New School Life

When she got into the dorm Roseline saw a familiar face who had dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. Emma.

Looking at each other they were both silent. Roseline wasn't quite sure how to feel but decided to not think so much as she already had enough on her plate.

Coming in they didn't say anything to each other.

But soon the door opened again and Leila appeared in front of the door.

"Ah I guess we're roommates. Nice to meet you guys again." She said simply.

Leila saw how awkward the dorm was with a cold person and an introvert.

Seeing so she just went in and put her luggage away, going to get and check out her schedule.

Roseline on the other hand was still thinking about the System.

'Wait so system what did you mean by 'different species' earlier? Am I not human?'

— No, you are not human as your cells had been sealed to prevent you from exhibiting your species traits —

'Oh? But on here it still says that I'm a human?'

— Yes, the seals on your cells are still 89% on. Overtime they will be removed by the SYSTEM. —

'Then what species am I?'

— You do not have enough authority to access this information. —


'Well when will I get to know?'

— by gaining more authority, in this case by leveling up or coming into contact with the source of energy for your species and consuming it. —

'Oh I guess that makes some sense..'

Roseline still had a lot of questions but she remembered that she had to get her schedule so she went off to the main guidance building.

Heading over she looked at the view from outside and saw the giant moon that seemed to glow brighter than she remembered.

The glow of the moon seems to have an effect on her, losing her sense of time and space and only having the moon and the darkest parts of the world in her vision.

Cold wind blew over her and she snapped out of it. Going back to getting where she was meant to be, seemingly unaware of what happened.





The next morning Roseline woke up to get ready for the homeroom class that she was assigned too.

In the uniform that was black and gold in color, she headed out of the dorm and walked over to the classroom looking at the device on her wrist.

It was quite small but chunky, showing her name, class year, and her Star level that was on 0.

It seemed that the two professors forgot to mention it or they didn't tell them on purpose to see who got their schedules or not. She didn't really know what they were thinking.

But basically it was the students ID that they would use around the military base as they weren't going to let them leave after all the effort they put into hiding it.

While thinking about it she arrived at the classroom called 'Magic Theory' that was about all things magic and mana, as well as trying to find out about the origin of mana.

Heading in she chose a seat near the back and sat down waiting for the class to start.

Doing so she suddenly got a notification sound from her ear.

——— SYSTEM ———

Stay out of sunlight for 10 hours: 10/10



She had done a few of these quests in the time that she had after arriving here which was not much but at least 2 more to get the stats up.

——— SYSTEM ———

Name: Roseline Hart

Species: Human

Level: 1 Star ( 0/10 )

XP: 20/100

Affinity: None

Health: 100/100

Mana: 50/50


Strength: 6

Agility: 6

Dexterity: 6

Defense: 5

Stamina: 6

Charm: 10


As far as she got from the System, Strength was how strong you are, Agility she how flexible you are helping with dodging and avoiding attacks, Dexterity, or better called endurance, is how much pressure you can handle, Defense was how much damage you could take, Stamina was how long you can handle spending energy, and Charm was how beautiful you were. 

She wasn't quite sure why Charm was there as she saw it as a useless stat and why endurance was named Dexterity instead of the other.

But as always the System brought more questions than answers.

For the Daily Quest all she had to do was lift 10 lbs and then she had to wait until 12:00 pm, which she got from the System.

After all the students got into the classroom, the professor, Mr. Gray entered and went over to the teacher's desk.

"Alright now class welcome to Magic Theory. I'm Mr. Gray and I will be talking about the origins of magic and everything related to it."

"So what do we all know about magic?"

Someone raised their hand and Atlas called on them.

"That mana is the form of energy for magic like electricity is to machines and that it's everywhere in the world."

"This is pretty common knowledge but I'm talking about the mechanic of magic so can you explain that to me?"

"Ah yes! Magic is the phenomenon of affecting and manipulating the world around you to complete your goal using mana and affinities."

"Yes Magic is what seems to be like a catalyst for miracles that can allow us to use the world as we need. But to use such a thing one must have a magic core which acts like a control center with us being the controller and owner of said center."

"But one has to wonder where magic and mana comes from. Well let's talk about the history of magic that we humans know of as of right now."

"The first time we noticed the phenomenon of magic was in 2097. When technology had seemed to come into contact with many other worlds and planets that had used magic. Though there is not a lot known about that time as lots of information had been lost by time or other means, we do know that they also noticed us and came over. Quite hostile too."