Chapter 25: Breakthrough

As they were listening to his grandfather's bragging, his father arrived with the materials. He walked to the waiting hall and interrupted his grandfather's story, "Father I have brought the materials for the array. Some of the materials for alchemy have been sent from Bareback mountains overnight." Hearing someone interrupting his story in the middle his grandfather was about to flare up but he became excited after Punya dumped the array materials onto the table. Without even bothering to say anything, he just picked up some materials in his hand and put the rest of them in his storage ring. After picking up the materials he just said "I'll be back" and left for the underground chamber in a hurry.

 Punya looked at his mother and said "Mother I have someone bring fresh blood essence and other herbs from Bareback mountain this morning." He then dumped three jade vials and a few exotic-looking herbs on the table. His grandmother checked the herbs and opened the jade vials. The somewhat fishy and metallic odor but a little sweet at the same time came from essence blood on the jade vial. There were two crimson mixed with light golden orbs size of pinky in each vial. Clearly, only one second-grade beast had been slain. This was due to the scarcity of second-grade beasts on the outskirts of Bareback mountain as the clan members didn't dare to go to the inner region. It was believed there were few third-grade beasts in the inner region and core area of Bareback mountain. The mountain range itself was bigger than the Emerald kingdom, having borders to several kingdoms.

Nodding, she put the ingredients in her storage ring and said "Alright, I will go to the alchemy chamber and refine pills. You two should stay here, your grandfather should be out shortly." Amrit and his father nodded in unison and watched his grandmother leave the room with the materials. Punya couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of recovering his foundation with the lesser blood essence restoring pill. Although it would not recover all of his damaged foundation, even a bit of healing would be of tremendous help. Punya then turned to Amrit and asked "How was your sleep last night? Any difficulties?" Amrit just shook his head and replied "No father. It was just like three years ago, everything was same." Punya nodded his head and the father-son duo started chatting about some mundane things.

 As they were conversing, the concentration of spirit energy suddenly increased, and the laughter of his grandfather echoed through the house. The concentration started to increase until it reached the double of natural occurrence. Although the concentration was only double, compared to the previous efficiency, cultivation became almost two times faster. As the spirit energy around them saturated, Amrit unconsciously started circulating his cultivation technique and fell into a trance. 

As spirit energy came pouring towards him, the previous cultivation at the peak of the tenth stage began to move forward and nudged his bottleneck a little. Just like a small hole in the dam, the bottleneck began to break slowly and then with a bang, he broke through the eleventh stage of the Qi sensing realm. His soul which had already reached the peak of the White soul realm, deepened in color, his body became more strong and seemed to sublime with his Qi and soul. His realm didn't just stop at the eleventh stage, it began to stabilize and reached midway. His strength almost increased by more than half. He was already strong in the tenth stage and now he was invincible in the Qi sensing realm. Although he didn't know the accurate strength of the Foundation Building realm, he felt that he would not lose to those who just had a breakthrough.

As he opened his eyes, he saw his father and grandfather looking at him with surprise and excitement. His grandfather waved his hands and a sudden gust of wind blew towards Amrit. The gust made him feel refreshed. As he looked at the side he understood why he felt refreshed and light, the gust his grandfather threw cleansed his body and collected a little bit of grey murky oily particles. This should be the impurities contained in his body, he thought. Although after the baptism from the well, his body was purified, there were always impurities present in the air, food, and generally everywhere. His grandfather again waved his hand and fire burned in place of gust incinerating the impurities till the ashes didn't remain. His father looked at him in bewilderment and asked "What realm have you reached? Why can't I sense your realm?" He replied "My cultivation technique is a little bit peculiar, I have reached the peak of the Qi sensing realm. I have cultivated body and qi simultaneously." He said that so that he will have an excuse in the future when he breaks through to the twelfth and thirteenth stage.

He knew that there was no record of the eleventh stage in his clan. So making excuses seemed appropriate. He knew that telling about the extra realms would not be beneficial to his father and grandfather, instead it may harm their dao heart. Sometimes knowing a lot harms than it benefits. His father became excited at the notion of his son cultivating two systems simultaneously. Although the breakthrough will be harder, the strength gained will be more than double. Having a double system cultivator in the clan is beneficial. He looked at Amrit and as if he had suddenly thought about something said "Weren't you at the seventh stage previously?" Amrit nodded and replied "Yes. I was at the seventh stage. After the inheritance, I suddenly had a breakthrough and gained two levels. At that time, I had unknowingly cultivated to the body refining stage eighth." Although his father found something missing in Amrit's explanation, he didn't dwell much on it. Having a fifteen year old cultivator in the peak stage of Qi sensing realm only occurred in the capital or the top sects. This meant he had a chance to reach the Golden Core Formation realm. If he breaks through then the future of the clan will be secure for at least five hundred years. His father began to daydream.

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