Prologue chapter: The Battle and Altar.

Far in the universe there was a blue-green marble that was not alone with its other planets.

But now there had seemed to be an unusual change as several triangle shaped objects drew closer and closer to the planet.

Coming from the planet, various phenomenons that seem like blazing meteors went out and came towards the triangle shaped objects.

Once the two made contact with each other the world seemed to stay still as they had a stand-off trying to think of what to do next with the hostile side.

Soon after wormholes started to form and appeared all over carrying different shaped objects similar to the triangles but obvious that they were from somewhere else as they had lizard-like designs with what seemed like dragons.

The meteors and triangles seemed to come to an agreement and turned their attention towards the third-party, preparing to fire their weapons.

A great galactic battle took place, many strange shaped and triangle objects blew up as the many living life-forms in them died. The meteors flew towards the enemy and let out all kinds of attacks, creating a colorful firework-like scene. 

Beauty accompanied destruction as chaos bloomed.

Once the climax of the battle had been reached a pair of eyes that seemed to contain all space and time drew their gaze to the battlefield, stopping all movement going on as the life-forms felt a terrifying presence fill their entire being. 

The cosmic beings' eyes were of different colors, the left being gold with what seemed like a clock ticking every second. If one were to look at that eye, they would feel as if there was no start or end, no beginning or finality to the reach of the eye. Losing all sense of time from the ticking of the clock-like eyes.

The other was an almost purple colored eye, though one can't be sure as they would be too preoccupied with feeling as if they were standing in front of something so big they couldn't even dream of getting near it, as if the entire universe was compacted into it.

The gaze had only lasted for a second before moving away as if not interested. Making all the life-forms on the battlefield recover from the backlash of seeing such a thing.

The meteors, seeing this chance, took flight quickly to the other side and sent attack after attack before they could regain their strength.

The fight quickly went to what it was before but they wouldn't dare to make the fight go any farther than that for fear of that 'thing' coming back.

The fight ended up to last for years on end as everyone except the higher-ups forgot of the existence that could wipe them out as easily as breathing. 

All the higher-ups HAD to remember the being as when they saw the being a name and title rang in their mind so loudly that they could not ignore it. 

But they all would not dare to utter the name they heard.

Like that the battlefield continued as it was, not showing any signs of changing.


In a dark and cold planet that was dark as if they had not seen the sun in ages and with time twisting and turning, a group of life-forms that were humanoid grouped up talking about something that seemed quite important.

"Are you sure this is the right decision? It feels a bit reckless." 

"Yes I'm sure this is and you would too if you had seen the knowledge I gained from looking at that being."

"Well if you say so, it's not like I can destroy my loyalty towards you"

From seeing the two talking, one other went up and said "Wait but if this really works do you know how big this will be? It would be insane, brother."

"Yeah, insane for our species for sure. But I still want to try it as it's about time something changed. Whether or not the gods are on our side for doing this I'm not sure as they aren't fond of us but 'They' also want to know how this will go. Sister I won't change my mind on this."

"…fine then. I just hope nothing bad happens to my dear.."

"I'm sure nothing bad will happen, they will be safe" said the life-form that seemed to be the leader of the group to calm their supposed sister.

"Well you others go get the equipment and materials ready, and make sure to double.. no, triple check everything. We can't afford to make a mistake."

The rest of the group all nodded and set out to do their respective tasks.

After a while the group moved to an altar that looked like it was made for a giant, looking ancient and unimaginable. Its base was black and gold with design that had what looked like different life-forms and creatures of the universe all bowing down to some higher being at the bottom, huge reptile-like creatures that could breath fire and showed off incredible vitality together with hooded black figures with deathly-looking scythes rising as angels and demons fell down in the middle, at the top no one knew what was on it but from what they could see it had a depiction of a throne that gave one the feeling for the entire universe with a figure on it, unable to make out the figure other then 'Them' having their eyes closed.

Strange runes were all over it glowing a bright red and blue mysteriously.

On the right of the altar a tall pillar-like angel was seen standing in a pose of anguish and pain, as if they had experienced the most painful thing ever, as they held a scale in their hands high above.

Similarly, on the left side there was a demon of the same size with the same expression as the angel holding a trident that was stained in blood. It was unknown who's blood that was, only that the blood must have come from a powerful being.

The altar was the highest of the structures, being as tall as Mount Everest, maybe even more. 

As the group stood in front of the altar, the altar made them feel insignificant and inferior from the size of it.

Once the preparations were done the leader went up to the altar holding something shaped like a disc and chanted something in an unknown language, causing some of the runes on the altar to suddenly start glowing much brighter while expanding and soon cover the entire planet in its glow, still growing.

"Everything is done, all we can do is hope"

The leader said as he closed his eyes unknown if he will ever open them up again.