History of Magic

" The first to come were the dragons that you know of. The next were reapers, the legendary beings that used death to grow in power and usually passive yet they came over with the dragons and both of their subordinates, dragonkin and reaper subordinates."

" But as far as our research has shown, they shouldn't have a reason to attack us as they are both very rational and careful and even often pick the option of peace rather than outright destruction. Whether we did something or not we don't know as the records are lost."

" When they came over we thought that that was the end of humanity but with them they brought over the way to use their power, it was right in front of us and we never saw it."

" Magic. Using this power we were able to stay alive and survive. Pushing back the dragonkin and its allies, another force came over that we thought would help us, angels, but they turned their weapons to us and killed in the name of purification. Demons also came over and spread chaos everywhere."

" All of this led us to one of the most bloody years from 2098 to 2128, 30 years of war called the Gods Great Battle. Gods Great Battle was done by 14 different gods for some reason. Of course we mortals have no way of knowing, only speculating why or what made them do it."

" The war continued like that for a while until January 1st, 2128 when the angels and demons suddenly had a big final battle and killed of each other. Other teachers will tell you that they all died but I think not all angels or demons have died."

" After that the war died down in intensity but still was devastating. It seemed that the Gods lost interest or didn't achieve what they were looking to do." 

" During the Gods Great Battle, humanity grew their ability in magic up to the 9th Star, becoming a force to be reckoned with."

" From 2128 to 2297 humanity and the dragonkin and reaper subordinates fought for 169 years when another discovery in magic was made."

" Core weapons. By using Cores we could make weapons that made the everyday person be able to fight which helped the war effort, but afterwards had to be regulated for how strong they are."

" But Core weapons made humanity turn the tides again and pushed the dragonkin back from earth."

" Through that we got the one of the ways to go to different planets by spells, spells are the tools that are used by the control center Magic Core to use mana outwardly."

" At one point someone created a Core Weapon using a Magic Core leading to a messy situation of awakened killing others awakened and turning their Cores into weapons to get stronger."

" This event distracted humanity from studying the spell and using it until 2302."

" Soon enough though, humanity was able to explore the stars and space, leading to humanity growing once again."

" The dragonkin's attacks got more violent and common as this situation continued from 2303 to 2352, when humanity and the dragonkin got into a treaty seeing that it wouldn't end."

" Now we are here at the present. The history of that era was called the Gods Great War and was a turning point for all of humanity."

A student raised their hand and after getting called on asked a question. " Why is this so important to learning about magic?"

" You will learn soon after I'm done talking."

" Magic was first learned by replicating what the dragonkin and other species did before we made our own way of cultivation for magic."

" You see, how the dragonkin and other species grew their Magic Core was by either taking in the mana that was in the surrounding area and purifying it in their bodies, after then putting it in their Magic Core, building it layer by layer, or by letting the mana in the air come in by itself and getting stronger through time."

" We humans don't have the long time span of the other species so we tried to use the former way."

" But that was just as difficult as our bodies can't naturally purify mana and will have to use an outside source to purify the mana enough to put it in our bodies. Doing so humans still have to use it to first push out impurities before building their Magic Core as having impurities will impact the process of building the Core up."

" So we went to study a way to purify the mana and found one by using magic stones…"

As Atlas continued to talk, Roseline had lost interest and stopped focusing as if the System was truthful about what it was saying then this was not important to her in the least bit.

Like this the day continued as everyone did their own thing in each class until the bell rang and had to move to the next class.

Roseline wanted to check out the Core weapons class and went over.

Entering the class, she was greeted with a classroom that looked like something from a sci-fi movie that took place in Asia.

Long ago during the God's Great War. Humanity had agreed that Asia was quite efficient when it came to martial arts, making it widespread as it helped the war-effort.

The place looked like a dojo that had several different types of robots and technology that helped with martial arts or to increase quality of life.

The room on the left side was filled to the brim with different kinds of weapons that were of all kinds of colors and shapes.

In the middle there was a stand that had a teacher on it.

The teacher was a man that was quite huge, had massive muscles and shoulder length black hair with what seemed like a serious face with the eyes closed.

Near him was a weapon that was a longsword in white, blue, and gold in color with a design of a dragon on the handle. It looked imposing at first glance.

The teacher moved the moment Roseline entered and turned to look at the class. Opening his eyes, one could see the color of his eyes being yellow like lightning.