New world

"How long do you think we've walked for?

"I don't know maybe an hour"

Huh! But I'm already this tired, it's gotta be more"

"Why don't you ask teach then"

"It's been 45 minutes" Interrupting the two boys that supposedly walked in the middle of the group while arguing, Ciru said folding her green jacket, revealing a purple watch on her right wrist.

"No way, all that walking only amount to 45 minutes?" The first boy asked, clearly surprised by the revelation.

"Another hour and we'll rest" Mrs Taiyo declared, but the two boys had their mouths wide open with disbelief written on their faces. Not only were they surprised, but every kid that looked towards their teacher, or more like what she held in her right hand, showed different kinds of expressions

"How long have you heard that?" Margret asked with gritted teeth.

"Huh! (...) Mrs Taiyo was a bit confused, what was she talking about, and why were the kids faces filled with mixed emotions, most of it being anger.

"Yeah, why haven't you called the police?"

"Maybe they could've rescued us"

They could have even saved Lucy"

When the kids started the outburst, Mrs Taiyo expression seemed to soften as she had understood what they were referring to.

Alpha just watched as the scene unfolded, even if this wasn't one of the horror films he'd watched, he kinda had an idea why she hadn't called. One of them being that their was no way there could be cell service in the middle of a forest, and the obvious one being they were no longer in their country.

Looking at her hand, she nodded in understanding, before deciding to explain.

"I've already tried couple of times, there doesn't seem to be any service around here, and the 911 call isn't going through"


Soon as she woke up from the crimson light and saw an unfamiliar territory, her fast and obvious reaction was to call for help.

She called the 911 more times than she cared to admit, and every time she did the call wouldn't go through. Doing it couple of times she decided to just give up and try again as soon as they got out of the forest.

"Why don't you call again?" Calming down a little, Margret asked.

"Well the battery is running low, and I think it'll manage five more calls, and we can't waste one in the middle of the forest where it's a certainty that it won't go through." She paused for a moment, looked at the gazes that were waiting for some kind of plan to get off this cursed place, "I'll call again once we get out of the forest.

Margret was about to protest, but seeing that everyone was satisfied with the teacher's plan she just signed and started walking.

The kids after hearing about a plan that could maybe save them, their faces brightened, driven by the tiny string of hope they matched forward.


"What do you think?"

"About what?" Alpha asked Ciru, who for some reason always insisted on walking beside him.

"About the whole calling thing, Do you think it's gonna work?"

"How should I know?"

Trying her best to remain calm she added "None of us knows, that's why I asked for your take"


Alpha and Ciru grew up in the same neighborhood, their families were abnormally close, which ultimately made them close since they were toddlers _ well kind of.

"I don't think it's gonna work?" Alpha answered with an annoyed tone.

(...) Ciru was somewhat shocked by his answer which led her to swallowing what she was about to say.

Alpha wasn't lying when he said it wasn't gonna work. Maybe it was the amount of horror films he had watched that influenced his thinking, but he didn't really wanna risk putting his hopes up and be let down in the worst way possible.

"What do you think is gonna happen if it doesn't work?" Walking behind them Tony asked, after listening in on their conversation.

"What else, we try to survive, figure out the mysteries behind this world and go back" Dan who walked beside his friend answered.

"This world?" Ciru asked with a puzzled look.

"Don't tell me you still think we're on earth?" Surprised, he asked.

"Aren't we?" One of the kids asked

The ones who were close to the group also had surprised faces.

Alpha was also stunned, not because of the revelation that they were on another world, he kinda knew that, the reason he was surprised was because of the amount of kids that thought they were still on earth.

Like how was that even possible, he understood Ciru, she was a bit of an airhead, and also optimistic which had probably lead her to convince herself that the addition moons were some kind of a reflection_or something like that. But the rest of them, like how would there be literally four blood red moons in the sky and still think that it's earth.

Dan was confused so he just answered plainly
