
At the medic, Roseline had Lelia over her shoulder talking to Lydia.

"I think that she passed out from exhaustion."

"Well just bring her to the bed, I will check her for any issues." Lydia responded.

Putting Lelia on the bed, Roseline found a seat and sat near Lelia.

Lydia got to Lelia's side on the bed and put her hands a few inches above her.

Her hands started to glow a green light and once the green light reached Lelia, the complexion of Lelia got less pale and her muscles relaxed.

Seeing this, Lydia stopped and told Roseline "If you want, it's fine to stay here to watch her and wait for her to wake up. Just make sure you leave before curfew."

"Ok Ms. Reese." Roseline said, nodding.

As Roseline said that, Lydia moved on to another room as there were others who were injured. This was a military base after all.

Roseline looked at Lelia and went to the nearest syringe and grabbed it.

'Ah I know I said that I wouldn't do this as it isn't the best option but I still want to try.'

Who knows? Maybe vampires can eat dry blood.

Roseline put the syringe near Lelia's arm and took a bit of blood and after broke the needle off the syringe.

She looked at the syringe for a few moments before putting it in her pocket.

'If I could store blood in my body for use later, that would be amazing.'

Doing so would stop the process of the oxygenation of blood and be easier to keep her identity safe.

She went to sit back down as she waited for Lelia to wake up again as she had to see if Lelia remembered and if she did, to talk to her so that she wouldn't expose Roseline.





Aiden was continuing to try and awaken his Magic Core through his affinity but to no avail.

Feeling depressed, Aiden went outside to the park that was on the military base.

The park was beautiful as it had all kinds of flowers and trees, with some trees even growing 30 feet tall.

The sky was clear with no clouds in sight and the sun shining brightly made the shadows darker than normal, creating a contrast to the surroundings.

Students, teachers, staff, and military personnel all walked and relaxed in the park while others played a few sports here and there.

The park was arranged in a way that had several different lounging options. This was a military base and not just that but a school too, not a battlefield.

Aiden went over to sit at a nearby bench, breathing in the fresh air.

Usually Lucas would be around talking his ears off, but he didn't mind Lucas's company.

But as of now Lucas was off training his spear art so Aiden was alone for the most part.

At a corner of his eye, he saw someone he least wanted to see.

Jake Rogers.

Upon seeing him, Aiden put his head down and put his shoulders as close as he could.

But the steps of the man didn't go away, only getting closer.

'There is no way Jake would bully in broad daylight, what does he want!?' Aiden thought, scared.

"Hey there Aiden! What's up? You don't look too good." Anyone who didn't know about Jake's reputation among the quiet, weak underclassman students would think that he was great friends with Aiden.

" ah..ah I-I have been f-fine j-j-ak-" Aiden didn't finish the sentence before Jake put his arm around his shoulder.

A cold shiver went up Aiden's back. Aiden had always been weak minded.

Jake got close to Aiden's ear and whispered to him. "Hey when we get to the first planet expedition, make sure to bring Lucas to where we want him. Got it?"

Aiden knew he didn't have a choice as Jake would take much more drastic actions if he didn't listen.

But at the same time, Aiden didn't want whatever they were going to do to Lucas as he had helped him even when there was no sign of him awakening.

Jake took off the arm around Aiden and walked away, waving at him. " I hope to hear your answer!"

Aiden stood still like a statue until he knew he was gone.

Aiden soon quickly got up and speed-walked back to his dorm where he was left to think about his decision.





Lelia woke up with blurry vision that slowly cleared up.

Getting up, she tried her best to remember what had happened before.

Most of what she remembered was up to a minute before the event.

Turning she saw Roseline sitting near the medical bed, looking at her with a complicated expression.

Seeing that Lelia was awake, Roseline immediately bombarded her with three questions.

"Do you remember anything? How do you feel? Anything weird?"

"The only weird thing is you talking so much." Lelia said. 

She had never really heard Roseline speak more than that before.

"Well ok first, no, I dont think I remember much from before and second I feel fine. Did miss Lydia heal me?"

She could have sworn she heard Roseline mumble a few words and responded. "Yes she did."

Lelia nodded to Roseline in acknowledgment.

"What happened anyways? Why am I in the medic?"

"Ah well you passed out…"

"Passed out? But I've been well rested."


Soon enough the air in the room had grown awkward.

Lelia couldn't bear it anymore and got up to go back to the dorm.

"Well I'm going back now, wanna join me?"

Roseline looked back at her and shook her head.

"Alright then." Lelia turned around and left, leaving Roseline where she was.

Roseline let out a sigh as she relaxed for the meantime.

'Thank gods she didn't remember.'





In a brightly lit office room, Atlas was there talking with Seth.

"Hey buddy why not? Thought you wanted to kill the ShadowFallen and train the students."

"No, the kids are too young to go, I will do it myself."

There was a report that came in reporting a sighting of a ShadowFallen group near military base 3, up north.

Seth decided to take care of the group and to kill them.

Atlas had told Seth the idea of taking the students with him to give them more experience but as expected, Seth had turned him down immediately.

"Oh with you there the young kids won't get hurt ya' know."

But in the end Seth still didn't want to risk it.

One would have looked at this behavior as if he wanted the downfall of the military base but Seth knew it wasn't. He knew that Atlas cared about the students as much as he did.

Atlas was just weird.