Cursed Canyon: Part 3

"Fuuu.. ha! Fu…"

Roseline had gotten near the opening and looked back at the skeletons behind her.

What seemed like a thousand of them were gathered in the big cave, making it crowded even from the cave's huge size.

The skeletons had pushed and shoved each other, which made them slower, but the scer numbers of them had mean that not even matter.

They came in like a giant wave.

Roseline passed a white line across the path to the opening and was able to go through.

Roseline was about to continue run when in a corner of her eye, she saw the skeletons act like they had hit some kind of Invisible wall.

She came to a full stop, looking at the scene.

Her heart was still pounding hard from exhaustion and being overworked.

She put her back to one of the walls and tried regulating her breath, that run had taken all of her stamina.

After a minute Roseline got back to action, the skeletons still trying to get to her.

The white line stood like a brick wall, never moving.

All the boney beings from the throne room had long caught up, making the already crowded cave even more full. It surely couldn't get more full then that.

Seeing this, Roseline sighed a breath of relief.

Roseline turned around and thought about heading into the new path, but then remembered she didn't really have a choice in the matter.

So step by step… she entered the new path.





White sticks flew everywhere with the barbaren of all the attack spreading.

When they hit the floor, a hollow sound came from them.

The cave they were in was all a mess, with indents in the rocks and the group or drake sometimes getting hit by them themselfs.

Lucas sent his spear to one of the skeletons and used his affinity to grab through the portal and drag it in half-way, canceling the portal made the skeleton turn into two halfs.

He got back his spear and swung it to his side, whacking another skeleton.

"Emma! Can you cover me for a moment?"

"I'm already busy with my side and I have to stay vigilant with the drake. No I can't."


They were all tired as they had been fighting for 30 minutes straight with out breaks.

"It's been so long, why haven't the teachers found us yet?" Lelia said with a shaky voice.

Panic had long since set in their hearts after what was 10 hours.

The teachers should have surely noticed their disappearance.





Atlas was running through the desert at speeds that seemed inhuman.

He was looking around for the students that had gone missing, but that had not luck in finding them.

Their IDs said that they didn't die but they were unable to contact them.

"Where did those young students go…"

No matter how far they had gone to find them, they never appeared.

Now Atlas and Raven had almost explored the entire desert.

Only the north was left.

He and Raven were to meet up in the northern part of the desert.

But he didn't believe that the students were up north because of just far of a journey it would be to get there.

Atlas ran until what was the gray sand appeared.

But he had stopped right before it and turned his back on it.

He waiting until a black line came out from the east side and got next to him.

"Did you find them?" Atlas asked, but seeing that she didn't come here with anyone, he already knew the answer.

"No, I didn't."

"Just where did they go?"

"We need to go back to inform Lydia and major general Sean."

Although Atlas agreed, he still wanted to stay here and try finding them, even after they had explored the desert alright in an attempt to spot them.

But he didn't say anything about that.

Turning back to the gray sand, it was like if he was looking at an ant, too big to notice the giant canyon in front of them.

To him, it seemed like the desert they had already explored.

They simply were too strong.

The canyon was like a mirage, only existing to those too weak.

Atlas and Raven headed back to the hotel and quickly went to send Sean the report of the situation.





Roseline head just finally entered the path when another sign appeared before her.

It was in the same language as before but for some reason she was able to know its meaning.

To read it.

Roseline thought for a moment before repeating what was written on it.

"Trial of The Weak?…"

Roseline wasn't sure what to think about it when the System, that had been awfully quiet, made some noise.

——— SYSTEM ———

Complete the Trial of The Weak

Reward: +500 XP

Defeat: Lose ???


Seems like it's still quite hard, even if it's easier then exploring the canyon.

Roseline decided that if she was to get out alive, she should start her evolution now.

Pulling up the System once more, Roseline accepted all the XP that had been hold up from before, even the XP from destroying the skeletons.

——— SYSTEM ———

Daily Quest rewards: +25 XP

Kills: +150 XP


——— SYSTEM ———

XP: 570/400 —> 170/900

You are now Level 10 of 1 Star, please meditate now.


Roseline got down in the meditative state and entered her subconscious.

There, her Core had a star the was simply too big and was almost ready to combust.

She had to do this quickly or else she may never be able to use her Magic Core again.

Focusing on the star, Roseline commanded it to separate while she did her best to make sure nothing goes wrong.

The star started to break apart into to parts, but the subconscious started to quake and shake at the pressure of it.

The black goo push against the star trying to form out from the other one, but using the mana in the Magic Core, the forming star fought back strong.

A small vortex was made in the star separating from the first one and was sucking up all the mana she had available.

The feeling of being crushed filled her entire being.

The star soon enough started to push back the black goop and its glow grew in size.

Impurities came out of her physical body and covered her clothes, making her smell bad.

Sweat the size of pearls formed and fell from Roseline's forehead.

A long battle was fought in her subconscious with the goop trying to stop the shining star from growing more and the star pushing the goop as far as it could away from the Magic Core.

After so long, the star had won and started to orbit around the Magic Core, right behind the first star and in the same ring.

Roseline opened her eyes to see the scene of the ascension to the next level and knew what was to come next.

Her body started to become sore and swelled as pain struck through her.

Her evolution to Vampling had started.