Past Wishes: Part 1

Seth had left the Core Weapons class to his assistant so that he could head off into the north.

Up north of where military base 3 was located was known to be brutal to anyone that dares to step in.

Filled with mountains so big that even the tallest skyscrapers couldn't reach and the cold was as vicious as a reaper's domain. This change in the geography of earth was caused by the events of the Gods Great War.

Seth had already packed his stuff for such a long trip over the cold, almost -0 Fahrenheit, environment and was in front of the long-term teleporter to the sub-base in the north.

Standing in front of the teleporter, he turned around and looked at all the military officers ready to send him off.

The officers, seeing the Seth saw them, put their right hand above their eyes and saluted him.

Seth soon went into the the teleporter, off into the northern mountains that was given a name for its dangerous nature where everything had been buried under the snow.

QuietFrost Mountains.





In Magic Theory class, Atlas was teaching when he remembered to give an announcement to the students.

"Ah right, forgive me for forgetting but I have an announcement for you all."

"You young students will be able to go on a planet expedition soon in August, which is in three months."

Right now the current date was June 4th, 2357. She like the other students here got to the military base at May 30th or 5 days ago.

Roseline was interested in the planet expedition as it was one of the few chances to go to new planets.

Atlas then added on. "But as you are all freshman, you won't be going to any planets that had been rank above level 3 and you will be supervised by three 6 Star teachers."

No one in the class mind being watched by the teachers as classroom soon got loud from all the chatting about such a trip.

"Ooo! What do you think we gonna see?"

"Who knows!"

"This can be my chance to impress the girls!"

As Atlas was going to settle them down the bell rang and the class was dismissed.

Roseline thought for a second while hearing over to Core Weapons class before opening her System.

——— SYSTEM ———

Name: Roseline Hart

Species: Blooded Human

Level: 1 Star ( 1/10 )

XP: 40/150

Affinity: None

Health: 150/150

Mana: 50/50


Strength: 14

Agility: 13

Dexterity: 10

Defense: 10

Stamina: 12

Charm: 11


Looking at her strength stat, Roseline felt very proud. It was far better then before.

Roseline opened up the Daily Quest interface and accepted the Daily Quest that she had completed.

——— SYSTEM ———

Stay out of sunlight for 10 hours: 10/10



Roseline put the one point into strength making it 15. It was far better then before.

Before, if she didn't have the System, she wouldn't have been able to get here. This again increased her curiosity on the System.

Getting inside of Core Weapos class, she didn't see Seth but someone different.

He had light blue hair and soild gold eyes that were far from the lightning-yellow eyes that Seth had.

The man's body type was not to muscular and a bit more compact. Roseline could tell this was on purpose because of the bow on the man's hands.

The bow was red and sliver with blue runes on the handles. The bow even gave off a feeling of pulling everything in.

The man looked around and saw that everyone was in there place before speaking.

"Hello my name is Tyr WhiteHeart, I'm Seth's assistant and I will be teaching in place of Seth as he is out on a mission."

After saying so, Tyr started that class.

While following along the class that was practicing Steady Mountain, Roseline thought about something looking as Tyr.

Tyr had given her the same feeling she got from Atlas. As if they were judge and jury.

'They would have been good lawyers' Roseline joked to herself.

But on the other side of the classroom, when Lucas and Emma heard 'WhiteHeart', they realized that the man teaching them was from one of the great families.





The cold, frosty wind hit the mountains and lands as it was close to the North Pacific Ocean.

QuietFrost Mountains was located in the path to Alaska from the old world before the Gods Great War.

The Gods Great War had given Alaska a lot of damage, causing it to separate from North America because of three 7 Star Seedlings fighting at the border of the cold state.

Because of the fight, it had spread to affect the mountain path that was near the ocean, making it into the QuietForst Mountains of now.

Seth was walking through the snowy tops, as this was the only way to got around there.

Because of the fight from the three 6 Stars, it seemed to give the cold in the QuietFrost Mountains a special effect that acted as if it didn't care whether it was resistant to cold or not, freezing everything in its way.

Any other mode of transportation would freeze the moment it got to the border of the northern mountains.

Seth was wearing special equipment made from beast of a different planet not to be resistant to the cold but to keep heat in and close to the body. That was perhaps the only reason he was still alive.

Walking through the tall layers of snow, Seth was worried as he hadn't heard any noise since he had entered.

One would think from the name that it should be quiet but with the sun up in the middle of the sky with its light shining down, the animals that adapted to the environment would be all out.

In the quiet and Snow White surroundings, Seth continued to walk for what seemed like hours before he got to the location of the report.

The fist around Heaven-Breaking Will tighten.

Looking at the location, one could see a crudely made camp with misty-like creatures far form there original appearance gathering in a group.