White room

"We rest for the rest of the night and risk it come morning."

As those words from Margret echoed around the forest, everyone started forming into groups and finding places that were a little less uncomfortable.

Alpha, sitting together with Ciru, Tony and Dan, gazed at the sky. There wasn't anything anyone could talk about and so the earie silence that was even more than that on a graveyard engulfed the night.

Everyone sat quietly seemingly lost in their own world.

What was there to be done, soon as they arrived on this hell, their fates were sealed, and now only by luck were some of them gonna make it. But not trying, was easy as committing suicide, and since they could remember suicide was a cowards way out and a disgrace to ones guardians.


Mrs Taiyo sat alone on a small hill of compiled skulls, her face grim and her thoughts on the the day she was handed this class.

Smiles from both the parents and kids after the selection had filled the hall.

Teaching them about life and all the wonderful things the world had to offer since the were toddlers was supposedly the best time in her life.

"You know this isn't your fault, right?

This could have startled her before, but now, the best it could do was draw her out of her trip back to memory lane.

She turned her head around with a miserable smile and stared at Billie, who stood there still holding onto the chunk of meat from before, that was now almost gone.

"Yeah thank you Billie" with a modulated voice Mrs Taiyo answered. Of course it wasn't her fault, she couldn't have known about this trip. The reason she blamed herself was only because of how powerless she was. She was going to lead them and mach them to their deaths. Staying here was already a no. And the problem that faced them was the cowboy and the obvious predictors that lurked in the forest.

What could she really do if they stumbled upon a lion, a bear, Tigers and all the other predictors that would tear any prey on sight.

Why was nature this cruel, thrusting them in an ocean full of sharks and the only thing it gave them for protection was hypothetical abilities that only one person could activate, and to make it worse, it seemed like even if Mercy tried to hide it Mrs Taiyo could see it having some kind of draw backs.


Before she could finish her trail of thoughts she was engulfed in a blinding light, it appeared the same as the one that had brought them here, but this time it wasn't crimson, it was pure white.


"Did you see that?"

"Are we back home?"

"I don't think we were relocated again." After the light dissipated, the first thing Alpha looked at was the sorroundings, but this time he was rather disappointed, there location was still the same, the skulls were still uncomfortable and the red forest still stood.

"Did anyone else see that woman's shadow?" Margret asked, still trying to seem as calm as possible.

Come to think of it, I saw a shadow in the light, but I don't think it was a woman,what or who was that? Alpha pondered, before asking Ciru, who sat there absent mindedly.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, you saw her too right?"

"Her? Nope I think it was man's shadow" Alpha answered looking for validation from the guys that sat before him who nodded simultaneously.

"Nope it was a man"

"That was a woman"

The kids argued for a bit before understanding the situation. For the girls they saw a woman's shadow and for the boys a man's.


After the light flushed, this time no one lost consciousness, but instead they all seemed to have been trapped in separate, endless white rooms, where they saw a shadow, before being pulled back a second later.

"I think I know how to activate my ability" extending her hand, Ciru touched one of the skulls, which in turn generated a one meter fountain.

This time her fingers didn't requidify, but she could feel her warm blood rushing throughout her entire bood.

"It seems like you're not the only one."

"I think I now have one too."