
"Finally, I'm free!"

In the school's hall a blonde-haired red eyed girl looked relaxed as if a boulder had been removed from her back. 

Roseline had hated going to this school with all her gut as she had been bullied relentlessly by kids that were stronger than her. 

Oh but such a charming little girl couldn't have been bullied, even if she wasn't strong she could just date someone strong right? WRONG.

Ever since humanity had made contact with an intelligent humanoid lizard species that seems to be a towering pillar of destruction blessed by magic, the dragonkin, and finding out about a alien species far more advanced then them, the Xalorians, they had been in a long-lasting war that only ended recently on the Xalorians side.

During the early days of war humanity was simply-put, smashed into a pile of flesh and chucked as fast as the speed of light. The humans weren't winning.

That was until people started getting powers, powers that transcended the mind and the dreams of many. 

Suddenly a young boy's voice could be heard.

"HA look at that, little girl that couldn't even awaken an affinity. What a joke"

She thought calling her 'little girl' was ironic considering the fact that she was taller than most girls or even boys at her age. 

That young boy was sponsored by one of the high-ranking families for his talent, but many had disagreed with their decision in the school because of well… let's just say bad behavior. The school didn't want to have their reputation ruined after all. No school did.

The other kids around him, although hesitatingly, started to laugh and whispered. 

But there was nothing she could do about it because they were right, she hadn't awakened an affinity or her magic core. They were the very things that made where you stood in the hierarchy of society. 

"Hey we should give her a goodbye present as well as the others, yeah?"

"Haha.. yeah, we'll just don't give her too big of a present or else she may die…"

"Yeah yeah got it, that would be too boring would it?"


A fireball had then flung to Roseline's side, almost hitting her face. 

"What the hell!" She quickly moved her head to where the fireball had come from seeing it was from them, she had a thought that those at her level would think was insane considering he could just burn her into a cresp

She got up to him, raising her fist as she hit him right in the stomach, making him make a yelp that sounded too much like a screaming bullfrog.

The group surrounding him broke off as to get away from the fight that was going to break out

The boy, having recovered, quickly tried to touch her to burn her but Roseline was quick and got out of the way in time. But even doing so she knew it was futile as the boy got her after the second time and caught her shoulder.

The incoming burn for Roseline felt so painful that she was visibly shaken as she tried her best not to scream the ever-living daylight out.

Soon after some teachers noticed the commotion and quickly came over to stop it as it would ruin their reputation and have an issue with the boys sponsor. 

"That's enough you two!"

The boy and Roseline then got a long hour lecture about the incident.

Afterwards the boy looked back at Roseline with a disdainful stare as he left.

Roseline was not quite sure what to do about the burned shoulder left behind as she was an orphan and didn't really have money.

She went back to the small apartment given to her by what the government told her was an anonymous relative that didn't want to appear.

She was quite mad they didn't want to take her in. Thinking of the many reasons why one wouldn't have taken her in to try to reason her situation out but it always made her mad so she stopped thinking about it long ago.

'Well that person might have been a high-ranking person that's for sure.' 

Opening to the door of the apartment, the 'apartment' or better to call it only a room and bathroom came into view.

The main room was quite cramped for an adult but was fine for her. Not much was in there except for a bed, desk, a small tv, and a broken dresser with her clothes in.

The bathroom was even small with room only for a toilet, sink, and shower.

Going in she went to the bed and laid down looking towards her desk for a while.

'God that book is damn indestructible, would probably be a good shield.'

Deciding to get up, she went over to the desk, opening a drawer and taking out a book that was white and red with gold outlining. In the center of the book a pair of fangs showed. She didn't know the name or purpose of the book as her parents died before even mentioning this.

'Ok let's try this again.'

Getting the book and putting it on top of the desk, she grabs a small blade and a piece of flint.

'If I fail to open this book either this apartment stays or it burns into the ground.'

Thinking about what had happened to her earlier made her a bit nervous to do this but she was determined to get this book open.

She put the blade against the flint as she gets her feelings together and begins to attempt to start a fire to burn the book.

But the blade misses the flint and instead goes for her finger, poking it and making it bleed.

'Ow.. damn it I don't like getting hurt… tsk'

As she tries to bring her finger to her mouth to take the blood away a bit falls onto the book

'Oh great the blood is on the book now…. Wait huh?'

The book started to shake and open, floating as it moved the pages, glowing.

A pang of tiredness overtakes her as she collapses onto the floor unable to keep her mind up as a 14 year old girl. 

While sleeping her body starts to shake violently as lumps of black liquid ooze out of her and her muscles get sore from the phenomenon.

The floating glowing book, getting to the last page then closes and turns into light. The light then goes to her as deep within her a change starts to happen. Her cells, covered by a black like seal, had been covered by the light and dissolved into nothing. But not all of the seals came off. 

Soon enough the book is gone and the light has dissipated as Roseline starts to wake up after what seemed like hours.