Getting Blood

The next day class had started and Roseline headed over to Magic Theory.

She had noticed that since she hadn't completed the drink blood Daily Quest, she had gotten a hunger that couldn't be satisfied.

'In the end, after becoming a Blooded Human, I will have to drink blood in the end.'

Before she had thought nothing much of it, thinking of it as just a Daily Quest, but it was far from that.

It was like the drink water and getting 8 hours of sleep. She didn't really have a choice on the matter.

Realising this, Roseline started to seriously think about the problem.

She thought about getting someone on campus to trust enough to know that she was somewhat a vampire, but that had the risk of exposing her current state.

Another was to go around the military base's alleyways looking for beat up people like before but the issue with that is that again, there was a risk of exposing herself too and as well as making the military think that there was a beast on the campus, which would make them go crazy

At least the former method it doesn't spread too far.

As for going around and beating people up herself, she wouldn't do that, or rather that she couldn't, with Jake and his gang around.

But just who was she going to trust? She didn't know the people on campus except for her roommates and the two other boys, but she rarely talked to them.

Plus she never really liked to hang out with people, being a introvert.

But perhaps now she should try to get to know them, no matter how much she didn't like the idea.

Roseline thought of an idea of getting a syringe and taking out the blood like that so that she didn't have to talk to them more then already, but the issue was that the oxygenation of the blood would make it not last long enough for even 24 hours.

So she was left to only the idea of getting along with those people, yeah 'getting along' alright.

Stepping into Magic Theory, she went to go sit as she threw the topic she was thinking of to the back of her mind.





With the classes done today, Roseline went over to her dorm while still thinking of how to bring up such a topic to them.

She couldn't be like 'oh, let me have your blood!' Like the vampires in movies from the past.

Plus she had pretty bad social skills.

Should she just bite them and hope for the best? She didn't know what to do.

Getting to her dorm, Roseline saw that Lelia was back as well.

Roseline looked at her in deep thought, and Lelia noticed it.

"Is there something you need tell me?" Lelia asked.

"Oh uh no… nothing for now." Roseline said in a panic from being talked too.

Roseline went over to her bed and laid down. Wondering where Emma was at and if she should even trust them and just risk the other idea because she wouldn't have to talk to people.

But she thought about it harder and knew that if the military base found out about vampires or what-not, they would go insane with trying to find them.

Roseline lifted her head and looked at Lelia again with the thought of blood in mind, making her feel more hungry.

Dropping her head back, she continued to think about trusting them or not until the end of evening and the start of the night.

Getting up from the bed, she decided to trust one of them, or more specifically Lelia, to drink blood from.

She had watched Lelia do her things the entire day, and seeing the things she did throughout the day she chose to try her.

But bringing up the topic or making it seem natural was difficult because anyone could tell that it wasn't.

She was thinking of a place that she could possibly do so when she thought about the library.

In some parts of the library, it's quite dark and with that many people walking around, no one would notice.

She told herself that she would be quiet and somewhat knew instinctively that there wouldn't be a problem with that.

Should she invite her to go to the library with her, nah she didn't want to do that. It felt like it went against her nature.

Small hints? Let alone talking, she didn't know how to do that. It would sound like a young girl confessing her love in those Japanese teen romance shows.

All she could do was wait for Lelia to go to the library herself for her to follow like a stalker. She would come off as weird or a creep.

But she hated the feeling of hunger she got more.

Roseline walked out of the dorm to go over to the library to find where to drink the said blood when Lelia left at the same time.

"Oh are you going to the library too? Ah we can study together, but I have noticed that you aren't fond of talking to people.."

A chance! Roseline tried her best with her social skills and said. "Ah yes it's… it's fine I guess."

Hearing so, Lelia left together with Roseline to the library and soon enough got there.

Lelia and Roseline went to register that they used the library with their IDs and went over to one of the giant bookshelves.

Luckily this bookshelves had blocked the view from everything and Roseine decided to do it here.

Picking which book to read, Lelia said "Hey Roseline, I can't believe that Mr. Gray gave us such an assignment…" but before she could continue her sentence Roseline stretched her hand out and pushed her head to the left side whlie she bit down on her neck.

Feeling the delicious blood come into her mouth, Roseline continued until she had gotten her fill.

Lelia on the other hand had felt the sensation of blood running up to her neck and leaving.

It wasn't very pleasant but it didn't hurt either, as if it became numb.

Once Roseline was done Lelia fainted and Roseline caught her and got the notification from the System that she completed the Daily Quest, decided to bring her to the medic.

At this point she could only hope on Lelia for being understanding or forgetting such an event happening.