
She was dressed in a light blue floral dress and wearing a sunhat. As the breeze blew, her skirt fluttered, and she gently pressed it down with her hand. She looked pure and lovely, as beautiful as a painting. 

Su Mu couldn't help but feel moved by the sight, feeling a sensation similar to a first crush, with a particularly strong campus vibe.

At that moment, Lin Feier turned around and spotted Su Mu. Her face lit up with a charming smile, and she stood on her tiptoes, waving and calling out, "Su Mu, over here, over here!"

"I see you!" Su Mu responded with a smile, quickening his pace toward her. "Feier, you look really beautiful today. For a moment, I thought I saw a fairy descending to earth," he genuinely complimented her.

Lin Feier had clearly put a lot of effort into her appearance today, wearing light makeup that made her look exceptionally pretty and enchanting.

"Oh, stop exaggerating," Lin Feier said, blushing slightly from the praise, but feeling quite happy inside. Her half-hour of careful preparation had paid off.

"Let's get going," she quickly changed the subject, pulling Su Mu toward a nearby taxi, which sped off as soon as they got in.

With Su Mu being handsome and Lin Feier being beautiful, they looked like a perfect couple, drawing envious glances from people at the campus gate.

"Where are we going to eat?" Su Mu asked as they sat in the car.

"Let's have steak. There's a place called Rose Restaurant in the city center. I went there with my roommates last time, and the food was quite good," Lin Feier replied.

She was the type of girl who dreamt of romantic fairy tales, and since this was her first date with Su Mu, she wanted to make a good impression by choosing a place with a nice ambiance.

"Sure!" Su Mu nodded. It was funny, but he had never actually been to an upscale place like Rose Restaurant before. Having grown up in a rural area and being from a modest family, such places always seemed too fancy and out of reach.

In the past, the idea of going to a high-end restaurant might have made Su Mu nervous.

But now, with money in his pocket, he felt at ease. With this newfound confidence, he relaxed and enjoyed the conversation with Lin Feier on the way, getting to know her better.

He learned more about Lin Feier's background. Her family was well-off enough to afford piano and dance lessons, yet this didn't align with the high personal asset value of ten billion he had seen, which puzzled him.

Previously, he had thought she might be a wealthy heiress in disguise, but that didn't seem to be the case.

Like Qin Shuman, Lin Feier also had some secrets. This only piqued Su Mu's curiosity further, making the task of winning her over even more intriguing and challenging. He was determined to uncover all these secrets.

Given the high standards the system had for the goddess figures he would encounter in the future, Su Mu knew they would all be individuals with significant status and wealth, making them difficult to win over. Lin Feier was the perfect practice, helping him hone his skills for those future challenges.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Su Mu chatted even more enthusiastically with Lin Feier and took the opportunity to ask about recording songs. Lin Feier, being a master-level singer, was quite knowledgeable about this.

After hearing Su Mu's requirements, she decided to take him to a professional recording studio after their meal.

Since Su Mu needed to build his popularity, just recording audio wouldn't be enough; it had to be a video.

People needed to see his handsome face to remember him and to increase his favorability.

The recording studio had all the necessary equipment to meet Su Mu's needs. With Lin Feier's assurance, Su Mu felt relieved and ready to follow her lead.

"Su Mu, I think you should start live streaming. With your current popularity, a lot of people would watch. Plus, you're so good-looking, you might accidentally become a big internet celebrity," Lin Feier joked. But Su Mu's eyes lit up. Yes, he could start live streaming.

To complete his tasks, he needed more exposure. Opportunities like the welcome party were rare, but he could stream every day.

Online live streaming was incredibly popular, with countless people watching every day.

This would significantly increase the number of people developing a good impression of him. Interacting with fans would also help boost favorability.

It was the perfect way to complete his tasks. Why hadn't he thought of this before?

Su Mu looked at Lin Feier, feeling she was his lucky star.

She had given him the chance to perform at the welcome party, and now she pointed out this bright path to gaining favorability—she was an absolute godsend.

If the setting had been right, Su Mu would have kissed her to express his gratitude. 

Half an hour later, they arrived at the city center. As they got out of the taxi in front of the Rose Restaurant, Su Mu immediately sensed something was off.

This place seemed like a couple's restaurant. People were coming and going in pairs, and the elegant environment, decorated with roses, created a romantic atmosphere.

Su Mu glanced at Lin Feier and noticed her face was already flushed. She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact with him, and whispered, "Let's go in quickly."

Without waiting for Su Mu to react, she rushed inside. 

Wow, girls these days are really proactive, he thought. Inviting him to a couple's restaurant—her intentions were clear.

This made Su Mu a bit excited, and he hurriedly followed her inside.

As soon as he walked in, Su Mu noticed a piano placed in the center of the hall, with a waiter in a suit playing it.

The soothing melody echoed through the restaurant, gentle and melodious, creating a relaxing atmosphere that perfectly matched the restaurant's ambiance.

Su Mu paused for a few seconds to savor the music, thinking the player must have had formal training. The restaurant had a high-class vibe.

They sat down at a window-side table, which Lin Feier had reserved in advance.

Su Mu looked at the menu and was surprised to find the prices weren't exorbitant, averaging around 500 dollars per person.

In other places, this would be considered expensive, but in a place like this, it wasn't too bad. Su Mu had thought this meal would cost at least a few thousand dollars , but the total for both of them, including the table fee, was only 1,288 dollars , which was quite reasonable for a high-end dining experience.

"Turns out high-end restaurants aren't as intimidating as I thought," Su Mu mused to himself.

He ordered the food and waited quietly with Lin Feier. The dishes looked exquisite and mouth-watering, and Su Mu was looking forward to a good meal.

However, his mood was dampened when he saw two people walk in—Wang Hao and Chen Qianqian.

Su Mu couldn't believe his bad luck. No matter where he went, he seemed to run into these two.

His previously good mood turned sour, and his expression darkened. Wang Hao and Chen Qianqian noticed Su Mu as well, and their smiles froze.

Chen Qianqian's eyes dimmed when she saw Lin Feier sitting opposite Su Mu. Su Mu was becoming more outstanding and desirable; first, he had a beautiful woman shopping with him, and now he was with the campus queen, Lin Feier.

She couldn't understand why Su Mu had become so popular right after their breakup.

Beautiful women who made her feel inferior were now surrounding Su Mu. The closer these women got to Su Mu, the more foolish she felt, as if each encounter was a slap in the face, making her feel incredibly uncomfortable.

Wang Hao, on the other hand, was incredulous as he looked at Lin Feier. Su Mu was having a meal with the campus queen in a couple's restaurant? What was going on? Were they together?

Wang Hao couldn't believe it. This wasn't just some random beauty; everyone at Jiang city University knew Lin Feier.

Hiring her for a show was impossible. So, why would the campus queen be dining with Su Mu in a couple's restaurant?

What did Su Mu have that Wang Hao, who couldn't win Lin Feier's favor, lacked? Was it just because Su Mu could sing well? This thought made Wang Hao feel unbalanced.

Watching the two of them together, Wang Hao's mind raced, and he decided to walk over directly.