents.

Previously, he had hesitated because it was hard to explain, but now he could say it was from his internet fame. That seemed reasonable.

Lost in these thoughts, Su Mu found himself at the east gate of the campus.

From a distance, he spotted a beautiful figure standing gracefully at the gate.