Chapter 5: The Past

Meanwhile in the hall the previous tension was lessened. The elders tacitly remained silent about Radha bursting into the Hall. If it was any other person they would be subjected to harsh punishment as stepping into hall without sufficient authority or invitation was grave offence. But they could do nothing to her as she was capable of mowing them down singlehandedly moreover she would be happy to do so. She would be glad to fight them if any elder provoked her. Only two supreme elders of clan were capable of restraining her.

The overprotectiveness, these elders knew clearly and indulged her. When Amrit was two years old his sister was born. Pratikshya, the name was given by supreme elders but when she was born a huge force suddenly erupted from heavens and she suddenly disappeared. The supreme elders and everyone else were dumbfounded. They didn't know what just happened. Amrit who was two years at that time has vague recollection of that event. This event became taboo among the higher-ups of the clan. At that time Radha went crazy due to loss of her newborn daughter. It was only when Radha forced her husband to perform forbidden bloodline ritual to ascertain her daughter's wellbeing she became calm. The forbidden bloodline ritual uses blood essence of two cultivators (parents) to know if their child is alive. Once this ritual is conducted the foundation of cultivators is damaged but they can know if their child is alive anytime they want with little bit of blood. This only works for their direct children not relatives or descendants.

In cultivation clans there is usually soul lamp which burns till cultivator is alive but using soul lamp on newborn will result in soul injury. Only when they reach Qi sensing realm will clan use soul lamp on them or in case of main line when they turn six years old. Punya and Radha both had Low-grade Spirit grade talent which can increase the chance of stepping into Golden Core Formation realm. The talent in this world is divided into four grades- Mortal grade whis is common and it helps cultivator cultivate up to Foundation Building realm, Spirit grade- Rare in small kingdoms let alone city, Earth grade- Usually found in empires, Heaven grade- Peak of Isyethnas. Moreover, the grades are further divided into Low, Middle, High and Peak tier. Although the talent is not set in stone as it can be increased by fortuitous encounters, awakening of bloodline, heaven and earthly treasures, for common people it is equal to heavenly edict.

So the Rijal clan had chance to have Golden Core Formation realm cultivators. In third tier city like Lunaris Foundation Building realm is the peak. Only in the second tier city and capital city can one see Golden Core Formation realm cultivators and maybe Nascent Soul cultivators in capital city. Still Punya, the patriarch was at 8th level of Foundation Building realm at the age of forty-five and Radha at 7th level of Foundation Building realm at the age of forty. It could be seen at least one of them would reach Golden Core Formation realm but the forbidden bloodline ritual has damaged their foundation. Although the foundation could be repaired or rebuild the Rijal clan could not afford the prices. Even if they could afford it, they would not find such heavenly treasures not to mention pills. Every foundation repairing and rebuilding pill is at the very least fourth grade. 

As Amrit rushed up the stairs to his room, he couldn't shake off the lingering adrenaline from the events of the day. The encounter with the assassins and the subsequent reunion with his mother had left him feeling a mix of emotions - relief, gratitude, and a renewed sense of determination. Entering his room, he quickly shed his clothes and stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash away the grime and weariness of his adventure in the forest. As he stood under the soothing spray, his mind raced with thoughts of what was happening. He hadn't had time to organize his memories and what happened in the forest.

He recalled the way the shadows had seemed to come alive, moving with a sinister purpose as they closed in on him. The glint of steel, the flash of malice in their eyes - it was a moment etched into his mind with chilling clarity. But what puzzled him the most was the symbol he had glimpsed on one of the assailants' cloaks, it was a symbol he had never encountered before, and its significance eluded him. What baffled him even more is that he was sure he saw the symbol but he couldn't remember it. He knew he saw the symbol clearly but it was like fog in his mind, he couldn't remember even the tiny detail of the symbol.

He hadn't had time to reflect what happened in two days. He was on earth and now he is in another world in a body with same name, same parents, grandparents and some of the clan members were same. There were many unfamiliar faces in the clan. He remembered about his lost sister. But he felt relieved knowing she is safe somewhere as his mother sacrificed blood almost everyday to conform her status. He had no idea where this world was located. Is it in same universe and time? Is there earth in this universe? He knew he will only have more questions than answers if he starts thinking about it. Moreover, if he becomes strong enough everything will become gradually clear as unveiling secrets of universe is the privilege of only strong ones.

He knew that because he saw. The vast realms he saw in the well, the formation of stars, galaxies and universe. The sheer distance the realms covered was almost unimaginable even when one is looking at it. And even that may be but a corner of whole thing. The vastness could humble any being that could comprehend even the shred of scene he saw there. Even then there were beings who could traverse them and have seen them. There may even be beings born before these realms.

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