Cursed Canyon: Part 2

Roseline headed back to the open cave but stop in her tracks and hid.



She was glad she didn't relax even after getting whatever that book was.

The skeletons from before had all risen up and were moving around.

'There all dead… not the best enemy for me.' Roseline frowned.

Blood swipe only worked with living being that had a blood stream.

She could try to hit the bone marrow inside the bones, as they make blood, but the bone marrow must have rotted already.

Anyone could tell that they had been in the cave for a long time.

Roseline took a peak at the scene before turning back and making a plan to get out.

'Thank gods im a martial artist that uses fists, blunt weapons are the best when dealing with skeletons.'

Roseline calmed herself down before opening her eyes with determination behind them.

Stepping in front of one of the skeletons quickly, she threw a punch and hit it in the face, cracking its skull completely.

She had one of her hands on one of the ribs and yanked. Not having a good support, the skeleton fell down, unable to get back up.

All the others around her had noticed them and saw Roseline having the book.

It was as if the book had an agro spell on it, every skeleton in the cave stopped what they were doing and went to attack her.

Roseline had never fought so many enemies before, so she ended up a bit flustered at first.

But the tempo of the fight slowly went to her side with every punch she made.

Broken and cracked bones were littered all over the place.

A skeleton had used one of its fallen comrades arms as a weapon and tried attacking her.

Roseline dodged the arm but behind her was another skeleton.

She pulled her elbow behind her and hit the skeleton in it's boney chest.

The impact of the hit sent the skeleton flying, hitting a few others durring its flight.

Having dealt with the opponent behind her, Roseline ran up to the skeleton in front of her and kicked its side with her knee.

The body of the skeleton turned sideways as it collapsed into itself.

Sweat flew from Roseline's head, tired from al the fighting as it had already last 25 minutes.

But there was still quite a few more.

Just as she was preparing to go at the other skeletons in front of her, and bang echoed through the cave with several clacking sounds coming.

Thinking about the skeletons back in the throne room, she had found out why the Quest had such a high reward.

She would be outnumbered far from her current ability.

'Shoot that's way too many skeletons.'

Panic started to set into her as she had decided that she couldn't stay.

Looking around the huge space, Roseline noticed an opening that led to somewhere.

Unsure of whether or not this was a smart choice Roseline had rushed to the opening and ran as fast as she could.





The group had gone silent from the nest in front of them.

Lucas felt a cold sweat fall down from his palm and looked back at the group.

Now he had wished he didn't follow Roseline into the canyon.

He could only hope that the teachers would find them.

If he had stopped Roseline from going to the canyon and bring the rest they wouldn't be in such a dangerous situation.

Aiden took a step back and had his whole body shaking.

Lelia went behind Emma and was looking around for an exit they could reach.

Emma had already made an ice sword and was ready for any danger that may come.

Minutes had passed before the group heard a scratching sound coming from one side of the nest cave.

What crawled out was a giant lizard with glowing yellow eyes like a cheese moon.

Its scales were pitch black and the darkness of the surroundings blended into its shadow.

It wasn't a dragon but was most likely a drake.

As far as the group knew, drakes, who were related to dragons, weren't able to have an affinity for the dark.

Dragons were the rulers of life and vitality after all. They were closer to light then darkness, even if they were unbelievably sinful with five of the seven sins being committed.

Scars borrow deep into the drake, with several cracks all over the rough and scaley body.

The drake looked at them and slowly started to move towards them, or rather, the nest.

Emma got into her fighting position while Lucas got ready to cast a teleporting spell with his affinity, gripping the spear tightly.

The drake wrapped their, or her, body around its nest and continued to looked at them.

This standoff had lasted for a while before Aiden had taken another step back.

The drake started to take out its claws while growling.

Lucas tsk'ed under his breath before casting the spell, creating a glowing purple spell array to appear below them.

The drake started to move towards them, her body close enough to the ground that they could hear the scratching of the scales and rocks hitting each other.

Emma went in front of the group and stood her ground to protect them and Lelia took out her bow, shooting out arrows cover in wind.

But suddenly the skeletons on the floor had started to shake, making the group and drake stop to see what was going on.

The skeletons had connected each other back to how they would be before they died and started attacking both them and the drake, sometimes even their own.

Emma cut a skeleton that was coming at her in half before asking them.

"Why did the skeletons just come back to life?"

"Maybe it's the drake's, if it even is a drake, ability."

"No way, the skeletons are attacking the drake too."

"Then maybe something happened on Roseline's side?"

"You think that girl is still alive? She unawakened, she could have never survive in such a place."