Power Levels

For the levels there are reasons behind the name.


Some species have a mix of Beast and Magic Cores

Affinity is at first the same as everyone else but becomes something more unique and fit for the user as they get stronger and time passes.

Most life-forms can only have one affinity but there are those that can have two or three, three being the max as that would be to much of a burden on their physical, mental, spiritual bodies

Life-forms can learn affinities naturally or by inheritance (Affinity books, Magic/Beast Cores, Etc…)

After the Second stage, if the user has two or three affinities, they mix to make a new affinity. But they are able to still use the old affinity, it will just be less effective as the new affinity is tailor-made for the user's body.

Affinity levels (rings)

-level 1: 1 ring

-level 2: 2 rings

-level 3: 3 rings

?Concept levels?

-level 1: ???

-level 2: ???

-level 3: ???

Magic Core (Human/Humanoid power system)

Magic Core is located in the inside of the heart, near the back.

———— First stage (Magic Core formed by Mana)

Beginner - 1 Star (the start after awakening. Mana available for use)

Junior - 2 Star (after learning the basics)

Senior - 3 Star (better understanding of affinity)

———— Second stage (Magic Core gets rearranged to become more efficient using mana)

Apprentice - 4 Star (affinity starts to become unique, but not by a lot. Relearn what you know about said affinity. World energy available for use)

Expert - 5 Star (finish relearning affinity)

Master - 6 Star (even better understanding of affinity. Could easily control affinity before Second stage)

————Third stage (Magic Core gets more intune with the body more, rearranging to better fit the user using world energy)

Seedling - 7 Star (affinity becomes more unique, growing the ability into something new)

Advanced - 8 Star (finish relearning affinity)

Grandmaster - 9 Star (same case with Master but with Third stage affinity)

————Fourth stage (Magic Core forms together and connects to and with the body by mana, world energy, and something else unknown. No human has reached this level yet.)

???? - 10 Star (affinity becomes more unique and conceptual. Unknown)

???? - 11 Star

???? - 12 Star

Beast Core (Beast/Beastoid power system)

Beast Core is usually located in the center(stomach) or head of the beast.

———— First stage (Beast Core is born with the beast)

Infant - 1 Spark (the start after birth, Mana is available for use)

Young teen - 2 Spark (after growing past the Infancy stage of development)

Adult - 3 Spark (fully grown. Usually the max potential is used up for most beasts on this level.)

———— Second stage (Beast Core gets rearranged to become more efficient)

Knight - 4 Spark (much stronger than most beasts. World energy is available for use)

Noble - 5 Spark (beasts weak then it will listen to it more)

King - 6 Spark (more stronger. Has many beast under its command)

———— Third stage (Beast Core gets rearranged to be better fit for the user.)

Terror- 7 Spark (the usual cause for beast raids. Power to destroy a city. Aggressive)

Apocalyptic - 8 Spark (gets more stronger. Can destroy a country. Gets more aggressive)

Ancient - 9 Spark (spends most of its time sleeping. Strong enough to destroy a continent. Weirdly calm)

———— Fourth stage ( Beast Core forms together and connects to and with the body by Mana, World energy, and something else unknown. Unrecorded level of beast)

Primordial - 10 Spark (unknown if it exists)

???? -11 Spark

???? -12 Spark

The higher the level of spell, the more time it takes to cast if you're not in the same level. There are exceptions.

Spell levels:

-level 1 (basic spell)

-level 2 (better than basic)

-level 3 (usable in fights)

-level 4 (more effective)

-level 5 to 10 gets stronger and stronger 

With level 10 on par with a 9 Star Magic Core or 9 Spark Beast Core