Chapter 6 : Dinner

Lost in thought, Amrit stayed longer under the shower than intended, the warm water serving as a balm to both his body and mind. He put back everything he saw at the well and the knowledge he gained at the back of his mind. He will start fresh tomorrow morning. Finally, stepping out, he wrapped himself in a towel and made his way to his wardrobe. As he dressed in fresh clothes, he couldn't shake off the feeling of surrealism. Making his way down to the kitchen, he found his mother humming a soft melody as she stirred a pot on the stove. The aroma of the nine-tailed chicken filled the room, comforting and enticing. Amrit settled at the table, watching his mother work with practiced ease.

"Amrit, you look refreshed," Radha commented as she placed a steaming bowl of the nine-tailed chicken soup in front of him. Amrit smiled gratefully at his mother, feeling a sense of warmth and homecoming wash over him. The fragrant broth beckoned to him, and he eagerly took a spoonful, savoring the rich flavors that danced on his tongue. As he ate, Radha studied him intently, her piercing gaze searching his face for any lingering traces of distress. Though she remained silent, her eyes were filled with unspoken questions and a mother's concern. Amrit felt a surge of gratitude towards his mother. The nine tailed chicken was heavenly. Same flavours, spices and same taste oh how he missed them. Although it was only two days apart, for him it seemed like two centuries apart.

Pouring him a steaming bowl of broth filled with succulent pieces of the nine-tailed chicken, she placed it in front of him before taking a seat across the table. "Eat up, Amrit. You need your strength," Radha said, her voice gentle yet firm, the unspoken weight of their circumstances hanging between them like a veil. Amrit nodded gratefully and picked up his spoon, savoring the rich aroma rising from the bowl. The taste was divine, same as he had experienced from his childhood. Each mouthful seemed to fill him with a warmth that seeped into his bones, rejuvenating both body and spirit. Amrit savored every bite of the nine-tailed chicken soup, feeling a sense of comfort and nostalgia wash over him with each mouthful. The familiar flavors reminded him of simpler times, of lazy afternoons spent in the sun-dappled courtyard of their clan's residence. As he ate, memories flooded back listening to his mother's soft lullabies as she tended to her herb garden, the laughter and chatter of his clan members echoing through the halls.

Radha watched her son eat with a mixture of relief and concern. She knew that the events of the past few days had taken a toll on him, and she wished she could protect him from the dangers that lurked in their world. But she also saw a newfound determination in his eyes, a steely resolve that belied his young age. She knew that Amrit was no longer just her little boy; he was a cultivator in the making. As he was eating the front door opened and Punya came in. His gait straight came directly to kitchen. "Looks like you guys have already started without me." Seeing Amrit devouring the chicken voraciously he immediately sat on table with plate and spoon on his hand and exclaimed, "Hey, hey leave some for me." But Amrit just started eating faster. It was always like this, Radha's nine tailed chicken was really good and father-son always fought over chicken pieces. As Amrit finished the last savory chicken piece, he looked up at Radha with a grateful smile.

"Thank you, Mother. The soup was heavenly," Amrit said, his voice filled with nostalgia. Radha smiled, her eyes truning into crescent moon. Meanwhile Punya was left with only soup muttering "I knew you mother-son are conspiring against my nine tailed chicken broth." Radha chuckled at Punya's antics, her laughter filling the kitchen with warmth and mirth. It was moments like these that reminded them of the simple joys in life, despite the trials and tribulations they faced as members of the Rijal clan. Punya shook his head in mock disappointment but a twinkle of amusement danced in his eyes as he settled at the table, pouring himself a generous helping of the remaining soup. The fragrant aroma of the nine-tailed chicken filled the air, blending with the laughter and love shared between the family. Amrit watched his parents with a fondness that welled up from deep within his heart. Despite the trials they had faced and the uncertainties that lay ahead, moments like these anchored him to his past and gave him hope for the future. His parents' love and strength were his pillars of support, and he drew courage from their unwavering bond.

After they finished dinner Amrit stood up to help clean dishes but Radha told him to go to guest hall. Although a simple array can clean dishes or even simple cleaning spell can remove stains Radha was adamant about mundane ways. She claimed it helped her calm down and remaining down to earth, living simply can sometimes create opportunity for epiphany. It is usually simplest of things that creates barrier for breakthrough afterall even Dao is simple. It is the cultivation experience and mundane things that make Dao feel complex. The more you gain cultivation level the more you are tainted by world, mundane things, experiences and karma which makes glimpse of Dao elusive. This is why powerful cultivators often go to secluded cultivation or live as mortal.

His father was already seated on chair in the guest hall. The father son duo looked at each other and knew it was time to talk seriously. Punya signaled Amrit to seat. They knew they could not talk everything that transpired in the forest or Clan Hall as Radha was nearby. "I am truly glad you came back safe and sound", Punya spoke first. "Me too father, there were some difficulties but I am home", Amrit replied. "I am tired today I want to talk to you about things in detail tomorrow. Just make sure elders do not make hasty decision today." Saying this Amrit got up and left for second floor. Saying goodnight to his mother he went to his bed and threw himself falling asleep soon after.

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