
"Do you think we'll manage to make it out of the tests?" An ethereal feminine voice resounded.

When he heard it, Alpha who comfortably sat on a pile of skulls, signed before looking at the girl beside him.

Her short curly black hair a mess and her dark brown eyes displaying a curious look.

He didn't know why Ciru insisted on clinging close to him, even after displaying a dislike to him most of the time.

Not that he hated it, they were always close before their forth grade entrance exams, that is.

"How should I know, I've never been here before."

"If we get cool powers, just like what Liam said, then yeah we might" Tony answered.

The four of them, including Dan, had formed a group, sitting together at one of the less uncomfortable spot on the path. Everyone had done the same, leaving only Mrs Taiyo and Margret to sit alone.

"And if we don't? What do you think then?"

"We will" Dan reassured, with an unwavering confidence.

Dan whole heartedly believed in his answer, he didn't know why or how, he just knew his answer was true.

The three of them looked at him for over a minute, before Alpha broke the silence and asked.

"What makes you think that?"

Dan scratched his head as a nervous smile spread across his face "just a hutch"

Alpha almost slammed his head on the skulls. The answer had somehow become a thing everyone would use after getting into a predicament they couldn't explain or were just too lazy to.

Since he could remember, He'dd always been a very curious kid, asking the most ridiculous of questions and needing a detailed explanation, or atleast the one that sounded reasonable to him.

Every time he heard that answer though, he always felt like strangling himself or punching the explanation out of the person in question. But he couldn't do any of that, everything in this world was already a mystery and everything that transpired in this place was new to all of them.

"Then maybe some of us have already gained abilities." Tony choosing to back his best friend, said. He didn't believe that they could gain supernatural powers out of nowhere, this wasn't really a novel, but now, looking at everything that had transpired, it was a possibility. Mercy making a fire, Ciru forming a water fountain and Dan who's hutches were somehow always correct.

"Who?" Alpha asked, even after knowing who Tony was referring to, he'd seen everything the three of them had done, yet labeled it as mere luck and coincidences, some having them more times than others.

"Of course I mean them." Tony replied patting his friends back while pointing at Ciru before adding "And Mercy too."

"Me?" Ciru was confused.

Dan looked at his friend, also confused.

"Yeah what do you mean me?"

"Deep down you already know what I'm talking about"

"No I actually have no idea"

"Me neither"

Tony was a bit surprised by their revelation, he couldn't tell if they were joking or serious, even Dan who believed they'd get abilities. How the hell would they explain what they did.

"You can't be serious, how do you explain everything you've done?" He paused for a second, pinching his nose bridge before continuing "Maybe you have water based abilities and he have some kind of future sight"