Hearts and Spades

Iris as a child was regarded as someone talented.

When she chose the shield as her weapon of choice, some of those in the breath family of WhiteHeart were disappointed while others weren't.

Her older brother though had all of the family's attention.

He was the perfect heir for them.

Iris felt the same way as everyone else for her older brother.

She was at awe at him.

Strong, serious, gentle, stubborn.

Iris had been emotionally detached from Tyr because of the difference in attention they had gotten in childhood though, unable to fully connect as brother and sister.

She didn't have many friends either because of how HeartWhite worked anyways.

Since they were born, it's pounded into them to pray to Abner everyday.

One must be pure, modest, and have the fear of god.

To submit to god.

Maybe in the past there was a good reason for this but through time, it was lost.

Half of her life was spent in the church.

So for the most part, her family was the only thing she knew.

One day, commotion spread through the mansion of WhiteHeart when she was 8

The pure marble flooring had many maids and servants walking across it.

Iris peaked out from a corner of the hall and saw the scene.

Then she heard a shout from behind her.

"Oh dear god Abner, where are you Iris?! It is not a time to be running around!"

Iris turned to look at her nanny who was looking her her before running off in some different direction.

This kept going for a while.

Iris's nanny chasing and searching for her and Iris running away.

But Iris soon got caught and dragged in her room to change into formal clothes.

She came out wearing a light blue long dress that matched with her hair and with golden heels and jewelry.

"Now come on Iris, let's go to your parents and brother. They have someone to meet."

Iris had thought at the time that no one could meet the WhiteHearts easily, so when she heard of this she was shocked for a moment before getting curious on who it could be.

Iris walked with her nanny and got to a greeting room.

Her brother, Tyr, was sitting there while their parents stood.

Iris went up to Tyr and sat next to him, her little feet dangling off the sofa.

Her parents were talking about something and checking their phones.

Soon it hit 4:00pm and the leader and first woman of WhiteHeart went to the door, going through for a moment.

Iris looked at Tyr and asked.

"Brother, do you know who we are meeting?"

Tyr looked back and said.

"You'll have out soon."

The sound of the door opening again resounded through the room and four people came through.

The first two were Iris's parents while the other two were people she had never met before.

The man had blonde and green eyes, the woman taller then Iris's mother and had red hair and amber colored eyes.

Iris's mother got down to Iris's level and spoke in her ear.

"Iris sweetie, do you see them? They are from the spade family."

"Who is the spade family?" Iris said quietly back to her mother.

"A very powerful family."

Iris's mother went back to talking with the two guest with her father and Iris and Tyr were left with observing them.

The chat had lasted for a 2 hours.

Iris learned a bit from the conversation, like hidden great families and some of the current news about the world.

When they were done talking, Iris was finally able to leave.

Before her nanny could get her though, Iris had already ran away to somewhere in the mansion.

In the garden, she looked through the flowers and at the white doves that cover the area.

It was all very holy, showing their devotion to the god of light.

One of the bushes shook and Iris turned to look at it.

A young boy of the age of 7 fell out of it and hit the dirt.

Iris stood there looking at them while they got up and dusted off their pants.

The boy noticed Iris and waved at her.

He had blonde hair and green eyes just like the man from before.

After waving, Iris didn't respond back with one and they stared blankly at each other.

The boy walked up close and asked in a innocent childish way.

"Can you speak?"


"Ah then what's your name? I'm Lucas! Lucas Spade!"

The boy put both of his hands on his waist and stood proudly when he said that.

"Iris WhiteHeart."

"A person of few words?"

Iris could already tell that she was way mentally more mature than he was.

"Ah whatever!" After saying that, Lucas ran away to inside the mansion.

Iris stood there thinking about the interaction.

But as a child, she soon enough ignored it and head over to do something else.

In the future they would enter the same middle school and spend a bit more time together.

As far as Iris thought, they were friends.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Plus, they each weren't their type.

The WhiteHeart family did think about doing an arranged marriage but when Iris said no they chose to respect her decision.

Through interaction with Lucas, she learned a bit more about hidden great families.

They didn't like to appear in public and were extremely private.

It often left Lucas with no friends despite how popular he would be with his personality.

So with Iris and Lucas at the same level of family and same situation, it led to them becoming friends quickly.

Iris was one year older so she went to the military base before him, making him a bit lonely again.

But now they were reunited and talked about what they had missed.

But now since they were in the military, their standing were now different.

One was a 2nd year, the other a 1st year.

This made them unable to get as close as they were before.

Standing was everything for great families after all.