Chapter 7: Organizing Memory

The early morning light filtered through the paper screen windows, casting a soft glow over the room as Amrit sat up in bed. The events of the past days rushed back to him, dispelling any lingering doubts of it being a dream. The jumbled information he got from his two lives and from Advaya was immense. There was just too much to process. He first organized his memory of life on Earth. Everything was clear nothing blurry or forgotten. The same was for his second life until the day he went to forest for training. He occasionally went to hunt beast in the forest. Although there were many beasts in outer forest, most of them were in lower level of first stage equivalent to low level Qi sensing stage. So he started to organize information he knew about this world, cultivation and his clan.

 First the cultivation in Qi sensing realm has standard 10 sub stages. From first to tenth it is all about gradually strengthening whole body with qi. The cultivators of Qi path use qi to temper body gradually strengthening and making body attuned to spiritual qi. The path of body refining takes same precedence except it is more about body strengthening than attuning with qi. As for soul cultivators it is refining white soul to be more attuned with qi which makes their body little bit weak. Every path in Qi sensing realm has 10 sub-stages. Every third sub-stage is threshold like 3rd, 6th and 9th after which strength is increased significantly.

Before his transmigration he had top Mortal grade talent even though both his parents were lower spirit –grade talents. He was in 7th realm of Qi sensing at the age of 15. This was undoubtedly genius in the small city of Lunaris. The other geniuses of same age were at 5th realm of Qi sensing. Reaching Foundation Building realm before 25 would signify higher chances of reaching Golden Core Formation realm. And he was on track for reaching Foundation Building realm before 25. The lifespan of Mortal was around 75 years despite the presence of nourishing spiritual qi present in the air. The lifespan of Qi sensing realm cultivator was not much better at just 100 years. Even the Foundation Building Realm cultivators can live for 150 years. There were many lifespan extending treasures but they were scarce and at most increase lifespan of Foundation Building cultivator by 2-3 decades. The true change comes when a cultivator steps into Golden Core Formation realm, they can live up to 600 years and using those rare life extending treasures it can go up to another 100 years. Even longevity cultivation techniques would only improve their vitality increasing stamina and regeneration. The longevity cultivation techniques would make one appear young until they have lived 95% of their lifespan. After that they age rapidly day by day.

There was no explanation for why a Golden Core Formation cultivator can add 100 years but Foundation Building cultivator can add up to 30 years with same treasure. Maybe it restriction was imposed by heaven or maybe it was only for the world of Isyethnas. No one knew. But there were exceptions, like the spirit beasts which can live significantly longer than humans. Almost ten times more, subsequently their cultivation is also harder than humans. For humans with wood related bloodlines and turtle like bloodlines, their lifespan is little longer than others but heavens are fair they give lifespan and take combat ability or beauty or there are always some restrictions.

As for Rijal clan there are two supreme elders, Amrit's grandparents Keshab at the half –stage of Golden Core Formation and his grandmother Kumari at 9th level of Foundation Building. The main cultivation technique was Lesser Battle Sutra of Mountain an incomplete lower level Spirit grade cultivation technique. And only spirit level cultivation technique of Lunaris city. Keshab was 130 years old this year and second grade Array master whereas Kumari was 105 and second grade Alchemist. It was without saying these two were pillar of the Rijal clan. Although they were Array master and Alchemist both were only second high grade as the heritages for auxiliary profession was extremely rare and closely guarded by any family or organization. The auxiliary profession was divided into Low, Medium, High and Top grades. For a small cultivation clan in third tier city it was already enough.

The foundation of Rijal clan was somewhat good. As a cultivation family with heritage spanning 400 years, they had different elders for different professions. The first clan elder was Shyam, 110 years old with cultivation of 8th level of Foundation Building realm. He was second grade middle tier Alchemist. The second elder was Ram, 108 years old with cultivation of 8th level of Foundation Building realm. He was second grade middle tier Array master. The third elder was Krishn, 98 years old with cultivation of 7th level of Foundation Building realm. He was second grade middle tier Weapon refining master. The fourth elder was named Arun, 102 years old with cultivation of 6th level of Foundation Building realm. He was second grade low tier Herb cultivator. The fifth elder was Bhimeshwor, 90 years old with cultivation of 6th level of Foundation Building realm. He was elder of skill pavilion where all the cultivation techniques and martial techniques were stored. The sixth elder was Prithvi, 85 years old with cultivation of 6th level of Foundation Building realm. He was second grade low tier Beast Tamer.

His parents were both and only battle cultivator in the clan. Below these six elders there were tens of deacons who were in Initial stage (1-3) of Foundation Building realm. Although Lesser Battle Sutra of Mountain was incomplete low level spirit grade cultivation technique, not all members of clan were eligible to cultivate it and not all professions were compatible with it. Only promising young clan members or those who have contributed a lot to clan were eligible. There were other mortal grade techniques in the clan. The main weapon was sword few using spear, saber and rod.

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