
"Get up the sun's about to set"

Alpha, woken up by a loud voice and vigorous shaking, opened his eyes only to be meet by a braided young woman, whom in his book was the most beautiful woman he'd ever met.

He sat up only to see his teacher moving on to the next student. They had all traversed the forest or sat on the uncomfortable path for a whole night. That's why as soon as everyone ate their fill, laid back and went straight to sleep.

Looking up at the sky, the sun was already setting and the blood moons were somewhat coming to view.

Standing, he looked around only to find most of his classmates either yawning, waking up or confused as to why their teacher would be in their room waking them up.

"Wow, it's almost nighttime" one of the kids said.

"But I'm really thirsty" another added.

"You too?"

"I think I can do something about that"

When everyone heard that, they instinctively turned their heads towards the voice.

Alpha looked curiously at Ciru who after declaring that, she was busy looking for something on the ground.

She picked up a stick that was laying beside her foot, walked towards one of the trees, using her right hand, she thrusted the stick towards the tree and suddenly a jet of water shot from the spot.

For an instant her right hand fingers, turned to a red liquid then went back to normal, she seemed to notice the slight change, but later thought of it as hypnopompic hallucinations.

"How did you know?" Mrs Taiyo asked with a surprised look.

But before Ciru had the chance to say anything, Margret who was now curiously looking at her intercepted.

" Let me guess, a hunch?" She asked with a flat tone.

"Maybe" With a bit of annoyance in her tone she answered.

"Is it safe though?" Alpha asked.

She didn't answer him, instead she grasped her hands tightly forming a bowl, before draining the water in her hands and gulping it down.

After drinking to her satisfaction, she moved back a little to give way to the rest of her classmates.

Billie was the first to break out of the daze, he walked towards the jet of running water, repeating the same process as Ciru had done, and greedily gulped down the water.

When Alpha saw this he also approached, using his hands, he also greedily gulped the water down, after eating the roasted meat everyone one was now twice as thirsty.

"Make a proper line, we still have some time before the sun completely sets" Mrs Taiyo ordered to the kids who had now started pushing each other for a chance to drink the water.

"What if it runs dry?" Margret asked, not bothering to make a line.

"It won't, it's the same as the fire Mercy had started, it will run dry after fulfilling it's purpose" Dan who had been watching everything transpire from the sidelines said.

"How do you know?"

"I just do"

Neither Margret nor Mrs Taiyo knew what to say, since this morning Dan seemed to have known about everything.

He assured them that the cowboy won't show up when the sun was up, even after they finished roasting the meat Mrs Taiyo and Mercy had tried to put out the fire but failed miserably, that was when Dan told them that it was gonna go out by itself, and sure enough after a minute the fire went out.

So none of them really had an argument to make, they just watched everyone drink their fill before following suit.

Dan gulped his fill, and just like he had said, the jet of water died down almost as if it was never even there.

Despite acting cool when everything he said turned out to be true, Dan would feel a stinging pain at the back of his head, even though not that sharp, but this time it didn't stop with a slight headache, on his face, at the right side of his forehead an unnoticeable grey patch appeared.


"Let's go back " looking at the sky and the sun that was almost setting giving way to the four crimson moons, Mrs Taiyo ordered.

No one really protested _not like any of them would, following her, all the kids walked towards the path.

"Are you gonna carry them like that, throughout the journey?" Mercy asked looking at her teacher and then Billie, who both had parts of the roasted meat in hand.

"Yeah won't they go bad" Ciru, adjusting the flame of her glasses added.

"Well, we can eat it tomorrow, I don't think we'll be so lucky next time, none of us here is a hunter" Mrs Taiyo said.

"Better safe than sorry" Billie added while bitting off a chuck on one of the roasted meat he carried.

"Don't you ever get full? At this rate you're gonna be plump before we have the chance to exit the forest" referring to Billie, Tony said with a mocking tone.


The kids broke out into laughters, lightening the mood.

It's nice, I wish the whole journey would be this peaceful with a smile on his face, Alpha stepped on the skull path.

"We'll walk for two hours and then rest?" Mrs Taiyo as she gazed at the night sky that was now illuminated by the four moons said.



"Who told I needed it?" Ciru furiously asked Alpha who held his green jacket in his outstretched hand.

"Hold on to it for me" ignoring her question Alpha said, everyone except her and Mrs Taiyo, had their jackets on, but looking at Mrs Taiyo, she seemed to be fine without her's where else Margret was here fidgeting like someone who had just been shocked by electricity.

"I don't need it"

"I now" Alpha just ignored her wishes, placed the jacket around her neck then dashed forward to catch up with the rest.

"Idiot" she whispered, before putting on the jacket and shot forward.