Blood test

Mrs Taiyo who was walking ahead of the group heard the commotion.

Since their arrival at this place she knew they were not on earth, she figured that some of the kids already knew and that the rest of them would've figured it out as time ticked by. But that didn't seem to be the case.

"What do you mean this isn't earth?"

"Well you can see the four moons on the sky"

"What makes you think there isn't a country that four moons appear?"

"I don't really think there's anywhere on earth that cowboys fly"

Haha even Alpha couldn't think of an excuse Ciru would've convinced herself with after all the things they experienced.

The declaration from Dan made the kids that were now gathering to know the reason behind the commotion, experience different kinds of emotions.

From surprise, confusion, fear, and plain looks. The no reaction group being of those who had already figured it out and couldn't think of any reason why anyone with a right mind would think this was still earth.

"So transmigration, wow, I get to have a cool power and fight monsters." Jumping up and down with an ear to ear smile, one of the kids rejoiced, he had a bald head, black eyes and square glasses. Everything about him screamed of an anime weeb.

Somehow everyone managed to ignore him, having being used to his hobbies and personality.

"So another planet"

"Maybe it's hell"

When Alpha heard about hell he was taken quite a back. Arriving at this place his first thoughts were the same, witnessing everything that had transpired in the course of a day, nothing would've convinced him that this wasn't hell, but thinking about it a little more, he figured they were just unlucky to wound up on this cursed place.

"There's a big fire that burns everyone for eternity in hell"

"You've never been there"

"You neither, and the bible says so."

Tony watched them back and forth before he interjected "I don't think this is hell, otherwise.." he paused for a second "Lucy wouldn't have died a second time.

Maybe it's some kind of a game some rich people decided to make for entertainment"

Alpha was stunned, Tony's reasoning could have as well been the truth, but he knew that was the movies he'd watched speaking. No one in their right mind would have tried to mess with the kids here, everyone of them came from a fairly rich family.

"I don't think there's such an advanced technology on earth" Dan said scratching his locs.

"What then?"


Having decided not to butt into their conversation Mrs Taiyo just listened on them go on and on about their hypothesis, and even if she could've contributed, her answers would have also been hypothetical, as she too didn't know where exactly they were which made her feel inadequate as an adult.


Soon the two hours had ticked by.

"We can rest now" Mrs Taiyo said with a forced smile on her face.

The group of kids had argued and hypothesised about where they were and after about an hour, Tony came up with the best hypothesis that even managed to convince Vic and Ciru, being the smartest kid in their class no one really doubted him it.

Inspite that the reason Mrs Taiyo couldn't bring herself to smile genuinely was that, even after how ridiculous Tony's hypothesis sounded, she too believed it or her mind and gut somehow forced her to believe it, and she didn't like that feeling at all.

Tony's speculations were really simple, he believed that they were in some kind of a test, in a place that's not entirely another planet but some kind of a space in the universe, he also believed that this was the first of the many tests, calling it the blood forest test.